Euro 2012

Well we don't have a hope thanks to the FA. No JT, no trophy, also someone needs to have the courage to drop Rooney. The continentals know how to play against him, take him out of the game until he sulks, then there's no need to worry about him, as he ends up playing badly.

In the end I will be supporting which ever team I decide to put money on. Most likely winners Spain, or Germany. Not original I know, but in reality the only 2 teams that could seriously win it.
12 years


OMG, that's terrible news and really sudden. Not that long ago she was still posting stuff.
12 years

How does a fat fetish develop?

pleb wrote:
Some very interesting ideas floating around!

I have very recently come around to the idea of liking larger women, it was never something that I loved from chilhood or had an interest in though.

I had never really taken an interest in chubby girls, my 'type' was always the slim and atheltic build that I was surrounded by at school and college. I could admire a beautiful face on the larger girls but didn't get the same attraction to them that I do now.

It was actually in my first year in university that I watched my girlfriend at the time bloat up while living at halls. The gain was very rapid and at first it put me off I'm sad to say.

But as she became thicker and more womanly I just fell in love with it, the soft and roundness of her became appealing almost overnight.

I guess my fetish developed through experience, prefering one thing to another. From what I have read I seem to be the odd one out but I guess it shows that there are several ways a fetish can come about!
This post tends to help my theory that so many more people have this preference in them than may seem obvious at first glance, or that they may realise is in themselves. Even the fetish of wanted to see someone gain weight may well be more common should people let their real desires be fulfilled.

It seems that we all come to the realisation of our preferences at different times in our lives. Hard to know why this is the case, but it seems more than likely that those that come to realise their preference later had their preferences subdued in some way. The media and what is generally perceived as attractive by society's norms playing a big part. Basically what is considered being rational eclipsing our lustful desires.
12 years

The internet and feederism

urbanstark83 wrote:
I don't think that the internet has sparked some latent desire.
This wasn't the case for me at least.

I was this way before the internet.
As I have said in a different subject post, I personally think this latent desire is in many more people than at present we have any idea of. However, the more information that is out there to allow people to discover this desire the better.

Back in 1986 I fell in love with a 19year old girl who was 5'3 and 98lbs. I certainly knew by then that I prefered girls with more weight on them and during our four and a half year relationship she gained up to 120lbs (she had a very big appitite for her size). I found her gain very sexy and she was also happy about it too (always wanting a much curvier figure). That said she was also concerned that she shouldn't get too fat, but didn't really want to do anything about her gaining.

She was a very pretty girl looking a lot like Helen Baxendale, including the same facial expressions. As I found her very attractive I never asked her to gain, but did compliment her when she was getting curvier. At no time did any of us have any idea that there would be people that actually wanted to get fatter. back then the thought would have been alien to both of us, it was the late 80's after all. I still wonder whether she may have had a feedee mindset in her, but society's pressure would never allow her to get fat back then. However, suppose we had all the information at hand that there were people that wanted to get fat. I would have found that I certainly had feeder tendancies and she may well have been able to relax more about getting even bigger. I know she found girls with bigger figures than hers sexier than slim girls. One day she would say look at that girl, she's no lightweight, then the next see a girl that would be a simular height, but 30-40 pounds on her, say she's got a great figure. Because I was never really sure what she wanted regarding her weight we never took this to another level.
12 years

Origins of this site

JulesTeak wrote:
Dan wrote:
Here's an interesting site, shows you screen-shots of sites over the years, quite a lot for FF dating back to 2004.

wow - it's sure come a long way
I do remember the early days, lurking deep in the shadows and have to say the longer I've been on here, the more I appreciate it. For all the criticism this site sometimes gets, seriously this is a great site and the way it is run may well be a good reason as to why this site has grown so much.
12 years

Sorry but...

what are the odds this thread gets locked, 1/33 anyone and that's generous odds, after Murphy's sarcasm (which is appropriate this time). This subject just keeps coming up and is basically a bore, even more so than, "how do I secretly fatten up my girlfriend".
12 years

The internet and feederism

Well I can tell you what it was like in the 70/80's. Even the thought of going out with a person who was fat was considered a fetish. Now it seems very commonplace and hardly anything out of the ordinary. The only sign that anyone would gain weight on purpose could only be seen in porn mags and that was extreamly rare, only BUF seemed to show girls that had gained, even then it was hard to know that they did this on purpose. Come the 90's more mags catered for the BBW market and from there is gradually blossomed, but not until the internet boom did it really take off and show this was for real and for many, not just a handful.

The internet has allowed many to see that fat women, be they plus size models, or the girl next door can look as stunning as any slim girl could ever hope to look. Basically this must give women of any size more confidence that they can be fat and beautiful, whether they already are, or desire to be. That they don't need to diet and deny themselves the food they like just for the sake of beauty, or being fancied. If, as many have said they feel they are wired to be feedees/fat, then whatever their size they know/find out there are others who feel the same way, the more they feel they can submit to their desires.

Ironically though I'm not sure there has been the same development for male feedees (not being one I am just guessing), male feedees could tell me otherwise. However, as many on here have said they like the contrast and as women get fatter, do their desires for slim/athletic men get wider? (certainly not until the 80/90's were skinny men desirable, they had to have some muscle). In the 70/80's women were so much slimmer than men, whereas today there is so much pressure put on men to conform to the male ideal (ie athletic), that it seems there are more fatter women these days than fat men. In the 70's the average size woman was UK size 10/12 and a size ten was for fitting a 34-24-36 figure. Size ten is much larger now, yet the average size woman today in the UK is size 16.

All that said, the ideal for both men and women in the media is that of slim for women, slim/athletic for men. It will take many years before feeders/feedees are accepted as a norm.
12 years

What's your type?

One thing I've noticed, jockeys would have a tough time on here.
12 years

Quotes you like

greengear wrote:
bbwildrose wrote:
I love that - I'm going to have to find more of his writings! Thanks for posting it smiley

No problem! I'm glad you found it meaningful. If you'd like to read some of his work, I'd recommend You Are Here. It's the first of his books I've read, and I still go back to it now and again when I'm feeling a little lost.

One of my favorite quotes of his, I'll have to paraphrase:

"When you drink your tea, drink only your tea. Do not drink it with your sorrows, your worries, your plans for the day. Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life."

It's a simple exercise I try to keep with every morning, whether with tea, coffee, or even a meal. Enjoy the moment as it is, and truly be there for it.
I do love these quotes. There is no secret to life, just life itself, but living in the moment must be as close as you can get.
12 years