My weight gain video

A video of my gaining progress, with a before after shot. I can't wait to pop these pants. Isn’t it wonderful, this feeling? To know that you will gain, expand, become more, that your belly will expand and balloon up with fat and is just longing to hang? How the word obese spells magic and attracts you irresistible. That the process will happen if I want it or not. That gaining is not an option, but a natural consequence and something you can’t resist? To notice that other people notice that you fattened up and make these indirect comments, and you wish you could tell them the truth. That you feel wonderful being large, that you are happy to be fat. And that they will see you expand and become very obese, and that you won’t stay in this shape, for long.

And if they were to ask why, you would expain that well, a pig can escape being fattened up, but that soon it would miss it, it would feel in its bones that it is something that is good for it, that it is something that it was born to do. And that it soon years for somebody to feed it, help it gain and be satisfied when the belly gets larger.Someone that understands you, that accompanies you on your path to grow fatter and fatter, that you feel you were born to expand and gain and become more and more jiggly fat.

That you dream about it, yearn for it and can’t wait till you start growing again. That you can’t help it and like a pig, feel it deep inside you.
9 years

Fattening in films

Well, there is Pigs is Pigs, that is a classic.

But really, there is no such thing as a good feeding movie, a good role model or example how wonderful feeding can be, that shows how it really is. And so many years ago, I came up with this script here:

And this movie would rock, it would make the headlines, because it is part fiction, part real, but it messes with the head of the viewer: just when you think, yes, this is a special effect, she is not really fatter, you see that, but yes, she has actually gotten fatter, really.

This has never been done before, not even close. And the press that it would get, how controversial it would be (without being gross or sick or perverse, feeding itself is a taboo enough for many), that would stand in for a multi million ad campaign. A lot of people would talk about it, some would hate it, others would love it, but everybody would want to know what the hell it is, what it is about and why it is stirring up so much controversy ;-)

A little scandal to order, that makes people watch and unable to keep watching.

And it would give me a chance to show, how sexy feeding is and that yes, it is partly fiction, but that she is really a feedee and wants to gain and would have done it without the movie and even without a feeder.
9 years

Fattening in films

AskDrFeeder wrote:
CakeForBreakfast wrote:
DannyAU wrote:
There's the movie 'Feed'.

Oh, I love that movie!

I'm mildly bothered by the fact that it takes an obscure subset of the population (i.e. feeders) and turns us into the psychotic, axe-murdering monsters under your bed...I didn't WANT to like the film but the cinematography was great, the character development was pretty brilliant, and I totally fell in love with the soundtrack. Also, hot BBW. (Who also happened to be the only sympathetic character in the entire cast.)

Really? I never saw it, always thought it sounded awful.

But maybe I should give it a try. I'll blame you if it sucks though!

Sadly, I did not like it much. I hate that they made everybody into sick psychopaths and that the only high profile movie about feeding and feederism portrays it as a thing so sick and perverse as anything can be. Sadly, many people watch that and throw up or are done with feederism, if they were a little curious, I have heard about some examples of people I know. They then feel that feeders should be stopped from doing this (of course not realizing that this is not real, but it is the only example they have seen)

So it harms feederism as a movement and shoves it even more underground, if I as a feeder say I liked the movie, what kind of example am I giving here, with which kind of intentions am I associating myself?

Not that I like it, I hated the vibe it gives off: Every body is a sick *** and feedees suffer, they are victims and that trapped and hypnotized by their feeders.

I wish there was a happy lust oriented movie that shows how wonderful feeding really is, without going all crazy overboard the first time.
9 years

Fit and fat ?

I try to stay fit, because my predominant body type Vata
needs movement to feel good. Currently I'm not getting enough, as I'm too much of a brainiard. But I think I want to have a strong healthy heart and being fat and being healthy and fit is not exclusive.

And I notice that lugging around the weight that I have now when walking also is a lot more excercise as it used to be, when I think that now it is like I carry a 80 pound bag with me all the time.

I do the typical Kung Fu apprentice regimen, which means instead of going to a fitness center, I work out by performing every day tasks, like carrying the water buckets up the mountain to the monastery. Oh wait, I mean take the trash out, carrying the bag with stretched out arms, fixing the car, emptying the dishwasher or doing PC muscle contractions. ;-)

Not what others would ever call fit, but it works for me.
9 years

M feedee in ca seeking ffa

I'm looking for a woman that likes a large belly on a man and is not afraid to show it.

I am not growing any more currently, but would love you to watch when it starts again.
Ideally you are a fat admirer, but ideally want to see me becoming fatter and fatter, my belly growing huge.

This would be for friendship first, but if chemistry works, maybe more later.

I have many interests in other things besides feeding, I love good conversation, experimenting with cooking, enjoying good movies, being a nerd and intelligent plus very curious about new things.

Oh yeah, forgot, I'm also very tall and due to turn into a giant when I grow obese.
What a wonderful word, obese! It is coming, obesity, I can feel it.

I'm looking for a sexy woman, be it thin, plump or fat that is young at heart, quirky, has a great sense of humor and can cook or is ready to learn to cook for me, preparing especially fatty meals for me and enjoys to see me eat and enjoy her food and maybe feed me with a spoon. A woman that notices when my pants are getting tight and wants to see them pop when I'm enjoying her food.

A woman that would love to explore real life feeding with all its facettes, so we can both watch my belly do what it wants to do so badly.
9 years

San francisco meet-up aug. 10

RoyalFreyeness wrote:
One of my favorite cities on my birthday! I want pictures, you guys.

Your wish is my command!
These are pics from one of our last meetings, so much fun, you don't want to miss it!

I'm the guy right frontmost on the first few pics.

See you there then!
10 years