Male pear

I think men who have big rear ends have more estrogen in their systems than an average male. They would likely have breasts too.

That's what a lot of people say, but as a woman with a lean apple shape and healthy hormones, I'm skeptical of the amount of weight (haha) that gets placed on this factor. Of course sex hormones do affect this, but pear-shaped men (like apple-shaped women) don't necessarily have imbalances.
2 weeks

Favorite euphemisms for fat

Fat Dreams:
I'll start with one I just learned recently: "executive." I love how it connotes both power and opulence.

Not gonna lie, I have always been a sucker for "Fluffy" personally

Fluffy is a great one too!
3 weeks

What were your hottest feederism related dreams?

It's weird because ever since creating this username I've been having more literal dreams about this kink. Last night I dreamt that someone described me as fat and at first I thought they were joking because I've always been slim. I couldn't see my own weight gain but everyone else apparently did and expressed more and more concern about it. An ex even disgustedly told me I was borderline obese. Then I asked the guy I was currently dating (in my dream). He was clearly into my body and was like, "you're chubby, so?"
3 weeks

Favorite euphemisms for fat

Doing a checking educate, my friend.

Fat Dreams:
Sorry, what does that mean?

It's just a funny was of saying I learned something from you.

Word. It's usually the other way around!
3 weeks

Favorite euphemisms for fat

Doing a checking educate, my friend.

Sorry, what does that mean?
3 weeks

Favorite euphemisms for fat

Fat Dreams:
I'll start with one I just learned recently: "executive." I love how it connotes both power and opulence.

Never heard of using executive as a euphemism for fat. How does that work?

Apparently in men's fashion "executive-cut" and "executive fit" is sometimes a synonym for plus size. Maybe it has the same roots as the term "fat cat" but that's just a guess.
3 weeks

Favorite euphemisms for fat

I'll start with one I just learned recently: "executive." I love how it connotes both power and opulence.
3 weeks

How many female feeders are on here?

I'm an FA first and foremost but am definitely feeder curious and have had my share of fantasies about it. Not looking for anyone right now though.
1 month
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