Extreme obesity irl

It depends, among other things, on the type of work (manual, white-collar), mode (on-site, hybrid or remote), the industry and social norms in a given country.

In my case, I had to, among other things: Because of this, for now I will lose a lot - mental work, but in my cultural circle it is better to be lighter in this position.
2 days

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

The biggest weight difference in the relationship was: I was about 150, she was about 320 (her peak).

If you also count my partners at parties: I weigh about 150 pounds, she weighs about 150 pounds, it's hard to say, but she must have been 2 or 3 times heavier, because I was like a puppet to her.

A few years later, the situation was reversed 😄
2 days

What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

Preschool age - stuffing with pillows. Then, during school, I became fascinated with pregnancy.
2 days

Maximum amount of heavy cream in one day

For me it was 330 ml plus gainer powder and 250 ml of milk.

Heavy cream is a difficult topic in the long run.

As I wrote above, I used heavy cream for a week and then a week break. I did this for a month, but now from a re-gainer's perspective, heavy cream is more of a fetish for me - once in a while. There are so many other foods to enjoy and grow 😄
2 days

Random spikes in weight gain

There are many factors, from biological to psychological, that can keep your weight stuck. The body is not stupid and finds ways to burn excess fat to maintain weight.

In my case, like you, I had periods when I stopped at a certain weight. This includes: it resulted from the fact that I felt that the muscles needed time to get used to the new weight so as not to lose mobility dramatically.

On the other hand, now: 8 years later, after periods of gaining weight, taking breaks, gaining a total of about 170 pounds and losing about 120 pounds - I still wanted to lose weight (no matter why). During the current reduction, I have already gained almost 10 pounds. XD
2 days

Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed IRL
2. Ate myself to sleep
3. Had sex while being fed at the
4. Stolen food because I'm just a piggy
5. Been called a fat name in public
6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly
7. Been fatter than my current weight
8. Ripped clothes or popped a button
9. Broken furniture because of my weight
10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on
11. Fantasized about immobility
12. Ate until I threw up
13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size
14. Posted nudes of myself online
15. Been fed online
16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member
17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat
18. Started rubbing my belly in public
19. Been called a pig
20. Been weighed and measured by my partner
21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer
2 days

When her belly's so big you can't wrap your hands around it 😩

When I was a bit of a feeder, my partner initially weighed about 220 pounds. It was a wonderful time because she was the first person I told about my fetish and I opened up to her. Before meeting me, she weighed several dozen pounds more and was afraid to go to training.

When I told her that she was so beautiful and if she wanted she could be bigger... she was happy. She gained about 80 pounds in front of me (I remember we hit 300). Back then I couldn't hug her belly, and I was a skinny guy, about 150.
2 days

When did your weight gain become impossible to hide?

Especially the first time backwards. On a slim person, even 20 pounds is a big difference. Then it was about 150, and after three months it was about 185.

In my case it was especially visible in my hips and legs. Then only the arms.

The third time I gained to 300 pounds, no one was under the illusion that it wasn't a "disease."
2 days

People who got fat as adults, what was it like?

It was my conscious decision. I had been slim since I was a child (about 150 pounds at 5'10" tall, at the age of 22).

I had known our community for some time and had consistently changed my diet. I let myself go and gained over 30 pounds in three months, to about 185.

The new weight was quickly noticed, but there was no great outrage, although there were some comments.

Health-wise, I only initially noticed pain in my knees and quick fatigue when walking (running was out of the question), but after a dozen or so weeks my body got used to it.
1 month
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