This girl i know

It is no fun to be with someone who does not like their body. Then trying to make it even more unlikable for her will not be fun.
13 years

Any clothing that makes you feel fat?

I would think that tent dresses (muumuus) and stretch pants would make someone feel fat
13 years

Super bowl parties-a license to gain?

But it usually takes a whole season, like Christmas to actually gain. I don't think an evening party could bring more than a pound or two.
13 years

Help! hunting for pics of male pears!

Usually pear shapes come from female hormones, so most pears are going to be females. Although some males can have a hormone imbalance.
13 years

The incredible reality

I can understand some costs. Very large clothes have to be ordered from places that make them on demand (they don'ty make them until someone orders them.) There is also a lot of discrimination, and large people make less money, if they can find a job at all. Fat people have to buy two plane tickets to fly anywhere.

But, I really don't understand food costing that much more. Regular Coke costs the same as Diet Coke. Hamburger is cheaper than steak, and is more fattening. Potatoes cost less than most produce, but is the most fattening. Pasta is pretty cheap. Most people do not need that much more food to gain weight. Desserts and ice cream can be costly, but can be cheap too. Store brand snacks can be substituted for name brands, if someone is just trying to gain, and is not picky.
13 years

Realistic weight gain amount

I agree that people should not rush it. At some point, the decision has to be made to either stop gaining or become immobile. By gaining naturally, and enjoying the food along the way, it will postpone that point.

I also do not agree that so many calories equal so much weight. Everyone has a different metabolism. And even the same person will hit plateaus. Some weight is either water weight or temporary weight. If you eat 5 pounds of food, you will gain 5 pounds on the scale. When you eliminate solid or liquid waste, you will lose weight.

Unless someone is really thin with a fast metabolism, it is best just to enjoy the food and eat what you like.
13 years

Lalanne vs. burns

I remember seeing a cartoon with a feeble old man struggling with a walker. The doctor was telling him these were the extra years he promised him for living right. The extra years at the end of your life are not really all that great, if you live to be very old anyway.
13 years

Anyone see this?

I think it is interesting. I can't say I agree with it however.
13 years

Doctor lecture

First of all, you (or your insurance company) is paying the doctor. So, therefore you are the customer. You are not required to follow the doctor's orders. You are legally able to refuse any treatment.

The doctor can give his opinion, but it is up to you to make the decision. Many doctors like to play God and tell you how long you will live if you don't follow his orders. But the correct way for a doctor to state things is "this is more common with large people," NOT "If you don't do this you will die."
13 years

Anyone ever been a headless fat person...

My wife was, and she was really upset. She was filmed for a positive NAAFA story. Months later, the station needed footage for how fat people would die early. Legally, you sign a release and they can use the footage for whatever they want. The station edited her out after she complained.
13 years