Breaking the ice

I would take it slow.

You can start out by saying you won't diet anymore (if you were a BBW to start), or you won't diet. You can say you enjoy food, etc.

Then you can say you like it when people admire your weight, and that some people admire your weight gain.

Sooner or later, that person will figure it out, or you can tell him without everything being a complete surprise. You can also stop saying things if it does not go well.
12 years

Nude pictures

It is funny that so many people are for showing nude pictures, yet so many people here are against liking people on their physical attraction.

If two people get serious they are free to trade them privately. But when surfing through this site, I would rather see a pretty smile than someone's privates.

When everyone tries to outdo everyone else's nude pictures, it makes this site nothing more than a porn site. All of the support, understanding, etc. goes out the window.
12 years

Circus fat ladies

I think it is more fun to go to the store and see a circus sized lady.
12 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

kristineirl wrote:
i'm certainly trying, but some days more than others it seems like i'm REALLY trying. i've thought about weight gain shakes, and for a while i dismissed them because i wanted to go at it naturally but now i'm craving bigger rolls, damnit!

It looks like you are doing quite well to me. 330 pounds is nice, and I am sure you weren't born that weight. lol.
12 years

Pregnant or fat?

I think it would be sexy for the ladies to play along and wear maternity clothes, if they are small enough to fit them.
12 years

I'm really pissed off...

Because you are one person telling her she is OK, and she probably has her friends and family and complete strangers telling her different. And that does not even count the media, her doctor, etc.
12 years


I know someone who lost their life savings by falling in love online with someone they never met. (NOT involving FF). The Internet is a good way to meet, but it still takes old fashion face to face contact to judge someone.
12 years

I want my breasts to get big

Breandain wrote:
Definitely mostly a hereditary thing but I heard diets high in soy bean and soy products are good for increasing boobs size being that they are high in natural estrogen like compounds...

whether true or not, I don't know lol

Giving men estrogen would cause them to grow breasts. However, women already have estrogen,so giving them more will not change anything.

As I recall soy has plant estrogen which has little, if any, affect on most humans. You hear a story about a boy growing boobs and they blame soy. But that is rare.
12 years