Harassment thread

As I can access comment reports now, I went through and took care of all the harassment reports there, including a new normal harassment report today.

lostchyld has been ordered to cease contact with Sweet_Malibu.
lostchyld lostchyld223@y***.com 2 Mar 2013 28
Abuse report (10 mins ago), from Sweet_Malibu, about a profile
This user has been constantly messaging me on Plenty of Fish too, which stated he is 26 and lives in London UK, whereas on here it's a different age and location.

fa4ssbbw has been ordered to cease contact with ghoulfriend.
Abuse report (2 weeks ago), from ghoulfriend, about a comment
Since there is no block feature yet, i want to report this user who refuses to leave me alone despite me not interacting with him in months. I'm creeped out by him a lot and wish for him to be unable to contact me.

DevoteFemininBoy has been ordered to cease contact with testaa.
Abuse report (1 week ago), from testaa, about a comment
he's going on my nerves

Rustydog7 has been ordered to cease contact with lockmle and xosweetgirl.
Abuse report (2 weeks ago), from lockmle, about a comment
He is saying very inappropriate things and will not stop commenting on my things.
Abuse report (6 months ago), from xosweetgirl, about a comment
I don't feel comfortable with his comments. Is it possible to block him from my profile? (Rustydog7)

Susan has been ordered to cease contact with Stefanydiwilmette.
Abuse report (1 month ago), from Stefanydiwilmette, about a comment
Stalking behavior. Susan and I had a on line relationship. She "dumped" me, I refused to get back with her and now she is stalking me with hate mail.

Note: Now redacted as they are in a relationship together as feeder/feedee.

OBESEbilover has been ordered to cease contact with captainfatty206.
Abuse report (9 months ago), from captainfatty206, about a comment
This guy comments on everything i do. im tired of it
Abuse report (3 months ago), from captainfatty206, about a comment
this is the 4th comment about *** i had to delete from this guy, im not interested

Hunter9 has been ordered to cease contact with Jessikuhmfrrabbit.
Abuse report (7 months ago), from Jessiikuhmfrabbit, about a comment
Harassing me

bman3692 has been ordered to cease contact with syphon77.
Abuse report (3 months ago), from syphon77, about a comment
He won't leave me alone.
9 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Welcome to all newcomers. smiley
9 years

I'm a feminist

That said, educating people is key to show them what feminism is all about, and that it's not one singular movement. Feminism is an overarching ideology, and the reason it has multiple waves is that people who were unhappy with how it was currently working split off to form their own path/schism starting from a common ideology. For a similar example, one can look at how there's no such singular form of Christianity, but many different strands and denominations.

An example about the splitting of feminism was a major schism formed around the late 1970's, between anti-porn and sex-positive feminists.

The feminist sex wars, also known as the lesbian sex wars, or simply the sex wars or porn wars, are debates amongst feminists regarding a number of issues broadly relating to sex. The debates, which Lisa Duggan said felt like war, polarised into two sides during the late 1970s and early 1980s and the aftermath of this polarisation of feminist views during the sex wars continues to this day. The sides were characterized by anti-porn feminist and sex-positive feminist groups with disagreements regarding sexuality, pornography and other forms of sexual representation, prostitution, the role of trans women in the lesbian community, lesbian sexual practices, sadomasochism and other sexual issues. The feminist movement was deeply divided as a result of these debates.

Also intersectionality:

The concept of intersectionality came to the forefront of sociological circles in the late 1960s and early 1970s in conjunction with the multiracial feminist movement. It came as part of a critique of radical feminism that had developed in the late 1960s known as the "revisionist feminist theory". This revisionist feminist theory "challenged the notion that 'gender' was the primary factor determining a woman's fate".

The movement led by women of color disputed the idea that women were a homogeneous category sharing essentially the same life experiences. This argument stemmed from the realization that white middle-class women did not serve as an accurate representation of the feminist movement as a whole. Recognizing that the forms of oppression experienced by white middle-class women were different from those experienced by black, poor, or disabled women, feminists sought to understand the ways in which gender, race, and class combined to "determine the female destiny".
9 years

Game | find the lie :)

Hmm, I'll guess... 2, maybe?
9 years

Four temperaments quiz/test


Just another interesting quiz/test for people to try. smiley Which of the four humors are you? I got Melancholic.

Your temperament is melancholic. The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.
9 years

What's your personality type?

INFJ. I should try the Big Five quiz some day actually.
9 years

This or that

Watching a roaring fire.

Peaches or pears?
9 years

Currently listening to

The Birthday Massacre - Control
9 years

I'm a feminist

Firstly I'll just say that the word 'feminism' can indeed be a bit nebulous, since there's many different kinds of people who call themselves that. People might disagree with one kind of it, and might agree with another. So the real question is what kinds of feminism do they disagree with, and why.

At the same time, people who don't call themselves feminists are not automatically bad either. For example, some trans people have issues with feminism in general as they feel that the majority of feminists have failed to tackle the issue of Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists(TERFs) thoroughly enough, and that they could do more about this vocal, hateful subgroup. These trans people would not necessarily call themselves feminists, but this blatantly does not make them automatically bad.

I myself am an intersectional feminist as I mentioned earlier, and seek to take into account all the inequalities that people face in society rather than just the oppression of women only, which perhaps is a stance not so dissimilar to what people would call 'equalism'. At the same time, I dislike TERFs and their behaviour, I find them to be thoroughly toxic people, which is a sentiment that many other feminists share, and I condemn their actions which include their advocating to 'cure' trans people via therapy. I also condemn the actions of feminists who have said that men can't be raped - they certainly can be, and it's disgraceful to assume otherwise.

That kind of 'men can't be raped' feminism, and that of TERFs - that's not my feminism. And I wholeheartedly condemn theirs.
9 years