How much should i gain?

AskDrFeeder wrote
johnxyz wrote
If you have a reason to gain, the amount should be obvious to you.

I disagree.

True, someone can start easy, and see how it feels.

But I don't understand someone wanting to know how much to gain. It's like going to a bar and asking how much to drink. If you do something for pleasure, you should have some idea how much pleases you. Some feedees just want a few curves. Others want to be immobile.
13 years

How much should i gain?

Why do you want to gain? If you have a reason to gain, the amount should be obvious to you.
13 years

Friend looks worse after losing weight

Chances are she will gain it back anyway.
13 years


Wannabe Princess wrote
I guess it depends. I have 5 flights of stairs in my house and can go from bottom to top without too much problem. I do slow down when I get over half way, but apart from that its no problem usually. Depends on the person I guess. Debz

You live in a 6 story house? Sounds pretty cool.
13 years

Stuffing addict!!! must. keep. stuffing.

backagainyikes wrote
After a weight gain from continuous over eating a couple months ago, I tried to start controling my eating, but I just cant. I recently started putting on weight again around my midsection. I just CANT stop overeating.

Tonight, I had a whole steak burrito from Chipotle with chips, and then I couple hours later I had dinner with a friend at California Pizza Kitchen. It doesnt help that she eats a lot too so I felt like I didnt have to be shy. I ate a whole dish of creamy pasta AND en entire large white pizza TO MYSELF. We had dessert too!

If I keep eating like this constantly, Im scared all the weight will continue to stay in my tummy. My breasts look too small. I just love eating sooo much. But as of now, all of my pants are WAY too uncomfortable... and Im already hungry again!

Time for stretchies, and maybe a little bigger ones. Don't be uncomfortable!
13 years

When does it get in the way

Google HAES (Health at Every Size), if you really want to be more healthy. As has been paointed out, dieting does more damage than being big.
13 years

Fas that like thin girls?

34 years ago today, I met a woman who I was quite fond of. I still look back fondly on the relationship, which lasted 6 months. She was thin, short, older and had short hair. None of the things I am normally attracted to. Unfortuately, it seems that she was also a lesbian, and that part made the relationship fail. But one never knows who they may be attracted to until they meet them.
13 years

Secret crush on gaining gal

I would give it a try. What do you have to lose? You are drop dead gorgeous, so if she is into women, it would be great for her.
13 years

Regular posters on this forum - help needed!

Why not just start a new one? But the answer is simple. Eat what you like. Why eat something you don't like for the sake of gaining weight?
13 years