Seattle meet up?

annatorino wrote:
I would love to go, but lynwood/tukwila are not locations that are mass transit friendly since I actually live in seattle, unfortunately. If you guys want to do a meet in seattle eventually, definately let me know.

Nothing is set in stone yet, if there is a better place located in Seattle it'll probably be easier for most people to get there because of all the transit to and from.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Okay, so a summation of the plans thus far:

***9:00 pm on Saturday, February 9th at one of the claim jumper locations in Lynnwood, Redmond, or Tukwila***

If anyone has issues with any part of this please say so now so that we can adjust things and get as many people as possible to come. Once we get some feedback I'll start making an official guest list and you'll have about a week or so in advance to add your name or take it off so I can make reservations.

Also, please let us know which location works best!
11 years

Cola whith oil for weight gain

mxrtm wrote:
It is well known that if you will mix cola whit alcohol, than alcohol goes to blood faster. It is well known that alcohol is carbohydrate and carbohydrates are fattening. So if one mix oil with cola to drink, maybe fat from oil goes to blood faster and makes fattening more easy and fast?
That's not how it works, dietary fat does not get directly added to body fat and carbohydrates are fattening because they are converted into glucose, spike your blood sugar which causes in insulin response which then tells your body to convert the sugar to body fat in order to keep you from killing yourself with too much sugar. Fat is fattening in that it has a high calorie count but the concoction you're suggesting would most likely just give you the shits man, and that's no fun as well as counterproductive. Be aware that a high carb diet, while fattening, will put you at high risk for problems such as plaque build up in the arteries and diabetes.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

What would everyone think, as suggested by the lovely McKaty, about meeting at Claim Jumper? There are locations in Lynnwood, Tukwila, and Redmond.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Okay, looking at places we can meet right now, I'm going to make a bold assumption and guess that most people would like someplace with food? I'll try to find a place that serves alcohol too for those that want it, but I know some of us aren't quite 21 so lets see if we can find something that works for everyone.

Any suggestions, hit me up!
11 years

Video games

Just started League of Legends if anybody wants to play. Summoner name is sketchmanhull.
11 years

Fa or ff video games?

Unfortunately there is not a whole lot, once I've learned enough at school though I'd like to make a small feederism game as a side project.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Feb 9th works for me as well, if that's what works for everybody then cool. I'm assuming Seattle is probably the place that would be easiest for everyone to meet at, is there anyone who that would be a problem for?
11 years

Seattle meet up?

okay how about this, could everyone post all the months that they could go to something this coming year, and we'll take if from there.
11 years

Serious question...

At first I thought Dwarves because *** yeah, master craftsmen living in badass mountain fortresses. But then I remembered their women have beards haha. I'll just roll a hobbit then, they have a certain charm to them.
11 years