Thin boy 1

Flooded the shouts page with spam against hylia when she complained about someone still being able to pester her via shouts even after blocking them. Clearly it was him. She also reported him for stalking/etc. Have given him three days off and I've messaged her to find out more.

runningjumper 1 hour
shout: harrassment
DoctorHarleenQ 1 hour
shout: Appears to be harassing a site user on shouts
hylia 2 hours
shout: I had to delete my shout because he won't leave me alone.
hylia 2 hours
shout: He has been harassing me and stalking me for months and I dont like that after blocking me he can still message and reply to me via shouts.

hylia 1 hour
God it would be great if blocking someone meant they couldn't interact with you on shouts. I just want to talk about my blubbery belly growth and not get pestered to oblivion.
thin boy 1 1 hour
thin boy 1 1 hour
you sure are getting bigger that I know
thin boy 1 1 hour
even when a person talks well about you you block them
thin boy 1 1 hour
how big is it going to be
thin boy 1 1 hour
gee I like that a lot how are you
ccwolf60 1 hour
Wow, that's great smiley
thin boy 1 1 hour
did you block me
thin boy 1 1 hour

Also adding here that he already had a prior report on him for stalking that I'll add here where he was ordered to stay away from another woman:
Abuse report (1 day ago), from microwavedmarshmallow, about a comment
This person has repeatedly contacted me against my wishes. Made extremely rude comments that I've deleted and hoped they would just go away but they obsessively message me all day every hour or so.

Plus I'll add some other misbehaviour in his past where he apparently called another mod names (most likely Squish since she suspended him for the incident). Not certain about the other incidents since the older mod posts on him here are now lost.

3 days by Squish, 2 years
offensive behavoir towards others
Being offensive towards others and a Mod. Calling the Mod names and being rude.
warning by , 5 years
Behavoir - other
comment - get a rope, means hang yourself, written on 19 yr old girl's profile. also complaint from members re being nasty when women don't accept his advances.
one day by , 6 years
Behavoir - other
started posting right wing political quotes in shoutbox. he was suspended years ago for this. wouldnt stop then made a nother comment after made to
one week by , 10 years
Justification: Inappropriate comments in the Shoutbox

Updated info:
thin boy 1 10 years,

Edit: Adding hylia's response. Have also ordered thin boy 1 to avoid all further contact with her.
Months or years I've been here for like 13 years now and thus guy always seems to find me on whatever fetish account I make. Hes messaged me here since I was a teenager to fetlife and feabie. When I delete and come back hes like always there. Its harmless because it's just comment spam but its also... very annoying because he wants us to meet real bad and he is 63 and that's not for me.

The blocking system here makes me nervous, I dont like that he can see everything I post and is able to comment on shouts directly.
5 years

Reported scammers - new 3 strike rule

Thanks for the update here, will remember this. smiley I remember thinking to myself that a three strike system of reporting might be a possibly good way to go about it.
5 years


enllac 4 months,

He came back again and started talking about the exact same stuff about fattening children. He said the exact same thing that Amatrix quoted him as saying early in this topic. His email is a dead giveaway. Banned.
5 years

Fake females thread 3

AlissBonythonnew 48 mins,

Joed/Joseph Donnelly does the 'alissbonython' for the third time. He can keep pushing it but we know it's just stolen photos. Banned this one too.
5 years

Picture search downgraded

Nothing wrong with feedback. Feedback is valuable to gauge people's feelings towards changes or lack-thereof.
5 years


Lots of dribbling from them I see including that 'jews taste gross, same with browns' and 'feck jews' along with some fat hate ('at least I have someone that likes me unlike you fatty fecks, go on a diet ' ) . They got time off for bad behaviour before and they've gotten even worse now. Only here to cause trouble. Last time they said they weren't even actually into all this either. Banned.
5 years

Game of thrones

And it's all over now. Final episode has officially finished airing.
5 years

So what games are you playing?

Golden Sun: The Lost Age.
5 years

Game of thrones

Last episode airs in just over an hour or so.
5 years

Picture viewing options gone

There's been a few posts about this already, here's a link to the topic in the feedback and suggestions forum:

new search feature on pics and videos

Basically the drop-down select/prompt is gone and has been replaced with a search upgrade/memorization. Once you've searched for something it will use cookies to lock your choice in whenever you look at pics/vids until you change it. For example if you search for female pics you'll only get those until you manually change it.
5 years