I don't care if i get banned.

Text 988 or call them. Seriously.

It's free and it's anonymous.

No matter what problems you’re dealing with, whether or not you’re thinking about suicide, if you need someone to lean on for emotional support, call the Lifeline.

People call to talk about lots of things: substance abuse, economic worries, relationships, sexual identity, getting over abuse, depression, mental and physical illness, and loneliness, to name a few.

Talking with someone about your thoughts and feelings can save your life.

What Happens When you call The Lifeline?
First, you’ll hear a message telling you that you’ve reached the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

They’ll play you a little hold music while they connect you.

A skilled, trained crisis worker who works at the Lifeline network crisis center closest to you will answer the phone.

This person will listen to you, understand how your problem is affecting you, provide support, and share any resources that may be helpful.
8 months

I got caught out in public by my wife

Hoping for a positive update...
8 months


Sea of Thieves - I can be a chonky pirate, there is a great mix of quiet time to talk with someone and lively action, and you can actually role play feeding (but sadly not weight gain) by handing your crewmate food and "ordering" them to eat it.

It's just an awesome open world, sandbox style player experience.
8 months


I'm an equal opportunity candy compactor.
9 months

Belly and feed

Your poetry is fresh😊

Aww... thanks!


I let my belly out
It hangs a moment, then descends
Like a dewdrop
Round and fat before the sun

I'm bigger now
Than I was before
In many different ways

Not just my thighs
Or my backside
But every inch of space

I grab and shake and smile.
and let my fingers trace

the marks that show that I am more
And will not be contained
9 months

How does the community cultivate more respect for real dating?

Hi, jamestoney - you must be new here. smiley


I agree with you somewhat, but I think you might be a bit too harsh in your assessment.

Let me tell you where I agree - there are LOTS of postings and messages here that revolve around the kink and preferences and general horny nature of an online community whose initial common interest is feederism, weight gain, and the attraction to getting fat in self and/or other. For some, this is a sexual oriented kink, so I think you'll see the "lizard brain" sometimes take a primary role in conversation.

However, where I disagree is that this site also has a tremendous number of posts about other facets of humanity like music, video games, human physiology and nutrition, travel, romance and dating, etc. I had a great chat with another user last night about our common interest in anime - no sexual strings or overtures... just DragonBall and My Hero Academia. Another topic in group chat was a sincere discussion about how to safely manage micro and macro nutrients while gaining - this is not the topic of someone who is just trying to get their rocks off. (I think??? LOL)

So while you may find that some of the posts on here are seeking a way to make superficial connections, I think you'll find some others to be meaningful, deep, and at times even vulnerable.

Hope that you find more like the latter - and always happy to listen to you talk about stuff that you dig beyond just some hot fatties and their attractive feeders. smiley
9 months

What it is like to be a gainer? how do u know if your into it?

For me so far, there is an exhilaration that goes along with altering your body. I've never had a tattoo or a piercing, but I would think that there is a similar "high" to doing something that physically alters your body in a more permanent way. My love language is touch, so there is also a self-pleasure in noticing that there is now more of me than there was before.

I also feel slightly shameful and embarrassed because I know that society in FAR more judgemental about fat and weight gain than our reinforcing echo chamber here in FF - but that also kind of arouses me and I get slight shivers when anyone observes in any way that I look like I've gained weight.

Maybe there is a twinge of enjoyed naughtiness for doing something that the authorities in life tell me that I shouldn't do?

There are some moments of doubt, though - it's not like I can flip a switch and be 50 pounds lighter. I'd be lying if I said that I occasionally will make a conscious effort to eat in a more healthy and weight-loss minded way.

So... a mix of pleasure with a twinge of guilt?
9 months

Belly and feed

Love feed. Love eating and grows.

Apologies, @Andrii1995 for hijacking this thread with impromptu poetry! While I was inspired, I'm fairly sure that "Poems by Kacchan" was not your original post intent. Sorry for straying off course - we love the same things!
9 months

Belly and feed

Not full but not quite
Not bite but just might
Not stuffed but oh so
Not fat but I want
9 months

Soft feeding ideas

"Blind Taste Test"

1. Feeder prepares a bunch of various comfort foods/desserts

2. Blindfolded Feedee sits in a reclined and comfy position. Bonus if there is some music on that sets whatever mood you're going for - elegant, seductive, relaxing, etc.

3. Feeder serves one forkful at a time, with time to assess and discuss with Feedee the flavors and experience of eating the food.

4. As the Feedee starts to identify favorites, the Feeder can go back to those foods for seconds, thirds, fourths, etc.

5. Extra bonus - if this activity happens to set a particularly amorous mood, then Feedee discovers naked Feeder when the blindfold is removed.
9 months