chulaq 23 Nov 2014 114

Back and was reported by obeserider as talking about the same creepy stuff again. Perma/IP banned.
9 years

Missing/disappeared on ff

chubbyhoney made a great post above. The true answer is that the site isn't one or the other, but a hybrid. Once upon a time it was fetish-focused, but came to greatly incorporate general fat positivity as well.

There are many fetish aspects to the site, yes. It caters to feeders, feedees, mutual gainers/etc, and it doesn't just stop there, it also includes things like humiliation, squashing, pregnancy, immobility, inflation with air/water/etc, and more. As such it inevitably attracts those who come here specifically for sexual reasons and who don't care about the community aspect, which unfortunately tends to come paired with the ignorant attitudes that people have complained about in this topic.

But does that mean it should be tolerated? Nope. Just because they lurch in the door like zombies (with about the same charisma) for their sexual fix doesn't mean people can't vent about them, and it doesn't mean that they can't be shot-gunned like the undead that they mimic once they start harassing people.

The upcoming block feature will help with this, but also if anyone doesn't want someone to contact them any more, they can report them by clicking the red flag on their profile. They don't even need to give a reason other than "I don't want them to talk to me any more". And if someone is found to be breaching the 'restraining order', they will be (and are) punished, simple as that. If someone can't respect another person's boundaries, then we don't want that person on the site.

Some of the offenders have ranted back about their punishment, but if they can't act like a decent human being and respect a person saying "no", that's their problem. Despite them treating people on here like pieces of meat, this is not Burger King, they can't have it their way.
9 years

Contest: sweet and spooky

The Sweet and Spooky artwork contest has now concluded. The artwork will be put to several judges and a winner will be announced in due course. smiley
9 years

Why there arent male escorts ?

FAfromSpain wrote:
My opinio, there are no male escort as he would not success as no BBW or SSBBW would call him due self-esteem , they would not run the risk to be rejected by their weight even the man could ad as a fat admirer and focused just on big women.


Thread locked.
9 years


Sent them an ID check now.
chubbysara 3 Oct 2014 36

Update: Nothing provided, banned.
9 years

Age checking

chubbyhoney wrote:
From shout:

im pissed at ff they keep on kicking me off when I am really 22

That one often goes by the name of nicki/nic***argisbatman, and variants, and a number of people have noted she seems underage with how she acts, not to mention this report on her last profile:

Abuse report (6 hours ago), from Juneau1776, about a profile
This user I met in real life and is only 16 years of age. TO prevent others from falling for her lies I would advise someone look into this and possible restrict her access

She's been sent at least two age checks before, but has never provided us with anything. Found an old report from Ruby for her too:

Abuse report (1 day ago), from eve, about a profile
did this one not get banned for being underage? or did they provide proof ever? She has now posted her phone number on her about me too!

Banned again. Because of her rant today I've sent her a -third- age check along with her ban.
Hi plussizefreak,

You were previously asked to provide proof of age, unfortunately, as you have not done so, your account has been permanently suspended. In order to retain / reactivate your membership, please email photographic proof of your age to us at

This may be a copy of any valid legal document, such as a driver's license or passport - and doesn't need to show all your details at all, just your Date Of Birth with your photo, other personal details may be covered up.

Thank you for your understanding.

FF Moderation Team
Fantasy Feeder
9 years

Fake males thread

Making a note of this email from miss thunder in case this guy comes back:

I would like to report a user who is making fake accounts.

He previously spoke to me under the username 'dark rift' the profile was set to location uk but in a message he told me he was from Italy.

Today I was messaged by user 'XxlukexX' also with a UK profile. He sent me his *** username which turned out to be 'darkrift90' I immediately asked him if he was from Italy and he replied yes. I then confronted him about having multiple accounts using photos of different men and he immediately deleted his account.

I found a 'darkrifts1' on here but I think it might be unrelated, hasn't been used in 2 years.
9 years

Contest: sweet and spooky

Ghouliette wrote:

Sorry it's so late!

No worries! smiley Thanks for entering.

Zappy wrote:
I'll try and throw something together tonight and send it in.

Haven't entered one of these in ages!
Always good stuff.


