I thinks it's so hot when realize none of your clothes are fitting you anymore, you break lawn chairs and can't fit in small places anymore without struggling to fit. That's where I'm at right now
I sunk the legs of a wide wooden patio chair recently it was on my Aunts lawn with other chairs so I didn't think much about flopping my fat ass in the chair.
After a few minutes my BF pointed it out and I got up and moved it back on to the patio a few feet away.
7 months
Fall asleep on my left side and wake up on my back usually but not always.
7 months
The film came up with some family conversation during the holidays and they asked me what I thought of the movie.
I said I generally don't go see movies about subjects I'm not the least bit interested in.
My Mom opened her mouth and I knew she was about to be her rude self.
I said Mom I eat a lot and I'm fat because I want to be that doesn't mean I am into feedism or have a fat based kink.
Holy cow did that get a rise out of the ladies. lol
My Aunt and Uncle looked at Mom and said OMG Mary your Daughter just owned you.
They know very well she can be overly rude to fat people in public including me.
I guess now the whole family knows I got fat on purpose. Oh well the cat is out of the bag now.
7 months
They usually don't make remakes of films that bomb at the box office.
7 months
I have seen some parts of it on YT and it seems like a low budget B movie you might see at a drive in movie
7 months
Even more irritating, I find, is people who mark “feedee” when they really mean is that they want mountains of cash sent their way. They can fvck off.
Sadly this place has become that for some.
7 months
Just because they mark it as such doesn't mean they are looking for a feeder.
Case in point I'm not looking for anything just come here to converse with old friends.
7 months
Oh yeah even more when my BF rubs it.
7 months
All good comments as to possible reasons.
Interesting subject either way.
I know when I lost almost 200 lbs my belly was like a ball sort of but hard.
When I regained the weight it was softer and super flabby.
7 months
When hugging both bellies squish together.
So hot for me anyway.
7 months