Largest belly ever

Does anyone know what happened to Carolyn Owens?
13 years

Breaking up with a slimmed bbw

It's good that it's been on again, off again. When she regains the weight plus more, you can be on again and enjoy it when she reaches her new peak.
13 years

Girls going from skinny to fat

check YouTube. Lots of before and after pictures there.
13 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

SuperFelix wrote:
canadianenglish wrote
She's called Georgia Davies and she was something of a minor celebrity for a while after she lost half her body weight... then put it back on, apparently. Kind of proves my point that dieting, especially dramatic dieting, rarely has the desired effects.

I dont know how she gained all the weight again... But she didnt lose weight by dieting. She simply ate more healthy and above all, she ate less, and exercised more during the her time at the weight loss school. It was a complete change of lifestyle that made her lose weight. If she would have continued to eat "right" and exercise she wouldnt have gained weight again....

Dieting is bad and often results in weightgain in the end.
Losing weight through a lifestyle change, more exercise and eating healthy, is good.

A diet by any other name, is STILL a diet. A diet is any change in eating habbits in the attempt to lose weight.
13 years

Painfully fake

Haze wrote:
I prefer to be semi-incognito, personally. If I were a male FA I wouldn't be so worried about being 'found out' by my friends, but being a girl wanting to gain weight is a little harder to explain lol. I've had 2 people (close to me) find these kind of things when I had more pics and vids, and trust me that is one awkward discussion!

Being an FA is one thing. It's like being a BBW. It's no big deal. But to come out in public as a feeder, or even someone who is a gaining admirer, it's not easy. About the same as coming out as a feedee or someone who wants to gain.
13 years

Painfully fake

There are other ways to spot fakes too. Someone who does not know how clothing sizes work, or weill tell you anything except what size they wear. People who have cliamed to have gained a lot of weight, but only have before pictures, etc. A lot of times, if you have a detailed conversation with them, they will slip up. One woman claimed to be 300 pounds but said she bought her clothes in the 5-7-9 Shop, one woman who claimed to be so fat at 200 pounds, she needed to have her doors widened, etc.
13 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

Tell us more please. Anyone know her name?
13 years

Dating slim girls - advice

I think most people are missing the point here. There are two points here. 1) dating a woman who is thin, and 2) dating a woman who hates being fat, and will probably hate fat people in general, and probably will not understand a man who likes large women. In addition, dieters and workout people are incredibly boring. All they talk about is losing weight, what they ate, what they didn't eat, etc. All of the work they put into workouts is just wasted motion. They could use the same motions to do volunteer work, work around the house, etc.

So, I could date a thin woman, but I could NEVER date a woman is into working out.
13 years