Good, I've extended the deadline by a couple of days for it then. smiley
9 years


Huh, he accepted it rather calmly and responded with:

ya i guess i was mainly trolling someone who said its ok for cops to kill kids, because her dad is a cop and pretty much had racist undertones refering to black people people as if they are less

I'll see if I can get an extra check on what happened around that part of the convo that wasn't logged, sigh.
9 years


There was an argument in chat the other day over the Ferguson riots, and this fellow got rather carried away, both insulting the UK in an over-the-top manner and being pro-cop killing.
neighborhoodfeeder 4 Aug 2009 32

Abuse report (3 hours ago), from Sophicles, about a profile
Att'n Saph: Some over the top discussion during post-Ferguson debate: [22:32:21] neighborhoodfeeder: just think the beautiful site of a 185 grain steel core .308 going through his vest, the beautiful pink frothy foam leaking out of his mouth, as s

[22:41:51] Amburglar: IM IN INTENSE DISCUSSION LEAVE ME ALONE smiley
[22:41:52] c00kie: whos in there
[22:42:03] bloatedbellybeauty: check it out
[22:42:49] Amburglar: thats a very one sided view of the riot in the streets
[22:43:07] bloatedbellybeauty: ?
[22:43:18] Amburglar: the link he posted to the live stream
[22:44:23] neighborhoodfeeder: what exactly is one sided?
[22:44:37] bloatedbellybeauty: don't listen to the other side
[22:45:23] OugaChakaOugaOuga: it will get interesting to see what DOJ does
[22:45:23] neighborhoodfeeder: he caught some beautiful footage of the police firing tear gas into the media
[22:45:28] neighborhoodfeeder: and tipping over the cameras

[22:45:33] Golden Domer: Night everyone!
[22:45:54] Golden Domer has left the room
[22:46:03] Amburglar: did he catch footage of the "protestors" setting buildings on fire?
[22:46:10] Amburglar: stopping random cars of innocent ppl?
[22:46:12] Amburglar: no?
[22:46:15] Amburglar: didnt think so
[22:46:17] Amburglar: onesided
[22:46:29] neighborhoodfeeder: he caught the footage of the car catching fire
[22:46:42] bloatedbellybeauty: oooh
[22:46:42] ghost has entered the room
[22:46:46] Fozzy: now they are looting
[22:46:52] neighborhoodfeeder: and ironically the footage showed the biggest agressor are dumb white anarchist
[22:46:53] ghost has left the room
[22:46:55] pregoluva has entered the room
[22:47:00] Amburglar: they looting and o'reillys
[22:47:04] Amburglar: theyre*
[22:47:05] Fozzy: ^
[22:47:07] Amburglar: an*
[22:47:14] Amburglar: wtf do car parts have to do with justice?
[22:47:19] Amburglar: tell me that please
[22:47:30] bloatedbellybeauty has left the room
[22:47:38] neighborhoodfeeder: dumb uneducated idiots
[22:47:46] neighborhoodfeeder: who the police love as usefull idiots

[22:47:49] OugaChakaOugaOuga: wrong place wrong time
[22:48:35] c00kie: People just shouldnt have the use of guns simple as
[22:48:53] tbl has left the room
[22:48:56] c00kie: English police do not carry them
[22:49:04] Sexyblonde has entered the room
[22:49:07] Amburglar: I have a gun
[22:49:09] neighborhoodfeeder: this isnt england
[22:49:11] neighborhoodfeeder: its america

[22:49:14] Amburglar: and my conceal and carry
[22:49:18] skiel53: "Murica
[22:49:24] neighborhoodfeeder: and america isnt the only country with a consitutional right to arms
[22:49:27] neighborhoodfeeder: Italy,
[22:49:29] neighborhoodfeeder: norway
[22:49:30] neighborhoodfeeder: finland
[22:49:36] neighborhoodfeeder: czech republic

[22:49:48] c00kie: I wasnt singling out America
[22:49:51] neighborhoodfeeder: most people do
[22:49:55] bloatedbellybeauty has entered the room
[22:49:56] bellyrub > Sexyblonde: hey anyway ud like to chat?
[22:50:04] matty23994: Australia has guns !
[22:50:07] c00kie: I said guns....
[22:50:11] c00kie: everywhere
[22:50:23] skiel53: Yeah we have guns but nothing really automatic
[22:50:25] neighborhoodfeeder: thats kind of childish wishing?
[22:50:30] Fozzy > Sexyblonde: Dee was looking for you earlier
[22:50:33] c00kie: I mentiined england due to the fact we can still police our streets eithout arms
[22:50:35] neighborhoodfeeder: guns are 1000 years old
[22:50:39] c00kie: its not childish
[22:50:42] neighborhoodfeeder: older than the printing press
[22:50:42] Sexyblonde > bellyrub: Still no.
[22:50:49] c00kie: you dont need them
[22:50:51] neighborhoodfeeder: lets uninvent the wheel
[22:50:52] Sexyblonde > Fozzy: Thanks, she found me.
[22:50:57] Goinginsane38 has entered the room
[22:50:57] c00kie: its a power thing
[22:50:57] neighborhoodfeeder: that way we can stop car crashes
[22:51:03] neighborhoodfeeder: to you it may be
[22:51:05] neighborhoodfeeder: not to most owners

