For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

How often do you have sex?

Sadly due to a cured cancer/hystorectomy/forced menopause, never. It is too painful for her, and neither of us like oral sex.
ducklovesblubber:Do you feel like your relationship is built off love or lust?

Whilst at the start it was very much lust, thankfully love was very quick to become dominant.
ducklovesblubber:Do they know that you love fatter people?

Yes they do. Originally, she was looking for a BHM and wanted to gain with me. Sadly, the cancer means she can't, and she is "losing weight" and getting fitter. I support this, but am obviously disappointed. She is happy for me to be online to chat fat to folks to keep this part of me alive.
So far her weight loss has been to get fatter, but in no way am I encouraging that. I love it though!
The other day I was so stuffed that for the first time since the forced menopause started she was turned on.
ducklovesblubber:How do they feel about themself?

They don't like their apron and will often say that the fat gets in the way. This is a total change since we first met, but that's life.
ducklovesblubber:What activities do you like to do with them?

At the moment we are doing lots of walking together. Whilst I want to get much fatter, I realise it is important for me to be stronger/fitter too, so that I can do my busy job for longer.
Otherwise we love visiting places and exploring.
4 years

Did you meet your partner online?

Being a shy person, online dating allowed me to be me without the nerves.
I was following my now wife on Deviant Art and YouTube. One day, she posted a video saying she was looking for a BHM, so I plucked up the courage to say hello. The rest is now history as they say!
We chatted for many hours on MSN before agreeing to meet for the first time. Thankfully we have a lot in common outside of feederism.
4 years

How much have you gained in quarantine?

I lost 6 lbs at the start of lock down, but I've gained them back and 5 extra so far. Aiming for a lockdown exit weight of 220, currently 214lbs!
4 years

Is it normal not to get turned on by porn?

I can't comment on what is normal...but I can say what I've experienced.
Porn for me has nothing to do with the act of sex. I can imagine that quite easily on my own. The porn I watch is male or females eating or rubbing their bellies. I'm straight as can be, so find I imagine either being with the female, or being the male, there is never someone else with them, and hardcore leaves me cold so I've never bothered with it since.
4 years

Regreat with your weight.

My biggest regret in life was that I didn't take full advantage of my work situation 20 years ago. I lived and worked in hotels, and I should have made sure to eat to capacity and beyond each and every day. Instead I was always too busy to eat.
4 years

Uk meets?

Aww rats! I'm too far away to get to Manchester, it would be great to meet some UK folks.
4 years

Fantasies of female feeders

not gonna lie, i’ve always had an fantasy interest in lactation. both from my breast and drinking from another breast.

I've always wanted to be mutually gaining with a girl but then to drink as much of their milk as possible so that I get even fatter.
4 years


I would be as huge as I possibly could if I didn't have to work! Everytime I get over 200lbs, I get embarrassed at how out of shape I am at work...but so turned on at home. So I just accept that being unhealthy is part of it, but at the moment, that is limiting my gaining.
8 years

Belly play

Oh how I wish I was local...and whilst I have a 310lb wife, my experience may vanish if I was in the same room as you!
8 years

For the married gainers

My wife is 310lbs or so. I was 140lbs when we first met, I hover about the 190/200 area now. Longer term goal is 350 and beyond. She is into firm ball bellies, not flabby ones, so I have to be a bit careful!
8 years