To cook or to be cooked for?

I prefer to cook. But if a lady wants to cook for me and bring it all my way, I can hardly object.
11 years

Fave video game character

I'm not really a huge gamer, but I have a few that I totally love

1. Mario (Always have, always will. Mario tatts coming soon! lol)

2. Vega (Yes, from Street Fighter.)

3. Link

4. Reptile (From MK)
11 years

I secretly have the hots for..

I gotta add Marisa Tomei as well. Love her in everything she does!

On a side note, I'd totally go gay for Brent Smith of Shinedown! roflmao
11 years

400+ lbs men, where are you?

We are stealthy, but not in a ninja kind of way.

More of a 'we are busy at the buffet' kind of way. smiley
11 years

Fat and height

I'm 6'2" 420lbs. I've been with my fair share of short women. It doesn't bother me. Though the last girl I was with was about 5'7"...5'8"

I thought that was a perfect height. All through high school I always like the taller girls too.

Fat or skinny? Make no difference to me. I like both
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

Hey, I don't discriminate!

I'm a big guy and I like girls of all long as they are into big guys! smiley
11 years


56.2 as of today.

Didn't think I was that high, but then again I have put A LOT on the past few years smiley
11 years

Large for skinny

I'm am extrovert. I do stand up comedy, I was the class clown in high school. I'm an attention whore, if you will.

With that said, I am not shy about anything really. I've dated a very thin girl before and she didn't care about my size when it came time to get busy in bed. I've also dated larger women and, with me being about 400lbs it's harder to perform sex in just about every way...aside from doggy style. Both of us being large made it hard to keep it in the 'garage' for more than a few thrusts with either of us on top of the other.

Like Oni, I too enjoy the vast contrast with smaller women. You Snout, are the epitome of that extreme, sexy contrast in my mind.

Long story short... TO LATE!

>> How would you feel taking your clothes off infront of someone thinner?
>I'd be fine with it. You can tell I'm rather large so if they had a problem with it, it wouldn't have gotten to sex.<

>> How would you feel if someone thinner took their clothes off infront of you?
>Again, fine. I actually like girls that aren't shy to do that.<

>> Would you be any more nervous having sex with a thinner person than you would someone nearer your own weight?
>No. The only time I get nervous is when I write new jokes and I'm about to stand up in front of 100 new people lol... Although, I never take my socks off when 'making whoopie'<

I like all sizes, but the contrast of a 200lbs(or so) and under woman is always a big plus. *wink and a nod*
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

You know the beauty of being at the end of a bar and wanting to talk to a skinny girl but are afraid she hates fat guys?

You can have another shot, or two if need be, and just go do it lol Liquid Courage baby!!!

Though, being a chub chaser or not, most women respond very well to confidence
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

Lol... I find that hard to believe thicker! I'd talk to you all the time. Bet lots other will too! smiley
11 years