Skinny people who became fat?

My last GF was about 120lbs when we started dating, used to be a runner.
By the time we broke up 3 years later, she was around 250.
In my experience, if someone hits 200 they are fat for life. But that's just my thought.

Would that be just for girls? I've met plenty of 200 lb men that I would not consider fat

Very good point yes just for girls and also depends on height and frame,
A lot of men at 200lbs are not even chubby
3 years

Quarantine gain

I have a younger newlywed latino coworker who refuses to turn her camera on in our Zoom calls. I haven't seen her since April.

We finally had a team happy hour recently and I was blown away. She's put on a good 35-40'ishlbs. Almost is unrecognizable.

She used to eat nothing but fast food for lunch but was one of those high metabolism, gym bunny girls. The gyms closed and she said she cancelled her membership. We ordered a ton of appetizers and she basically claimed a large nachos as her own, polished it off. I couldn't believe how fat, plump her hands were grabbing those chips!

She was one of those girls you would never imagine or expect to get fat. I'm very curious what she'll look like next time I see her.

My predication would probably be she’ll lose a little maybe 10-15lbs but in the end she’ll stay big.
And that’s discounting that she could get pregnant as well if they are newlyweds if that’s the case I would say no change she’ll ever get back to being thinner.

Just a guess but it’s fun to guess
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

My last GF was about 120lbs when we started dating, used to be a runner.
By the time we broke up 3 years later, she was around 250.
In my experience, if someone hits 200 they are fat for life. But that's just my thought.
3 years

Being fat = better orgasms?

All of my previous partners had an increase in sex drive after gaining even if they werent into gaining.

Two of my exes, one a feedee the other not into the culture at all, have said their orgasms got better after gaining. My last girlfriend who was not into gaining at all admitted that after she hit went past the 200lb mark her orgasms had gotten more intense and a lot easier to achieve.

Even tho she always claimed to want to lose weight she almsot always reported only good things after gaining more.

Last time a saw her she was closing in on 300lbs
3 years

How long does it take to destroy a metabolism?

It's wild how your perception of your body can change like that.

Two summers ago my wife would only wear a one-piece swimsuit because of how much she had gained that year.

She then gained another 30'ish lbs that upcoming winter. She frantically worked off 10lbs for our vacation the next summer and confidently flaunted a skimpy 2-piece the entire vacation even though she was 50lbs heavier in that 2 year span.

Oh yeah it’s very interesting and very true.

Not every woman I’ve dated has been a feedee or even into gaining. But all of them settled into being chubby once they had gone from skinny to fat. It’s all about comparison really.
3 years

How long does it take to destroy a metabolism?

In my experience once someone has gotten into the habit of yo-yo dieting the periods they thin will get smaller and the amount they put back on will get bigger.

That's how my wife is. She'll gain 30 lose 10. And when she loses she brags to her friends and family about how skinny she's looking lately even though she hasn't even lost the giant gut she gained. And that cycle repeats over.

What's destroyed is not her metabolism. Her perception of her figure changes with each yo yo. She'll walk around with confidence, look at herself in the mirror thinking she's slimming down even though she's over a hundred pounds heavier than 6 years ago.

Oh yes that’s a good way of putting it, my ex was like that. By the end her ‘goal weight’ would have seemed insanely big to her only a few years before.
The weight range between her ‘big’ and her goal is always the same, but that number continues to increase as she yo-yos
3 years

How long does it take to destroy a metabolism?

In my experience once someone has gotten into the habit of yo-yo dieting the periods they thin will get smaller and the amount they put back on will get bigger.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

I've been gradually, unintentionally putting on weight since I turned 20. I guess it depends on the individual. Not really sure what happened, the pounds just kept coming on!

It can happen at any age, a lot of people plump up after leaving home.
My ex was like that, when we moved in together all of a sudden she didn’t have her parents controlling her diet. She just ate everything she wanted.... I mean I admit I didn’t exactly discourage her but she certainly plumped up.
3 years

When do women start getting fat?

It depends, the ones that get married and have kids will start piling on the pounds soon enough. Those who go to college will probably stay fairly thin for awhile.
Most of them will be on their way to fat before 30.

In my experience women get fat the moment they settle down, so those college girls are probably still on their toes
3 years

Getting lazy

The fatter you get, the fatter you get. I’m fat because I’m lazy and I’m lazy because I’m fat. Certainly fat people can be active, but there’s just something about embodying the stereotype of the lazy glutton that frankly turns me on.

^Ha, see my wife was the reverse.

She was a clean freak, always on the run, never sat down-type.

And it's so hot to see as the weight creeps on, they become lazier. The activity declines and then the moment they start to acknowledge that they're "fat", the transparency of being lazy has the weight absolutely pile on as they know to avoid specific activities, ie. bending over or stairs, etc.

It's a big turn on for me because they really become plump princess who don't want to lift a finger for anything any more and have no issue blatantly asking you to do it for know.... "I'm fat and lazy now".

I agree that transformation is really interesting to see.
A friend of mine was a personal trainer as was his girlfriend. They met at work actually.

She slowly but surely started gaining, they’ve been together 3 years now and well suffice to say she isn’t a personal trainer anymore.
It was such a natural progression for her but so interesting to see her go from a 130 lb lean trainer to a 250+ couch potato.
4 years