I believe we have a new spammer

Just curious--if she is banned, why does her profile still show up?
13 years


Everyone has their own preference. I am definitely a chest man, but a big butt or belly can be a turn on too. One of the nicest things about looking at BBWs is how they are all different in their weight distribution.
13 years

Need advice on clothes

When you go up a band size, you need to go down a cup size. Of course, assuming that you haven't gained. If you don't, the bra will be too big.
13 years

Feeling a bit discriminated against.

People who are here and wanted to be approached, need to be specific about what they want and how they want to be treated. If you want to talk about feeding, but want to be treated politely, say so.

Those who do the approaching, need to be polite, and they need to tread lightly until they know someone wants to discuss particular things.

I think everyone needs to stick around, because it does not matter how many people you are not compatible with, it is a matter of finding one or two people who you really like
13 years

Why is it

I can understand some people being rude. But, at the same point, this is about gaining. If this was a travel site, wouldn't people ask where you have traveled to? Or if it was a knitting site, wouldn't people ask what you have knitted?

But, I usually don't have too much of a problem talking about gaining. I am polite, and remember to ask how someone is. If I ask a very personal question, I always add "if I may ask." That allows the other person to graciously not answer. I change the subject if I have other things in common. If I don't, I end the chat.
13 years

Need advice on clothes

Everyone hates WalMart, but they have larger sizes at a good price. If you gain much more than what you plan, jeans will not really work (except stretch ones which really aren't jeans) because your body will be a different shape between sitting and standing.

As far as bras, try a 34DD or a 36D. These are a lot cheaper and easier to find. Don't laugh at me or tell me it won't work before you try it. The cups would be the same size, but the band is bigger. But with stretch bras, you won't know the difference between 32, 34, or 36 because it will just stretch less.
13 years

Anti-obesity terror tactics?

By putting obesity as the same category as drugs, drinking, and smoking, rebellious youngsters are going to think it is cool to be fat. And when you take away things from children, they want it more. I know a woman who was not allowed to have one cat as a child has over 100 now. I know of another adult woman who watches Saturday morning cartoons every week because she was not allowed to as a child. Politicans need to stay out of every aspect of people's lives. We did not form governments to be told how to run our lives.
13 years

Does anyone remember...

Yes, I was there all the time. (under another name)
13 years

I made a boo boo =(

It amazes me how doctors will do dangerous WLS surgery on someone 500 pounds, yet make someone lose a lot of weight for any other surgery. My advice is get a second opinion.
13 years