[22:51:10] Goinginsane38 has left the room
[22:51:13] Fozzy > Sexyblonde: She tell you about her phone?
[22:51:15] neighborhoodfeeder: its a hunk of wood plastic and metal
[22:51:20] c00kie: car crashes and shooting people purposfully is a different thing all together
[22:51:31] Sexyblonde > Fozzy: Yeah, it sucks!
[22:51:32] TJHooker: I think you need guns because if criminals don't feel tat tere will be consequences they will be more likly to commit crimes
[22:51:32] neighborhoodfeeder: yep cars kill more people
[22:51:54] TJHooker: well guns in america at least
[22:51:58] c00kie: and the consequence must always be death
[22:52:12] slow_burn has entered the room
[22:52:13] c00kie: people should not have to judge who deserves to live and die
[22:52:24] bloatedbellybeauty: theyre wrong a lot
[22:52:32] c00kie: exactly
[22:52:34] neighborhoodfeeder: and you want people to have no chance to defend themself
[22:52:40] tbl has entered the room
[22:52:48] Amburglar: Criminals dont care if guns are illegal...cause they dont obtain their guns legally anyway
[22:52:50] bloatedbellybeauty: too many people have died this year ALONE
[22:52:50] neighborhoodfeeder: guns only kill about 33% of the time
[22:53:05] tbl has left the room
[22:53:09] c00kie: people who have been imprisoned wrongly for decades.... who had peopl3 investigate cases for months / years
[22:53:13] neighborhoodfeeder: really? bloated violence is down big time in the past 25 years
[22:53:18] neighborhoodfeeder: down by 50% and still dropping

[22:53:25] c00kie: and in a few seconds with a gun on the streets you snub someone ouy forever
[22:53:35] bloatedbellybeauty: yupp
[22:53:53] neighborhoodfeeder: id rather drop lead in some *** wishing me harm, then my family burying me
[22:54:06] c00kie: Innocent until proven guilty yeah
[22:54:09] tbl has entered the room
[22:54:10] bloatedbellybeauty has left the room
[22:54:16] c00kie: well how do they get that chance if shot dead
[22:54:27] neighborhoodfeeder: easy
[22:54:30] neighborhoodfeeder: dont try to harm someone
[22:54:34] neighborhoodfeeder: and magically they are alive

[22:54:41] c00kie: but its ok for police to harm
[22:54:50] neighborhoodfeeder: only if thye truly are in danger
[22:54:51] c00kie: police are people too
[22:55:05] Fozzy: Not to him apparently
[22:55:10] c00kie: there not magically excempted from the rukes theres supposed to enforce
[22:55:13] Fozzy: He doesn't believe in 911
[22:55:15] Amburglar: It comes down to personal responsibilty, Mike Brown made the decisions that ultimately led to his death
[22:55:18] neighborhoodfeeder: of course not
[22:55:29] neighborhoodfeeder: here is generally the rule for lethal force in america
[22:55:35] neighborhoodfeeder: and its the same for cops and civilians

[22:55:39] Amburglar: I have the right to use deadly force if my life is in danger
[22:55:45] Amburglar: and I would use it
[22:55:54] neighborhoodfeeder: you are allowed to use lethal force if you or another person is facing grave bodily harm or death
[22:56:08] TJHooker > Amburglar: AMEN
[22:56:10] sexyback87 has entered the room
[22:56:10] neighborhoodfeeder: you are allowed to use lethal force until the threat is no longer there
[22:56:21] neighborhoodfeeder: what do you carry?

[22:56:31] c00kie: Just have to agree to disagree
[22:56:44] OugaChakaOugaOuga: disagress
[22:56:53] MissKris has left the room
[22:57:08] MilaSpice has left the room
[22:57:14] neighborhoodfeeder: sorry if you disagree with the law, and those laws are pretty much universal in every country
[22:57:19] neighborhoodfeeder: minus england

[22:57:22] bellyrub has left the room
[22:57:22] neighborhoodfeeder: which is a *** hole
[22:57:35] neighborhoodfeeder: where a muslim can rape a 12 year old because its their religious right

[22:57:36] c00kie: were not the ones having these issues lol
[22:58:00] neighborhoodfeeder: where you have no basic rights as a human
[22:58:15] PizzaPowered has left the room
[22:58:15] c00kie: you actually are ridiculous
[22:58:29] neighborhoodfeeder: lets see the consitution of the UK ohhhhh waiit
[22:58:31] neighborhoodfeeder: there is NONE

