Butterball and the three chairs

Oh, no. He's still quite mobile.
5 years

Butterball and the three chairs

Yes. It was hard to get him out without damaging the arms of the chairs. Poor baby. He'll be sticking to the couch from now on. It's better if the chairs are used for guests, anyway.
Currently I'm working on a little room for him to sit with a soft, fluffy couch - one that's good for sitting in for long periods of time - where he can sit and eat with a friend. But for now, the sitting room will have to do.
5 years

Request of dom feeder of sub feedee

I personally would not. I fattened my little husband, and he is mine. But this gives me an idea, especially since I know he will have to work hard to submit to it.
You're a good little feedee - I know you will do it. I'm sure you know what to do - focus on pleasing Dom and enjoy it for his sake.
I think that, if your acquiescence is delivered with especial submission, it will make him extra happy.
5 years

Butterball and the three chairs

No, I'll just guide them away from those particular chairs. They're antiques so I'd like to keep them.
But I did feel bad for him. He was a little upset.
5 years

Butterball and the three chairs

I have four chairs - one spot for myself, and three for guests - and a sofa in my living room. Earlier today we had a couple visitors who took the sofa, so the little Butterball sat in one of the chairs. Big mistake.
Usually we both rise as a take leave. Butterball goes to the kitchen to tidy up what I've offered them, and that's that. Today, however, he just sat in the chair, which I found odd.
With the guests gone, he confessed out of embarrassment that he couldn't get out of the chair. His plump face was red, and he was in distress. It took ages to squeeze him out.
He's avoided the chairs the rest of the day, and of course ate a snack to console himself after clean up. He's too fat for some chairs at this point.
5 years

Actively gaining

Lol I'll try.
That level of manipulation is difficult at best. For the populace it would have seriously dreadful consequences. I just got lucky, as I only must focus on one person. That is, until Gelato princess turns into a tasty treat herselfsmiley
5 years

Not into the whole 'pig' thing?

While I have I think used the term I avoid it. I don't care much for pigs, and have rather unpleasant associations. I prefer other terms, as well. You're not alone.
5 years

Feeder turned feedee?

A fellow feeder had this problem. He started dating a friend I was fattening, and once they married she gained over 200 lbs. He started looking rather chubby himself. I didn't point it out at first but he has stopped being the fierce dom he was. He's now as easily fed and subjugated as the rest of them, but the change was interesting. Staying fit while your partner gets fatter can be difficult.
You don't have to be a certain weight to be a feeder, but there are still plenty of ways to enjoy feeding and being fed yourself. It all depends on you.
Also, you can use your experience to heighten your feeding abilities.
5 years

Actively gaining

Something which would allow what's popularly known as the "satisfying hormones" to function differently. One has to be careful regarding ethics, but the experiment was successful but is dependent on the person.
5 years

Actively gaining

Negative effects on health. Several things happen chemically with alcohol.
5 years