Is it possible to lose visceral fat while keeping most of my subcutaneous gains?
I've developed quite a large belly, but the hardness of my waistline has started to make me worry about excess visceral fat. It is very firm to the touch
My thighs I'm very happy with, they've gotten nicely wide & jiggly
Is there any way I could cut down on my waistline a good bit to create a more feminine shape / lose visceral fat but keep my thighs?
Possibly gain even more overall but then hit the gym hard?
I'm going to start exercising but I'm hoping there's a way to keep my fat thighs without having to entirely replace them with muscle
What a great question,
Weight gain is slightly different for everyone. Some people gain a hard belly while others keep the softer kind.
In general, the 'healthier' you eat, the less likely you will increase your VAT, or visceral adipose tissue.
People who tend to be heavy and 'fluffy' which it sounds like you would like to remain, eat food that is healthy. They just tend to overeat it, which helps them retain the weight.
If, for example, you ate foods that are highly processed and use lower quality ingredients, you are eating 'pro-inflammatory' foods, which have an inflammatory effect within the body. This can lead to increases in VAT, which it sounds like you are trying to avoid.
An experiment would be to take a look at what you are currently eating and try to swap out for healthier options, just more of them. Give it a few weeks and see if you feel and notice the changes. Hope it helps, and good luck!