Banmyipaddress guy

Hey, no worries at all, no-one had made a post about this issue yet so there wouldn't have been much there for you to find if you'd gone looking, I just assembled this after all this crap with their FatMILF account today from my memory and some screenshots I'd already made.

They've only emailed into the site once so far at least, hopefully they don't do it again, they've already been driving Squish up the wall in chat whenever they pop up. I've listed all the accounts that I can recall them using too, no idea if they've used others. Not entirely sure what their game is though or if they've even thought it all out. They did PM me and Squish and others asking if we knew who they were. I just said "No" and they thanked me for my honesty. Very odd.

Not sure if it's easier to just IP ban them right away like they ask or ignore them either.
5 years

Banmyipaddress guy

There's a dude who keeps coming into chat and has started sending in emails wanting to be IP banned because he hates his life and has a porn addiction allegedly and rants that IP bans don't stick, but he's probably lying because today he's posing as a catfish (as they did as IFeelUgly) and he's using a Jamaican IP when the other day he was using a Canadian IP as almostfitguy2019 and I doubt we've got more than one person asking us to ban them due to having an alleged porn addiction.

'Please Ban Me 2' also has a US IP and that one's definitely them, so they would have had to go out of their way to use that one if really in Jamaica. They also made a point a few times about using a photo with a sign and have asked people in chat if they recognise them so I'm suspecting they're a catfish that we banned for not providing proof of identity.

Please Ban Me, 2 months,
Please Ban Me 2, 2 months,
Please Ban Me 3, 1 month,
BanMyIPaddress, 6 days,
IFeelUgly, 6 days,'>
almostfitguy2019, 4 months,
FatMILF 1 hour,

almostfitguy2019: Can you IP ban me?

I have a porn addiction and I hate coming to this site over and over again. Can you ban my IP from ever getting back on here? I keep making new accounts to access and I hate it. Drives me nuts. Please. I beg you....


enabler > FatMILF


enabler > FatMILF
whats goin on ?

I'm fake. I'm a catfisher.

enabler > FatMILF
why do u do it?

FatMILF > enabler
Self hatred. Wishing I was someone else. Depression. To distract me from my real problems.
*** SHIT *** *** ***ER PISS
*** my life

FatMILF > Squish
Are you going to ban me ?

FatMILF > Saphiel Sir
Are you going to ban me ?

enabler > FatMILF
interesting. why dont u seek help? why is it that u do this here?

Is there a way to screen for similar IP addresses to make sure I stay out ?

enabler > FatMILF
who is your daddy and what does he do?

FatMILF > enabler
I'm here because I made a mistake

The question arrives, "what do you wanna eat tonight?" and you already know, what dress she'll be wearing, where you'll both be eating AND just how stuffed she'll become once you're done. But you proceed to reply with "Ohhh, I know a place" ;-p

enabler > FatMILF
what was that? ur here in a feedist chat room. catfishing. what mistake is that?

FatMILF > enabler
I'm probably going to get banned within minutes

enabler > FatMILF
it appears thats exactly what u want

I'm so upset

enabler > FatMILF
i think u should use this energy to give back to those close to you in real life. this really does not accomplish anything

enabler > Bigboobstoomuchtit
why that?

FatMILF > enabler
But it the bans don't stick. Stupid phone company stupidly change the IP address when you buy Internet data.

enabler > FatMILF
you dont make sense

FatMILF > enabler
The admits can't ban me permanently from this site. I wish I could to take the choice of coming back out of my hands.

I'll dress up as your waifu and take lewd for a small fee

I wish they could permanently ban me

enabler > FatMILF
you could just stop. i mean why force the issue?

After like 2 months of homeless, I finally found a friend to stay with, and am 30 miles away, and ran out of gas

Squish > FatMILF
We have already explained to you why the ban doesn't stick.
It is not the website's fault

FatMILF > Squish
When a profile is made from Jamaica. Can you demand that person to prove they're real ?

Squish > FatMILF
You have no right to demand anything of any one.

FatMILF > Squish
I'm not demanding anyone. I am trying to find a way where I can't circumvent the system

Squish > FatMILF

Try doing something entirely new

FatMILF > Squish
Already in it for different reasons

Squish > FatMILF
It is not the website responsibility to control your online time

FatMILF > CarlyCCandy
I hope I can

FatMILF > enabler
The rational part of me doesn't want to come back
I hope I can make myself not come back to this site ever again.

enabler > FatMILF
ok, so instead u trol?

