Best lines when you gain

I suppose that it rather depends on whether you know that the person wants to have gained weight or not. If you do, then your knowledge of that individual person will dictate how best to tell her/him.

More generally, for people whose preference for the matter is unknown, there is much to be said for "you look well" or some other general compliment on the person's appearance.
10 years

Currently reading...

I have just finished "London Tramways" by John Reed. Does that count?
10 years

Cake mix

A cake connoisseur despairs...
10 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

Looks like you all had such fun - shame that I missed it. Some very impressive outfits!
10 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

I'm not sure where the purported 1/10 figure comes from - these things are inherently hard to measure - but this one is easy to avoid by following the simple rule of not sending large quantities of money to people that one's never met before.
10 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

Interesting. Are there any particular keywords for which people search?
10 years