So how about that black hole?

Begs the question why they have no pictures of pebbles on the moon. Or lunar rovers.

Because obviously the Moon doesn't exist, it's just projected unto the sky to fool us.

Joke aside, the Moon moves too fast for the exposure time needed for this imaging method.
5 years

How do you catagorize people’s bodies. thin to fat?

Weight and even BMI can be misleading. It depends on too many other factors. I would suggest a scale which connects to the effects the weight has on the body.

For example, from 1 to 10

1 - dangerously thin, basically skin and bones. Severe eating disorder.

2 - considered thin even by the mainstream

3 - average, normal, this is what mainstream people want to be if they are not at this size

4 - visibly chubby, but still able to hide it somewhat by clever clothing choices, sucking the belly in, and a favorable viewing angle

5 - fat, and there is no hiding it, no matter what clothes and posture. Belly sticks out even if sucked in, or hips and shoulders are wide enough to be considered not just chubby, but definitely fat.

6 - so fat that it starts to seriously affect what one can and cannot do, walking becomes waddling, folds can appear on different parts of the body, belly can firmly rest in the laps when sitting, some chairs become too tight, some difficulties when picking ups something from the floor, basically the biggest size one can get without having either a severe eating disorder or being into feederism, and the biggest size most people will regularly see outside reality TV, or the Internet.

7 - fatter than most things are designed for, cannot fit into small cars, into some restaurant booths, and even the largest clothes in supersize clothing stores start becoming too small.

8 - still being able to care for themselves, but only barely, and with great difficulties. Standing up, or going up a single flight of stairs, or walking more than a few dozen steps, or just standing more then a few minutes are all big achievements at this size, leading to complete exhaustion.

9 - requires a caretaker for everyday life, but still retains some mobility.

10 - completely bed-bound
5 years


The biggest problem was not making it a supermajority vote. Important and long-lasting changes should require a supermajority, just as it's like in almost every other country. It's not a simple election the results of which can be changed again in 4 years if people realize they don't like it.

And as the result of this referendum was very close, it means that it's not the will of the British people what decided the election. It's temporary mood, and the weather, and that day's television program, and that day's news headlines are what determined the result. Because such things (which are very temporary, but still affect the mood) can easily sway 1-2 percent of the vote.
5 years

New terminology to match new ways of thinking about fat and thin

Especially we, who often face the judgement and discrimination from others, should be careful to not become hypocrites.

Hating and judging thinner people, or people who prefer thinner partners, would make us just as bad as those people who hate fat (or fat-loving) people.

Even if (or maybe especially if) you find thinner people physically repulsive, you should understand that there are people who find fatter people physically repulsive. And just as you would appreciate if they kept that opinion and taste to themselves and didn't harass fat people, so should you not hate or attack thinner people.

Back to the topic.

We shoudln't hijack words. I wouldn't call those people thin who have visible fat deposits protruding out of their bodies. Of course, I wouldn't call just slightly plump people fat either. I would say those who are the so-called "Hollywood pudgy" should still be considered normal weight. For example, I would consider Bridget Jones to be of normal weight, and anything bigger would be plump or pudgy.

The only aspect where my definitions would slightly deviate from the mainstream, is at the highest levels. Most people would find those who weight twice as much as would be normal for their height as horribly obese. for me, they are just merely big, or fat. (not big for me, I mean). Super-size, for me, would be someone with at least 3x normal weight.
5 years

New artwork category in pics section

The website's policy is that we respect a person's copyright. If you have a picture that has been copied to this website without you're permission and you wish your copyright to be protected, please report the picture to the moderators using the report abuse icon.

Also if you know of anyone who has had their picture copied to this website who may be upset about it, please let them know and ask them to get in touch.

Thanks! This is an improvement.

A few years ago I reported an obvious art thief, who was posting pictures from Deviantart and blatantly erased the signatures from the corners of the images, and the moderators took the theif's side. I was rebuffed that "if the image can be found via Google Images, then anyone is allowed to do with it whatever they please", my reports and forum posts about it were deleted.

But it's nice to hear that things are better and more professional now. smiley
5 years

New artwork category in pics section

Reposting someone else's art without permission and without crediting the original artist is a huge no-no in the online artist community.

Not on this site, unfortunately.
Once I reported someone who posted art of a Deviantart artist I know, and even erased the signature from the corner of the image. My reports were deleted, the stolen pictures weren't. Then I asked (politely) in the forum about the site's copyright policy, the moderators removed that as well. Let's see how long this post stays on the forum, and how long of a ban I'll receive for mentioning it.
5 years

New artwork category in pics section

There's loads of pictures like that on Deviantart.

Correction: loads of pictures that are stolen from Deviantart.
5 years

When are you officially super sized?

Weight alone is one of the worst indicators. Even BMI can be misleading, people have different weight distributions.

The effects on the body, what it can do and where it can or cannot fit, would be a better criteria.

I would consider the threshold between BBW and SSBBW to be where one starts getting bigger than most things are designed for. Chairs, cars, seats, booths becoming too small to fit into comfortably (or at all). Certain body positions and movements starts becoming very difficult or impossible (tying shoelaces, walking up more than a single flight of stairs without having to stop, etc.).

But this question is old, and pops up again and again.

Look here for an example with pictures:
5 years

You know you're fat when:

... when others with exactly half your weight are still considered big by most people.
5 years

Anybody here tried to become 'healthy obese'?

This reminds me of the web model Boberry. She is almost 600 pounds, but is amazingly active and agile, can give a piggyback ride to another person, and can kick higher than her head. Many slim people would struggle with such things.
5 years