I say that knowing I have failed to that before

enabler > FatMILF
you're unique ill give u that

FatMILF > Squish
Would you save this IP address and automatically delete any profile with a similar IP address ?
5 years

Pokemon! ^_^

'Pokemon Sword & Shield Won't Let You Transfer Every Old Pokemon Over'

It's not a temporary thing for this game like in past games, it's a deliberate decision. You'll only be able to transfer a limited number of Pokemon - ones that are already in the game. Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves are also gone, only Dynamaxing is in the game.

During the Treehouse livestream, game producer Junichi Masuda revealed that not every previous Pokemon will be transferable to Sword and Shield. "Players will be able to transfer their Pokemon from Pokemon Home only if they appear in the Galar region Pokedex," Masuda said through an interpreter. What that means is that if a Pokemon isn't already obtainable within Sword and Shield, you won't be able to transfer it over from Pokemon Home.

Masuda acknowledged this is a change from how the previous Pokemon cloud service, Pokemon Bank, worked and explained the rationale behind this controversial decision:

"In previous games that worked with the Pokemon Bank service, you were able to--for example, in Sun and Moon--bring over any Pokemon, even if they weren't in the Alola Pokedex," Masuda said. "But with the transition to the Nintendo Switch hardware, being much more powerful [and] allowing us to be much more expressive with each of the individual Pokemon ... at Game Freak we really spent a lot of time thinking about what the best way to move forward was, really preserving the quality of all the different Pokemon while also taking into account the battle balance, having so many different Pokemon available, all within a limited development time so we don't keep fans waiting too long for every new entry in the series. And after a lot of discussion, we decided to come to a new direction."

Very odd decision from them. They've already reused the same models over and over and they'd even future-proofed them which is why the 3DS games chugged a bit, so it shouldn't have taken that much more work - and they didn't say anything about patching it in... and historically they don't like patching stuff. And they called it a 'new direction' for them implying they haven't done this kind of thing before. We can even see the exact same models being used in Sword and Shield. Also they already implement banlists in tournaments to restrict usage of certain Pokemon which takes care of the balance problem.

And now any Pokemon that gets uploaded to Pokemon Home (released next year as an evolution to Pokemon Bank) will be trapped inside it if they're not in Sword & Shield. >.> Fans of those will have to hope their fave pops up in a newer game I guess. The internet's reception of this news isn't the best, to put it lightly.

Edit: Just adding a couple more things:

Nessa is the Water Gym Leader, who has a Drednaw.

Yamper(Electric) and Impidimp (Dark/Fairy) were also introduced.
5 years

Spam bot accounts

Tilalit 1 hour,
Delliar 1 hour,

Nipped it in the bud quick.

how to book the cheapest flight?
Delliar United States
joined 1 hour

How do I find cheap flights to anywhere?
5 years

So what games are you playing?

Also I've been mostly playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf of late.
5 years

So what games are you playing?

Easily one of my favorite RPGs from this or any age.

Yeah it's a great one, hoping we get a 4th game eventually after the cliffhanger of the 3rd (Dark Dawn). smiley
5 years


It's a tricky decision to make. The thread's still pointed at Influx in a veiled fashion and it's turned into a huge circlejerk as FFA is trying to milk every drop of it. They really have a problem with Influx, I can tell. Seems to also be frustration with moralizing and Feabie culture in general though they haven't mentioned it by name. It seems like the topic might be baiting people and trying to incite a bit of a fight but I'm not sure.
5 years

Spam bot accounts

Dyavion 1 week,
Evakone 1 month,

Another weird ad one.

Topic: how do i get cheap flight tickets online?
Dyavion: How do I find cheap flights?
Applepieinthesky: Use Skyscanner smiley
Evakone: There are many sources where announcing cheap flights, for example, I joined some Telegram channels and keep track of all the latest news. Also, always get a quick visual of prices for a whole month and choose the cheapest day to fly out.
SahX: .. 🍿

No spam links here but clearly the same bot/ad person replied to themselves. In time another would have responded with a scam link. This one was easy to get, just have to watch out for any members asking odd questions that are unrelated to feedism.
5 years

Pokemon! ^_^

New Pokemon Direct for the games, click on the image below to watch:

The new legendaries are Zacian and Zamazenta. Some people noted that it looks like their names literally mean 'the cyan' and 'the magenta' which fit the version colour scheme too. They might be Steel/Water and Steel/Fire especially in the quick part where they glow in the trailer, the hilt of Zacian's blade gets a fish tail and Zamazenta's shield gets a heat aura.

