Wanting to start gaining

Yeah it did sadly.
Funny how people ask for advice then when they receive some they get mad because they don't don't like the answer.
College kids that have a major but no degree yet think they know it all.
I have 4 degrees and I will be the first to admit I don't know everything in each field.
5 years

Wanting to start gaining

Wow "thats nice" what condescending answer.
Can't get more disrespectful than that can you?
I guess you know it all so not much reason for me to comment in this thread any more.
5 years

Wanting to start gaining

OK I spent 8 years getting fat and have tried most every method out there and you are asking questions because you are wanting to gain and basically don't know how yet you know more than someone who has actually done it.
You can spout all the scientific data you want it doesn't make it fact.
The different fat from around the country you talk about is still fat the differences would be so minor you may not see a difference.
I would be more inclined to listen to a person that actually did it than some group in a lab that hasn't done it themselves.
5 years

Wanting to start gaining

If you gain weight the fat is going to go where it wants .
Basically stores it differently on people so no way of knowing where it will go.
You buy heavy cream at the grocery you don't make it.
5 years

When did you first start padding?

I have no idea what to use for a backside. You know way more than I do about the subject.
I find the subject interesting so thats why I asked.
5 years

Sensitive underbelly

Missed you too Jazzy.
I don't get on here much anymore but I am still out there.
Not quite as big as I have been but still a big girl.
5 years

Sensitive underbelly

Hi ya Jazz.
I am that way in a few places.
5 years

When did you first start padding?

I hope you grow as big as you want.
5 years

How to get biggest belly possible?

It takes practice so don't expect a lot your first time.
Just eat a lot for the first time and see how you fare.
Milk shakes always bloated me pretty well.
Diet Pepsi and mentos might be up your alley but no matter what you do the first time don't expect over an inch increase in your waist.
To expect more is wishful thinking.
5 years

When did you first start padding?

Very interesting.
Nice big round butt in a few pics.
Curious how you do that and what you use.
I have only known one person that said they did the padding thing but he wouldn't tell me how he did it.
5 years