"feeding tubes" what do you think?

Let's understand the terms. No one is talking about sticking feeding tube down someones throat or inserting it in their stomach. Tube feeding refers to what Badonkadonk Boi describes, a tube attached to a container that the feedee has control over. I have used the tube-hydrator bag method with several feedees and all have greatly enjoyed the experience as an adjunct to regular feedings.
13 years

Should i mention this?

I think you can share your thoughts with him quite easily. Any time I was with a woman who mentioned her weight, I always express how well she wears the few extra pounds and that not matter how much she gained--or lost--she would still be beautiful, engaging, interesting and just plain fun to be around. I've also made the mistake of focusing too much on gaining. Nonetheless, every woman I've been in involved with has gained weight. Doesn't hurt that I'm witty, charming, kind, lightly sarcastic and a good cook and restaurant criticsmiley
13 years


A couple of women I've fed said it is by far the most palatable of all gain powders. It is expensive but oh worth it. I always ordered my online and considered it more of an investment than an expensive. I used to make shake bags with it (1 envelope of Scandishake, pint of premium plain flavor ice cream, pint of heavy cream and enough half n half to make it flow easily through a tube attached to a hydration bag). A former girlfriend packed on 80 lbs with the help of those shakebags (not to mention the chocolate mousse I pumped into her with a pastry bag and her normal levelly of gluttony).
Scadishake can also be quite filling, so for a newcomer it's probably wise to just start with it mixed in whole milk before graduating into more, shall we say, extreme mixtures.
13 years

What book(s) are you reading right now?

"Bangkok 8" John Burdett. A Buddhist crime thriller set in Thailand.
"The Road to Serfdom" F.A. Hayek
"The Healing of America" T.R. Reid. Health care in American and around the world.
Then there's the stack of New Yorkers that seems to multiply each week
13 years

Eating in bed ;)

In bed I always go for something rich and filling and not crumby. Chocolate mousse, a shake bag she can suck on from a tube while I massage her fat belly, a tub of mini eclairs, non-messy cheesecake, stuff like that.
13 years

What is your weight gain goal or size goal

I agree with Pleasegainmore. Even though I'm predominately a feeder-encourager-pamperer, there really isn't thing as arousing and seductive as letting go with someone and mutually gaining. There's something terribly erotic about mutual gluttony, encouraging, feeding, teasing and going down that wide, gluttonous road together.
13 years

Stuffing party

Too bad this post is 3 years old or I would be there too. Twinkie and I could carpool! Reese's let us know what happens. PrettyPanites will know too I suspect.
13 years

Sexiest point in the gain of a feedee

There are so many points. Like when she tries to still do things like she did 75 lbs ago. All those little changes like too-tight tops, outgrown PJs, steering wheel pushing into the belly, harder to bend over, or the first time she realizes she needs help off the couch. The ultimate is "honey, we need a bigger shower."
13 years

City island

I just saw it based no the rec of a feedee friend. I also read the directors blog. I was very curious how the film would handle such a fetish. It was the most even-handed, realistic portrayal of something many of us have felt for years. Now where was she when I was a teen!
13 years

Do any of you ffas fantasize about having man who is so big he needs help taking care of himself

Damn Weesha that's hot! And I agree with Juicy, a dream come true would be to mutually feed and fatten each other, teasing all the way, until we both need help doing the simple things. And getting off on each new accommodation and change. <shiver> Now, where are those xmas cookies?
13 years