Clean your plate

I love the sound of that, I definitely think you need to go back there more often and after you've gained a bit more you'll be able to fit more food in, see how she reacts then!
If you keep getting the encouragement laugh and say 'are you trying to make me fat or something? ' I betcha you'll get a great answer. ...
10 years

Type of feeder preferred?

LovesBigMen wrote:
I'd say I'm the textbook definition of the carer. I'd like nothing more than cook, feed, pamper and just generally make a loved one feel special. Loving and feeding go hand in hand for me, I don't think I can have one without the other. smiley

Oh I love the sound of this, I really do!!!!

Though ideally I would love to have an encourager/carer as the main traits of my feeder, probably slightly more encourager than carer... but with a GOOD dash of dominator thrown in for a bit of fun on occasions, because there ARE times when I don't want to eat and there ARE times when I don't WANT to be fatter.. and thats when a dominator would need to come to the foreground!
But as I said, ideally an encourager/carer combo would be the overall goal/aim to find!

But to be honest I'd accept any of the 3 main types of feeder if I could just get ONE! smiley
11 years

Feeling isolated

Definitely feel that..

So far from ANYONE.. and would just LOVE to find someone local to just go eat with, or talk with, or find a friend who would be quite happy with just encouraging me to get much bigger!

Oh well.. sucks that I live in the middle of nowhere (literally!)
11 years


I miss Thailand and Laos.. spent a LONG time living over that way a long time ago.
11 years

Male inflation

You're welcome to come visit Central Australia and inflate me so full of food I can't move then inflate the other end so that there is plenty of room for the food... then fill me up with a little bit more food for good measure!! smiley

Come and try it for a month and see if you can make me look permanently inflated.. smiley
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

I definitely think that if a skinny lady likes a big man she should definitely go and talk to him.. because if it was ME sitting at the end of the bar I wouldn't be so sure if the lovely sexy and slim lady at the other end of the bar was looking at me!
(on top of that I'm quite shy so if you made the first move I'd sure be happy with that)

(it's funny how long a thread can be dead before it's resurrected - but as others have posted I figured I might as well)
11 years

Smart phone apps

MyFitnessPal is available on Android (probably for others as well) and is very useful for tracking calories, weights etc..
On top of that you CAN set your weight goal HIGHER etc.

I like it, though I don't religiously fill out the daily intake every day.
11 years

Trying to get a preggo looking

Keep going there buddy, you can do it smiley
11 years

How do you find a feeder?

I agree with soooo much in this thread.

I've found that there are 3 people who live in my town who are either feeders/encouragers or feedees/gainers and I've tried to contact all 3 of them and I've just been ignored. No idea why??

My emails to them went along the lines of I'd like to meet some new people around here and make some friends and perhaps we could go out and get some dinner etc. Nothing more, and I've just been ignored. Sucks!

And the nearest other town that I could go to is over 1,500 kms away (in ANY direction!)

Oh well, guess I've got to wait until I move back to the east coast where all the people are.. Though Australia seems to have few feeders that seem interested.

Good luck to everyone on finding the perfect person to help you achieve your goals!
11 years

Trying to get a preggo looking

Great work mate.. keep going!!

I reckon I look quite preggo these days, all of my weight seems to have settled on the belly...

So - try for 48 inches!! but hey I'm over 240 lbs and 6'2" so I guess I'm a lot bigger over all.

Anyway, great goal, now make it another 9 months and go for gold!!!
11 years