Extreme size contrast?

What is the difference in height and weight between you both of you?

Was she always into feeding and wanting a bigger man or did she grow into it through your fetish?

I am 5'8" and she is about 5 inches shorter than I am. She is very fit and muscular right now, and about 140 lbs, while I am just over 500. smiley

We've always both been FAs, and I think my initial natural weight gain (through age and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle) is what triggered her to it.

I've written about it in my "Reversal of Roles" story here on FF.
7 years

Extreme size contrast?

Love this as well... my wife/feeder is a skinny little thing, while she's grown me to the size I am now. The dynamic between us is wonderful, and so much fun!
7 years

Favourite bhm fantasies

I had a dream last night I thought I would share... a wonderful sort of fantasy.

My feeder, growing bored with my reluctance to gain anymore weight, forcibly restrained me and tube-fed me, forcing me beyond any previous limits. In my dream I had no idea how long this happened, only coming out of my bloat-induced haze when she commented on how much fatter I had grown, or when she teased me.

Eventually I realize I am no longer bound and the feeding tube is gone. I am lying alone in bed. I try to get up out of bed, but soon realize that I have grown so much that I am unable to get up - I am trapped!

Incredibly aroused by this newfound immobility, I roll over onto my side as best i can, desperate to pleasure myself! After some struggling it dawns on me - I am too fat to reach it! I can't even jerk off anymore!

At that time my feeder returns and laughs and taunts me for being so greedy that I've found myself in this predicament. My feeder agrees to provide me some relief... if I agree to some additional feedings.

It was a very erotic dream! smiley
7 years

Using feeding as a form of control

I resonate with this. To me personally, feederism is a form of friendly domination. There are aspects of nurturing and worshipping a feedee, but to me it�s also about manipulation and domination.

My feeder would agree with this completely. While we have a very caring relationship, she has definitely become more dominant over time. She manipulates me by using food (as well as sex), and the insatiable hunger she has instilled. As I've grown larger, slower and less mobile, she has taken advantage of that to dominate me physically as well.
7 years

Hugely fat to fat and squishy..

I guess that strangely being a bit thinner whilst still being fat has increased my love of this fantasy because i no longer hide it away. Sorry if this makes no sense!

Nothing necessarily makes sense, Softly, but that's okay - just very happy to see you back and to hear that you are healthy and well!

Cheers! Jay
7 years

Fit to fat transformation

I have a hook-up who, when we get together from time to time, stuffs me. Again, good, nutritious food and bev. Not just cakes and sweets.

Such an important point! While I am also a big fan of cakes and sweets, if you want to gain and avoid some negative consequences, this is really important.

Like your point about sumo wrestlers, you don't need to eat junk to get fatter, you just need to eat MORE! smiley

(The occasional cake won't kill you, though... I have field-tested this.) smiley
7 years

Stories lists on profiles not working

When I click on an author in the Stories section to go to their profile, and click on the "Stories" button to see a list of their work, it shows me a list of new stories, not their stories. It looks like the view on this page has lost its link to the user name?

Thx, Jay
7 years

Being changed by domination?

Taking a sub's trust and love and turning her into the woman she wants to be through your own love and direction. It's the ideal.

Yes - THIS!

Trust is by far the most important ingredient in a dom/sub relationship. If you have a high degree of trust it can be very rewarding to give yourself over.
7 years

Is this a homoerotic fetish?


Yeah, I've noticed that too, and have had a similar sneaking suspicion myself. It may also be that people with fetishes are just less picky about the sex of their partner, since they can get off on tertiary sexual stimuli, rather than relying exclusively on their partner

Interesting take on it... certainly as I've opened up to a wider range of sexual ideas and interests over the last 20 years, this has been the case... but I don't see it necessarily as a "tertiary" stimuli taking over, but maybe an appreciation for a broader pallet of colours on the canvas. smiley
7 years

My pig tale

Thanks for sharing! Great tale, and glad that you've come to a place where you can be accepted, and hopefully accept yourself. I am very sorry to hear that the journey to get here was so difficult, but I hope this is a turning point for you.
7 years