Fattening meaning and consequences

Some people get mad if your opinion doesn't match theirs so they get all cranky about it.
I say voice your opinion and if others don't like it oh well sorry about your luck.

I agree lots of shitposting thats for sure.
I will add there are some here that post things just for the shock value and to seem edgy but I doubt they actually do what they say they do in real life.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Thats a positive way to look at it.LOL
5 years

Fattening meaning and consequences

And who are you to judge that?[/quote]

They could ask you the same thing you know.
They were just voicing an opinion.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Slow and steady always worked for me but there were times a gain would come on and not stop for several months.
I would consider that a delayed effect thing that happens some times.
Everyone is different so YMMV.
5 years

That plateau

If you rely heavily on drinks for your calories, you're bound to gain slower. Based on my experience, I don't think the body sees all the calories from chugging heavy cream. I imagine a big percentage of that passes right through the system. Heavy cream is a great surplus but I prefer the majority of my calories to come from food.

I agree 100%
Heavy cream adds fat but I would say 50% passes right thru.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

Being impatient seems to be a problem for a lot of people.
Our society has become an "I want it now" society.
In the age of instant information via the web people just think everything happens instantly.
I got discouraged too at times so I know how you feel.
There were months on end where I didn't gain more than a pound or two if any at all and I was eating like a horse.
I hit 225 and couldn't seem to gain past that no matter how much I ate. Once my body adjusted the next 100 lbs happened so quickly it shocked me and everyone around me.
5 years

Getting an "honest" body

How people see you is none of your doing so how are you causing them to get a false impression.
If you look average people will see you as average.
I think you are worrying over nothing.
5 years

I don't know what to do?

Remember its a choice you make and you are responsible for your actions.
5 years

Getting an "honest" body

Like your physical shape was a lie?
What does that even mean?
You are what you are big or small how could one even be a lie?
This sounds like the old "I want to live authentically " thing I keep hearing.
Why people have such a problem just being themselves seems crazy to me.
5 years

I don't know what to do?

Remember you don't have to be a feeder.
You make a choice to be a feeder and it can be something you chose not to do.
If you don't like that part of you change it.
I used to be a drug addict and didn't care if I lived or died and at times wished I had.
I made the personal choice to go thru the agony of with drawl so I wouldn't be bound to the needle.
Rehab was hard as hell and if I can come thru that you can choose not to be a feeder.
I know that sounds crazy on a fetish site but its the truth.
5 years