I don't know what to do?

Why do you need a therapist just to live your life?
You are attracted to what you like why is that a bad thing you are going to hell over?
250 for a guy is not huge if he is tall.
Somebody has fed you some bad advice and IMO you really don't have some extreme fetish.
Liking something is not the same as a fetish.
I'm fat and like fat guys I don't have any fetishes and I am here.
Personally I don't think you are messed up at all. You just have a preference in the kind of guys you like nothing more than that.

I think you are over thinking all of this and trying to find a way to punish yourself for liking fat guys because you don't think you are supposed to be attracted to them.
Wake up GF if you are attracted to bigger guys its OK trust me you aren't going to hell over it.
God made you who you are right?
If God made you attracted to fat guys why argue with him over it?
5 years

“the one”

One tip for you is don't read too much into it.
Just because she catted with you doesn't mean she is "the one".
5 years

Spelling and grammar

Bad grammar and spelling drive me crazy but I keep my mouth shut so not to offend the spelling challenged people.
5 years

Instant gain

I have been 100 lbs heavier so no I don't think I would
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

I made a booth at an Arby's groan loudly once.
A GF of mine was in the booth and she is a big girl too so we figured there was close to 800 lbs on the bench so I moved to the other side.
Safety first you know.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

Not really I was wearing a skirt at the time.
Leggings or shorts would have been better.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

I sunk the legs in soft dirt a few times too. One of my GFs was laughing as I went sinking down.
Her hubby had to lift me back up. Good thing he was a big boy and really strong LOL
5 years

Heavy guy stuff

I recommend La-Z-boy recliners too
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

LOL I wasted my money on the chair so that part wasn't so good.
5 years

When did you realize you were attracted to fat people/how were you introduced to this community?

I was always attracted to fat boys in high school.
They were usually a lot nicer boys and more fun to be around.
Lots of girls liked the football players but I never cared for their big egos.
5 years