Diet coke betrayal

Diet sodas contain ingredients that are harmful to some people. When a restaurant gives a diet soda to someone who asks for regular, they are opening themselves up to lawsuits. Not to mention the bad publicity and moral responsibilities to their customers.
13 years

Remeron / mirtazapin + wg?

Everyone's reaction to medicine is totally different. Some people may gain a lot of weight, some people may not gain anything.

They are required to list all possible side effects, but most people do not get any.
13 years

Favorite bands :)

Jay & the Americans
Peter & Gordon
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

What I don't understand is when people leave here (or anywhere) because they encounter a few people who are not kind to them, or not nice, etc.

It doesn't matter how many people are not compatible with you, it matters how many there are.

And if you run into 100 people who are not your kind, and leave, you may miss the 101st person who could have been your soulmate.

Also, don't limit yourself to one site. If you are a gainer, or whatever, place an ad on Craig's List, or wherever. Most of the people may not understand. A few may criticize you. But you may get that one person who is into weight gain. Don't forget, not everyone knows about FF, and not everyone knows there are people who like to gain. If you are not a gainer, and just a BBW, you can still find someone.
13 years

Fat and height

I preferred taller women (I'm 5' 9"smiley, but most women want men taller than they are. I recently saw an ad for a woman who was 5' 2" and would not consider a man under 6'
13 years

Bigger moobs thru estrogen?

As long as you are willing to accept all the other side effcts, including being impotent, mood swings, hot flashes, blood clots, etc.
13 years

Bbw tattoo?

I can't imagine too many people being into the same things at age 20 that they will be into at age 70. Not to mention that wrinkles, amputations, vericose veins, etc. make the tattoos look bad.

OK, you get a BBW tattoo now. Then in a few years your find your soulmate who happens to be average size. Or you find a BBW who gets a condition that causes her to be thin the rest of her life. You are both "in the mood," you take off your shirt and she is reminded that you like BBWs, and not her body. It spoils the moment.

Right now tattoos are as popular as hula hoops were in the 1950's. People can throw their hula hoops in the attic, but are stuck with their tattoos.

Many companies, even minimum wage retailers will not hire people with tattoos. What seems like a good idea with your buddies now may not be a good idea for the future.
13 years

Am i the only feedee...

I hate to tell everyone, but buffets are not the only place where germy things happen. I was in a fast food restaurant, and the manager left the stall without washing his hands. I wrote to their home office in Columbus OH, but did not get a response back. This was years ago, but I am sure it still happens.
13 years

Male vs female pictures

That is about the ratio of men to women on this site.
13 years