What does fat symbolize to you?

It means life experience to me. Been through a lot and you’re earned the right to stuff yourself however much you want, even if it means bursting through your clothes :-)

It means the freedom of eating whatever you want and gaining weight.
well I like that pov
11 months

Eating making me too horny

So I guess you dont eat out much
11 months

Pig out

The stress of my job causes me to pig out. Is there anyone who pigs out due to work?
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

Morbidly A Beast:
For me fat symbolizes decadent overindulgence and gluttony
For instance, when u see someone eating a huge piece of cake, u think about how excessive it is, and u think this symbolizes their overindulgence.
11 months

I don't know what being slim is?

I don't know why I tried to lose weight. I've never been small. I've always been big.

I remember trying to lose weight for my mom, not me.

When I tried to lose weight on my own I only lost a few pounds by 20. 50 pounds was the most I've ever lost.

I'm at a point in my life where I'm really going to love myself. I don't want to lose weight or stop eating.

I'm going to enjoy being fat and beautiful. Because I am. In and out.
11 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

I associate fat with comfort and warmth. Symbolizing abundance and luxury, it serves as a reminder of life's good things.
11 months
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