You know you're fat when... kinda rebound back away from the counter after you step up to it.
3 days

Tell me something good

My boss told me that I was doing a great job of performing under pressure.

I told her that I was actually singing Bohemian Rhapsody, but thanks anyway.
3 days

Tell me something good

What's something good that happened to you today?
Getting off work early is my highlight.

Today was a peaceful day.

This is especially good seeing that the world is on fire lately.

Yep - I'll take 'em when I get 'em.
3 days

Free compliments - no strings attached

I think we all go through periods of loneliness and isolation with this kink/preference, and so many of us have visited this site looking for some kind of meaningful connection.

I thought I'd throw this out there for y'all: if you are looking for some free positive feedback with no strings attached or conditions, let me know. I'm not in a position to pay for any content to give compliments, but if you want some good free and honest feedback about a post, some content, or a story - let me know and I'm happy to connect with you.

Hell, if you need a virtual hug or a cheerleader because you did something cool, I'm here. Maybe it was hiting a new goal weight, or sharing your preference with someone special, or just getting out of bed this morning - we all need some encouragement from time to time. We all appreciate that little dopamine hit of having someone specifically notice US from time to time, and I'll do my best to focus on YOU, even for a little bit in the day.

Happy to take DMs or simply to reply here - just letting you all know I'm here!

PS - honestly, not looking for anything in return! Free hugs!

Aw, this is so sweet!

And you are a champion. Real.
3 days

Free compliments - no strings attached

Letters And Numbers:
Kacchan is one of the true nice folks out there! I still remember our nice chat we had a while back. Thanks for posting positivity!

Right back at ya!

(And FF Forum crew - if you're not reading the amazing weight gain fiction by Letters and Numbers - DO IT NOW. The writing is absolutely lovely and the characters feel very real and relatable. Be prepared for true character development!!!)
3 days

Free compliments - no strings attached

I think we all go through periods of loneliness and isolation with this kink/preference, and so many of us have visited this site looking for some kind of meaningful connection.

I thought I'd throw this out there for y'all: if you are looking for some free positive feedback with no strings attached or conditions, let me know. I'm not in a position to pay for any content to give compliments, but if you want some good free and honest feedback about a post, some content, or a story - let me know and I'm happy to connect with you.

Hell, if you need a virtual hug or a cheerleader because you did something cool, I'm here. Maybe it was hiting a new goal weight, or sharing your preference with someone special, or just getting out of bed this morning - we all need some encouragement from time to time. We all appreciate that little dopamine hit of having someone specifically notice US from time to time, and I'll do my best to focus on YOU, even for a little bit in the day.

Happy to take DMs or simply to reply here - just letting you all know I'm here!

PS - honestly, not looking for anything in return! Free hugs!

Thanks a lot pal. I’m currently going through some personal issues right now and I’m glad that this community is so supportive of each other.

Sorry to hear you're going through it right now. Now I'm invested, and I'm hoping that things turn around for you soon if not already!

PS - Chika is awesome and you're a rock star for sharing some new anime leads with me.
3 days

Free compliments - no strings attached

I think we all go through periods of loneliness and isolation with this kink/preference, and so many of us have visited this site looking for some kind of meaningful connection.

I thought I'd throw this out there for y'all: if you are looking for some free positive feedback with no strings attached or conditions, let me know. I'm not in a position to pay for any content to give compliments, but if you want some good free and honest feedback about a post, some content, or a story - let me know and I'm happy to connect with you.

Hell, if you need a virtual hug or a cheerleader because you did something cool, I'm here. Maybe it was hiting a new goal weight, or sharing your preference with someone special, or just getting out of bed this morning - we all need some encouragement from time to time. We all appreciate that little dopamine hit of having someone specifically notice US from time to time, and I'll do my best to focus on YOU, even for a little bit in the day.

Happy to take DMs or simply to reply here - just letting you all know I'm here!

PS - honestly, not looking for anything in return! Free hugs!
4 days

Favorite euphemisms for fat

I love the word "plump" - it's just a lovely word to say. Something about how it sounds and feels to speak it - the starting P into a rolling tongue LUM, ending with a final P.

But I also have come to love the word "fat". It used to have such a negative connotation when I was younger, but as I've grown to embrace my preferences and what I find to be seductive and attractive, the word "fat" has also taken on a very sexy positive.

For me, there is something bold and empowering and sexy about describing someone as fat. While I would never directly describe someone as fat before learning about THEIR perspective on the word, anytime I hear someone described as "fat", I am immediately more interested.
6 days

Getting fattened by a soft feeder?


One of my ultimate fantasies would be a relationship with a soft feeder who hums while they cook, loves trying out new recipes on me, and who sees my weight gain as a reflection of how much I love them.
1 week

Ideas for incorporating erotic weight gain and feeding into your relationship

My wife has always known about my fetish, but she’s into it herself. I’ve always had a had time explaining it to her. I was wondering if anyone had some realistic suggestions for incorporating it into our sex life. Or how to come up with a list of compromises for her to counter with her own .

I'm not sure if you are missing a "not" in your description of your wife - as in, "...but she's NOT into it herself."

If she IS into it, then I would explore what aspects she is into - I was lucky to have a few feedee girlfriends and they were into different aspects of gaining. One really loved the "naughtiness" of stuffing, and so we played into that approach by getting very calorie-rich foods and then I'd do some soft "scolding" when she overate (which encouraged her to do it more).

Another was into the physical aspect of getting bigger, and was more turned on by my grabbing and slapping and shaking her fat body and compliments about how big she was getting.

Talk to her and see what turns her on.

If you meant to say "NOT" into it, then it makes things a bit more delicate and I would recommend exploring both of your kinks and what you enjoy. Make it about your sexuality together rather than simply about what YOU need.

I had a girlfriend who was completely turned OFF by the idea and as we got to know each other better, it became clear that she was not only against weight gain, but repulsed by it and hated the thought of gaining even a single pound. (We didn't last long after that.) While I tried to help her understand that I had kinks but not requirements, it would be unreasonable and self-absorbed of me to expect her to change her core person just because we started dating.

Start slowly and just TALK with her. If she's willing to try a little bit to make you happy then make sure to reciprocate for her needs and then provide positive feedback and gratitude.

Good luck!
1 week
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