The new gimmick in the games is Dynamax, which turns one of your Pokemon into a giant for 3 turns in battle, which also appears to boost all of their stats. All battles against Gym Leaders seem to be with both Pokemon in a Dynamax/giant form, and all Gym Battles are in stadiums. Dynamaxing is restricted to certain areas like Gym Battles and Raid Battles and presumably features in multiplayer.

Some wild Pokemon appear in giant form and you can take them on in a raid battle similar to Pokemon Go with up to 3 other players when connected online. Some Pokemon can only be caught with this method, and only one of the group can use their own giant Pokemon against them if they choose to use one.

There is a vast area between towns known as the 'Wild Area' which has free camera control. The Pokemon in this area can change depending on things such as the weather and location. Giant/Dynamax Pokemon can appear in these places for raids. For example, Steenee can be encountered when it is sunny and Lanturn when it is raining.

Professor Magnolia is researching Dynamaxing, and is assisted by her granddaughter Sonia.

Leon is the Champion, he appears to have a Charizard. He is undefeated and is quite popular. He's a childhood friend of Sonia.

Hop is one of your rivals and is Leon's brother.

Gossifleur (Grass), Wooloo (Normal) and Drednaw (Water/Rock) are some new Pokemon.

Corviknight (Flying/Steel) is another new Pokemon, and also acts as the new Fly ride Pokemon for this game which can take you to towns you have already visited.

Eldegoss (Grass) evolves from Gossifleur. Their Cotton Down ability lowers speed of whoever attacks them when struck.

Milo is the Grass-type Gym Leader for the Galar region, who uses a giant Eldegoss in battle.

You now have a Rotom Phone which also contains your Pokedex. You can also do other things with your Rotom Phone like attaching it to your bike to make it move faster on land, or use it to help you travel over water.

The official release date is November 15.
5 years

Thin boy 1

Flooded the shouts page with spam against hylia when she complained about someone still being able to pester her via shouts even after blocking them. Clearly it was him. She also reported him for stalking/etc. Have given him three days off and I've messaged her to find out more.

runningjumper 1 hour
shout: harrassment
DoctorHarleenQ 1 hour
shout: Appears to be harassing a site user on shouts
hylia 2 hours
shout: I had to delete my shout because he won't leave me alone.
hylia 2 hours
shout: He has been harassing me and stalking me for months and I dont like that after blocking me he can still message and reply to me via shouts.

hylia 1 hour
God it would be great if blocking someone meant they couldn't interact with you on shouts. I just want to talk about my blubbery belly growth and not get pestered to oblivion.
thin boy 1 1 hour
thin boy 1 1 hour
you sure are getting bigger that I know
thin boy 1 1 hour
even when a person talks well about you you block them
thin boy 1 1 hour
how big is it going to be
thin boy 1 1 hour
gee I like that a lot how are you
ccwolf60 1 hour
Wow, that's great smiley
thin boy 1 1 hour
did you block me
thin boy 1 1 hour

Also adding here that he already had a prior report on him for stalking that I'll add here where he was ordered to stay away from another woman:
Abuse report (1 day ago), from microwavedmarshmallow, about a comment
This person has repeatedly contacted me against my wishes. Made extremely rude comments that I've deleted and hoped they would just go away but they obsessively message me all day every hour or so.

Plus I'll add some other misbehaviour in his past where he apparently called another mod names (most likely Squish since she suspended him for the incident). Not certain about the other incidents since the older mod posts on him here are now lost.

3 days by Squish, 2 years
offensive behavoir towards others
Being offensive towards others and a Mod. Calling the Mod names and being rude.
warning by , 5 years
Behavoir - other
comment - get a rope, means hang yourself, written on 19 yr old girl's profile. also complaint from members re being nasty when women don't accept his advances.
one day by , 6 years
Behavoir - other
started posting right wing political quotes in shoutbox. he was suspended years ago for this. wouldnt stop then made a nother comment after made to
one week by , 10 years
Justification: Inappropriate comments in the Shoutbox

Updated info:
thin boy 1 10 years,

Edit: Adding hylia's response. Have also ordered thin boy 1 to avoid all further contact with her.
Months or years I've been here for like 13 years now and thus guy always seems to find me on whatever fetish account I make. Hes messaged me here since I was a teenager to fetlife and feabie. When I delete and come back hes like always there. Its harmless because it's just comment spam but its also... very annoying because he wants us to meet real bad and he is 63 and that's not for me.

The blocking system here makes me nervous, I dont like that he can see everything I post and is able to comment on shouts directly.
5 years