[22:58:36] TJHooker: I bet those journalists who were beheaded wish they had a gun.
[22:58:48] Sexyblonde has left the room
[22:59:03] jackluvsembig has left the room
[22:59:47] jackluvsembig has entered the room
[22:59:46] c00kie: I love how your turning this into a thing against England
[22:59:46] neighborhoodfeeder: hey now TJ those lovely terrorists were just exercizing their religion
[22:59:54] tbl has left the room
[22:59:56] neighborhoodfeeder: and it would be biggoted to question how they do it
[22:59:59] Sexyblonde has entered the room
[23:00:00] TJHooker: how so?
[23:00:06] Saphiel Sir has entered the room
[23:00:13] TJHooker: I never once said anything about England
[23:00:14] Fozzy > Saphiel Sir: Perfect timing
[23:00:14] Saphiel Sir: What's going on?
[23:00:24] c00kie: So anyone that disagrees with your opinion you bully
[23:00:33] neighborhoodfeeder: what was that town? Rotherham?
[23:00:39] TJHooker: i never did. How did I bully?
[23:00:43] Amburglar: neighborhood feeder is being bad
[23:00:48] TokyoKillerQueen has entered the room
[23:00:49] Amburglar: thats whats goin on
[23:00:50] TJHooker > Saphiel Sir: DAD SHE POINTED FINGERS AT ME
[23:00:59] c00kie: I didnt direct it to you tj
[23:01:05] c00kie: so stop being a spaz
[23:01:12] tbl has entered the room
[23:01:12] neighborhoodfeeder: she is crying because she didnt like opinions contracdicting her childish wishes for world peace
[23:01:18] c00kie: erm
[23:01:20] TJHooker: I am not being a spaz. Why are you getting so upset?
[23:01:27] c00kie: your thenine not liking different opinions
[23:01:32] TJHooker > Saphiel Sir: lol
[23:01:35] c00kie: I tried to join the converstion
[23:01:41] c00kie: you ended up insulting
[23:01:41] neighborhoodfeeder: id love world peace, i just know it wont happen
[23:01:46] TJHooker > Saphiel Sir: lol
[23:01:55] TJHooker > c00kie: what insult did I say?
[23:02:00] skiel53 > neighborhoodfeeder: Not with taht attitude
[23:02:02] c00kie: which is just rude and unnecessary
[23:02:06] skiel53: that
[23:02:17] c00kie > TJHooker: again not talking to you or about you
[23:02:39] TJHooker > c00kie: Oh shit. Im sorry you were talking about neighborhoodfeeder. My bad
[23:02:42] speedvision4 has left the room
[23:02:44] neighborhoodfeeder > skiel53: if you think my attitude is blocking world peace i feel sorry,
[23:02:50] TJHooker: :8
[23:03:05] c00kie: your angry and judgemental
[23:03:06] Saphiel Sir: Alright, move on people while I get it sorted out.
[23:03:12] Amburglar: sooo
[23:03:14] Amburglar: I like pie
[23:03:18] c00kie: so yeah skiel has a point
[23:03:20] Amburglar: who else likes pie?
[23:03:21] Sexyblonde: 3.1415926...
[23:03:25] skiel53: I was joking
[23:03:31] km3244 has entered the room
[23:03:33] TJHooker: I am very confused right nwo
[23:03:36] TokyoKillerQueen > Amburglar: NO. PIE IS WRONG AND YOU ARE DUMB.
[23:03:43] TJHooker: lol
[23:03:44] sexyback87: I think everyone on here likes pie
[23:03:49] neighborhoodfeeder: LOL awesome
[23:03:50] Amburglar: *WEEPS*
[23:03:51] SaggyFlabs has entered the room
[23:03:55] neighborhoodfeeder: Pi Pie smiley

Regardless of all the fire being thrown around and people's own personal views on Ferguson and where they stand on it, I'd say he definitely went right over the line by getting giddy over cop-killing, and with those horrendous muslim/etc swipes he took at the UK. He has now received a firm warning.

To neighborhoodfeeder,

Recently there was a rather heated discussion in chat involving the incidents happening in Ferguson. Regardless of the debate and where people stand on each side of the argument, a definite line was crossed by you with the below statements:

"[22:32:21] neighborhoodfeeder: just think the beautiful site of a 185 grain steel core .308 going through his vest, the beautiful pink frothy foam leaking out of his mouth"

"[22:57:19] neighborhoodfeeder: minus england
[22:57:22] neighborhoodfeeder: which is a *** hole
[22:57:35] neighborhoodfeeder: where a muslim can rape a 12 year old because its their religious right
[22:58:00] neighborhoodfeeder: where you have no basic rights as a human"

There was no need to go on and glorify the killing of police officers, and there was especially no need to take such an over-the-top series of swipes at England, especially as the person you were arguing with stated that they weren't singling out the US when discussing gun ownership. Some others in the room also noted your aggressive attitude and how you seemed to be looking to pick arguments with people in there. You can take whatever stand on gun rights/Ferguson/etc as you wish, though you must tone your conduct down when engaging with others on here from now on.

We would remind you of this part of the site rules - respect others - Please be courteous and respectful to other members at all times. Do not post anything that is rude, insulting or offensive and don't be deliberately antagonistic. Avoid posting in all CAPITALS or all bold letters as this can be interpreted as aggressive behaviour.

FF Moderation Team
9 years