Couples who gains weight together stays together

Thats my dream, to find such woman.
4 years

How big is your belly ?

FA guy:
I got 68%.

I got also 68%: Wooah! Your belly is huge! You struggle to get around from place to place, and often have to stop to catch your breath. Slight chance of death...
5 years

Long haul travel

For me it is quite difficult to fit one seat and sure I need extender and raise arm rest up. Unable to open table, but can hold drink in my hand and snacks on my belly as kinda table.
5 years

Other fetishes you have?

I like to be big myself, but in addition I also like girls who are big and really bigger are better. I love big boobs and / or hanging bellies. Yes also big silicone boobs are hot for me. Lately I have discovered that also huge sexy butts are attractive for me.
So dream come true would be to find lady in 500 pounds like me, with big hanging belly, boobs bigger than I have and big butt.
5 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

She was about 400 and I was 400 too. I really liked her and also she wasnt against big boy, but it wasnt important for her. Sadly only important thing was my money which she was getting from me with lays and when she said that she is planning to go to diet, that was enough of this relationship to me. Maybe that was again one of her tricks to get more couple of thousand as I start to beg not diet. So outlook was great, but habits to get money with fraud was bad. Funny is that if she would have been honest with me, I would have given all money I had, but not this way.
5 years

Seeing size in real life

Here are very few fat people living. Still some I have seen.
I was in one outdoors concert and she was there with her friends. She was for sure at my own size 500 pounds or so. It was so sexy to look her and also eating snacks with soda. She was hot and about 30 years old.

Once I was in beach and in more remote area I meet there two ladies about 300 pounds having picnic there and in bikinis, that was so beautiful.

I suceeded once also to see one really big tourist lady, she had triple chin, but as weather was cold, rest of her body was covered, but I think she was at 400 pounds or so.

Lately my friend was saying that he suceeded to see girl, whom I would have loved to see, like I am looking from internet. Her huge belly was hanging to knees while walking, but nevertheless of this she was eating hamburger on the way. Damn, I would have loved to see this. Who knows, maybe this girl I saw from concert years ago, has now piled more fat to her belly and was there.

For lot of people, I am myself really surprise, several kids have said to parent, look how fat this oncle is. It is not offensive to me as I know it is true and happy with this. Still, once I had option in private sauna to see all of me naked in mirror and also to my own, I liked what I saw, I have grown really big.
5 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

i'm too thin to bresk things but I'm able to eat a whole cake in one sitting and I'm proud of it

Cool, that is great starter!
5 years

Favorite my 600 lb life star?

Nikki, Christina and Amber are my favourites, sad they descided to loose weight, but I totally accept that. Thats their choice and life.
5 years

Extreme obesity

I would also say couple of things (some are copy-paste same as mentioned earlier):
hard finding clothes that fit because most stores won't carry anything past a 2 or 3xl so most of my clothing comes from a special store, but I am now near to going outgrow also their biggest sizes available. Online ordering is not possible, unless you know certain model will fit as sizes are so different. I still have clothes that fit sized 5Xl, but 9XL another is too small.
You also need to be mindful of chairs, cars, seats at airplane, beds, and especially those damn toilets that mount on the wall.
To reduce stress in your joints, back, stop sweating and heavy breathing you should choose routes where you can sit after every 100 meters of walking or avoid walking. This again limits your travelling as usually terminals are huge, fortunately usually they have chairs. Once I was even transported with special bus before others to plane, as they understood I wasnt able to walk so long distance. Sometimes is possible to use wheelchair, elevators, escalators but occasionally they can be out of order or weight limit is 200 kilos. Fortunately these kind of old elevators are more and more replaced with modern powerful ones which are able to lift 300, 500 or even 1000 kilos.
More couple of things, you are not going to be able to put yourself socks on over rolls of fat, if you are guy then it is extremely complicated to point right in toilet (as you are unable to see your pointer even from side as it is hidden behind mountain of fat for years already) while standing and when seat is small then pointing over also while sitting. Also very difficult is to pick up something small from ground, like coin or sheet of paper.

Still I totally love my folds and look, thatswhy such tiny things isnt party-stoppers for me.
5 years

Becoming immobile

Mobility limitations are acceptable, but I dont want to looze totally my mobility,
5 years
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