Reactions from people

I know I do. Love teasing and humiliation so having people react to my size is a plus in my book.
I enjoy teasing that points to my size as well. I'm not sure why. When I was an adolescent, I imagined being enormous as people would walk by considering me a slob. I'm very weird I know.
6 years

Original goals vs. actual results?

When I was in highschool, I had never imagined that I would actually grow up to be a short fat guy.I had a hidden desire to become very large but I'm glad that that hasn't happened exactly as Imagined because the size that I had in my mind would have made it virtually impossible to go out and do anything.
6 years

Reactions from people

Totally. But only from women. When men do it they can expect a pretty severe negative reaction.

Ran into woman I knew at a football game, who expressed shock at my weight gain.

"How much have you gained??" she asked.

"Thirty three pounds." I opened my coat to show her and she laughed and said "Looks more like 50!"

Got an email from a woman I used to talk to on line almost every day and whom I hadn't corresponded with in years.

We exchanged pics.

"You're still fat!" she replied.

Loved it, loved it...I could go on but you get the point. smiley
I'm like that as well and if people who I had known in highschool saw me today, they would be surprised because not only did I stop growing at 5'3, but I also continued to grow outward.
6 years

Reactions from people

Strange question: Do some of the people onbthis site enjoy getting negative reactions to their weight status? I have a friend who confided in me that she enjoys when women make comments under their breath to indicate that they are disgusted by her size.
6 years

Do any men want to be immobile

Yes, but it's just a dream for me as my health wouldn't permit it.
6 years

Attempting to understand a strange request

On these forums, I've read about many variations of female/male feeders. For the most part, it seems as if the female feeders generally want tall fat men. As strange as this may sound, many years ago a lady friend told me that I would be more her type if I were shorter and fatter. I'm only 5'3 to begin with. This lady was 5'7 at least. Is this a major deviation from what is normally seen in this fetish or preference if you will?
6 years

Friends getting fat

I have a number of friends who are now starting to put on weight. like, A LOT of weight. One shared with me she's gained 60 pounds over the last 2 years. Since the birth of Instagram, now I can watch it happen from near or far. Some people I went to high school with I only follow on Insta so I can watch them keep getting fat. And I have to admit, it's super exciting to watch. Another friend from high school has gained about 100 lbs in the last 5 years and MY JAW IS JUST ON THE FLOOR. And when they start talking about their weight gain, Im struggling not to blush or stare, but I know I do both.

::blush:: ::stare:: ::blush::

It's totally confusing to be suddenly really really attracted to your friends you've had for a decade+!

does anyone else deal with this? or....enjoy it as much as I do?
Indeed; my attraction with respect to body types began to expand. For instance, many years ago when I was in high school, I saw a beautiful woman who was very pretty and of a slim build. In one year she had plumped up. I was amazed to see how someones body growing into its adult tendencies could change the game. She was pretty in both forms within different expressions.
6 years

An absolutely crazy weight gain dream

i was pretty young when i had this dream, and i only remember one part. i remember i was on a bed in a pretty large bedroom and there were five or six women that were anywhere from 300 to probably over 600 pounds. some of them were on tubes and others were being fed by me. i remember waking up after that and thinking "what was that? how weird!" haha
That's cool. I can relate. Although, in my crazy dreams, I was the one who was expanding.
6 years

An absolutely crazy weight gain dream

Once dreamed one of the female supervisers from the youth house I chilled out before - a very large-breasted Petite woman, even during her modestly slim years - waddled through the place in question, nearly three time her slimmest size with a wobbling triplechin cushioning a noexistent neck, fat face, a globular double belly dropping down below her crotch and beachball-sized juggs...

Years before I finished by realize this dream was in fact a premonition : because this is EXACTLY both way & appearance she done to get last time I casually crossed her. 😮 #nojokes

Also already dreamed many times my female best friend turn into an immensely obese food-junkee, that a girl I hated/liked in college was struck overnight by an unnatural breast growth so she passed from a mere B apples to zeppelin-sized utters so she took fun to hammer my head with her inflating assets and that an another girl I once tried to seduce turn chunky.

These ones, this time away, were far from reality : my best friend never outcome during her weight-fluctuating life over 170 pounds when the dream suggested in any appareance a wherebout 300~350lbs, my comrade hardly gained a few pounds without never bulge out from the seams of her cleavage before to quit her self-stuffing project then last time I met the last girl, she hardly brushed the chubby mark : a fuller face, little paunch, fairly endowed boobs, child-bearing hips, thighs brushing each other then a growing bubble butt but nothing else.
It's amazing how our hidden thoughts influence our dreams.
6 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

No not really. I wasn't super into feeding/wg at the time, just a little. I didn't recognize it in full until we broke up.

Once I also had a very good friend confess that she loved watching people eat right as I was scarfing down a meal after a long drive on little food. It was an interesting conversation and I immediately wondered if she was hiding something from me but if she had a thing for it then she doesn't now, and I wouldn't have pursued it anyway as I enjoyed our friendship too much.
I understand. I had a similar experience. Many years ago I dated a young lady who would always bring a pie or some kind of cake when she came over. Maybe she was just being nice. Who knows.
6 years