Weight gain problems

lol I got the same problem, i've been meaning to buy new jeans for a couple of months now... :$
14 years

Movin' on up

Ffancy wrote
I wish I could unhinge my jaw, it would be dead useful- wait, are we talking about eating?

Good luck and have fun with it!

14 years

Weight gain - progress?

bloatedbellygirl65 wrote
I lost 10 because I don't eat fish then once we touched American soil I was gorging because I was so hungry....O.O

rofl, this is something i'd do xD
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

mistywilmot wrote
disconnectedsmile wrote
Maximum wrote
It's just such an integral part of myself and my sexuality that I don't think I'd ever be able to completely lose it.

I likes what I likes, and I can’t help it or deny it. Furthermore, why would I want to?

Both of those statements made me smile lots. Just to let you know.

lol making someone smile is always a triumph.

As for disconnected, not everyone is always content with who they are and what they like and such feelings can stem from a variety of sources which I can deffinetly appreciate.
14 years

Body changes due to gaining

the biggest thing i noticed since gaining is how my thighs now rub together, i've kinda gotten used to it and it turns me on but my god was I shocked the first time i noticed smiley
14 years


beerme wrote
I don't think I would ever want to be completely immobile. That takes a lot of dedication from a partner and even if they were into it I'd go crazy having to rely on someone for every little thing.

I'm fine with little things like needing help putting on clothes, but I need to be able to do most things independently.

same smiley
14 years

My girlfriend is losing weight

chubsqueezer wrote
She is right, you are bring unsupportive. You say she is super size, so am I wrong in thinking she's probably 150+ pounds over weight? She flat out said she is losing weight for her health. Her health is number one and that is all that should be important even to you. If you in fact find you are angry about it and can't see to understand why she is trying to get the weight under control then maybe you should look for someone who can fulfill what you desire. I am not trying to sound mean here but being upset and hurt about her wanting to lose weight for her health seems pretty shallow. You've been with her for 4 years, you must love her for more then her size, so either respect and support her or figure out if you could still be with her and feel the same about her if she was 100+ pounds less. Chances are if she is super sized, she will lose a lot of weight rather fast then plateau and it will become harder. Also keep in mind, if she feels better about what she's doing, she will have more confidence, feel sexier and you might just benefit from that.

*thumbs up* smiley
14 years

Zombie apocalypse for fatties

Ffancy wrote
Well, I'm going to assume that if I wake up in a zombie apocalypse, I'll discover my latent necromantic powers, so, you know, I'll be the one leading the disgusting crumbling army of zombies. Seems like a reasonable plan.

You. Are. AWESOME!!! smiley
14 years

Fattening with estrogens

lol just to state the obvious here, but estrogen is a female sex hormone which will probably have other more prominant side effects then just weight gain...
14 years