Be dumped or the dumper?

I'd rather be the one getting dumped any day of the week. That way, there's no agonizing over how to break it to them gently or when it's the right time. You don't have the opportunity to put off the inevitable for months while you try to ignore the problem. Literally all you have to do is come up with some bitter quip to throw back at them, and then it's done and you can get on with your life. Plus, you get the chance be angry at someone else instead of being angry with yourself. I think that's healthier somehow.
13 years


Dethklok - Crush My Battle Opponent's Balls

Yeah, that's right. My cell phone is the most brutal phone ever.
13 years

Feeder; a love story

My first reaction was that this looks a lot like FEED, but in play form. They didn't vilify the feeder too much in the blog, but I could easily see it going in that direction as the story unfolds. He looked about ready to turn into a psycho at the end of it. The truth is, although many gaining couples fantasize about immobility, very very few of them actually make it that far. So the reality of feederism and the fantasy scenario depicted in the play are two very different things.

But even so, there was really nothing wrong with their relationship. In her posts, she seemed just as excited about the weight gain as he was, and it didn't sound like she was gaining for his benefit at all. She had several feeder boyfriends before him, and was disappointed when they backed out on the commitment of long term gaining. In fact, she was even the first one to suggest the goal of 1000 lbs. It sounded like she knew exactly what she wanted, and he was only too happy to oblige her. He didn't sound aggressive or manipulative, and he always did anything he could to make her happy and comfortable, meeting all of his responsibilities as her caretaker and husband. She kept raving about how awesome he was and couldn't get over how lucky she was to have him. In other words, it was a happy relationship between two consenting adults.

The problem arose when she suddenly got scared of the reality of her situation and changed her mind. Most normal people would have talked to their husband about it and worked it out as a couple. He didn't even give any indication that he would have been unreasonable. Instead, what she did was run out on him without even a word, while he was out of town buying her a present. So yeah, of course he freaked out, called the cops, and tried to track her down. Anybody would have.

I read some of the playwright's blog, and it sounds like he wants to give a fair and accurate presentation of feederism. He said he doesn't want to pass judgment, but show a character driven love story set in this community. He spoke at length with people on Dimensions, and held workshops in order to get community feedback. He said he kept rewriting the play until everybody was satisfied. Even so, I remain a little skeptical. I REALLY want to see this play for myself, but that's going to be impossible. I hope they eventually release a DVD, or at least someone can sneak a video camera into the theater.
13 years

Fatten a celebrity

Which female celebrities do I think would look better with more weight? All of them. End of story.

Ok, I'll try to be more specific. I think that Jessica Alba would be really cute if she gained some weight. Generally, I'm not as interested in movie stars though, I go more for singers and musicians. Amy Lee, Tarja Turunen, and Danielle Stampe (I'll give you an internet high five if you know who she is without googling) would all look awesome as BBWs. If you include classic beauties from the 20's through the 50's, there are tons of attractive movie stars from decades past. Ingrid Bergman was a fox back in the day, so it would be awesome to see her with more weight. You know, in case someone invents a time machine.
13 years

Painful songs

There are a few songs that do sort of make me depressed, most for obvious reasons.

Gary Jules - Mad World
Johnny Cash - Hurt
Lionel Richie - Hello
Nick Drake - Suicide Is Painless
Plain White T's - Sad Story
The Beatles - Across the Universe
The Dandy Warhols - Sleep
The Offspring - Gone Away
Somewhere Over the Rainbow (but only the Israel Kama-something version. No idea why.)

The only song that has an effect on me for a personal reason is Little Boxes by Pete Seeger.
13 years

A light in a darkened world

For me, like cures like. If I'm sort of an angry-depressed, I'll listen to loud metal or watch a horror movie. If I'm just sad, I'll listen to music that's more depressing than what I'm feeling. Within an hour or two of immersion, I can usually get over what's bothering me.
13 years

If you went to a cosplay convention...

I only cosplay on Halloween. I've dressed up nearly every year, and it's usually something that would count as cosplay, so I'd probably just pick a costume that I already have on hand. Rorschach from Watchmen and the vault dude from Fallout 1 both spring to mind as possibilities.
13 years

Fat girls & belly button piercings

I heard an interesting theory about this, and although I haven't seen any evidence for it either way, it makes sense to me based on what I've observed. Basically, whether you develop rolls or not has more to do with how you dress. If you wear pants with a tight waist band, the fat will be somewhat restricted and will try to grow around it, forming rolls.
13 years