The zodiac has changed.

The zodiac hasn't really changed. It has always been like a new age religion. Which sign you are and what that means to you is only a matter of faith.
13 years

Favorite guitar solo

I love guitar solos. I can appreciate just about any song so long as it features an electric guitar. As far as my favorite goes, I don't mean to be cliche, but DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames has to be it. Pretty much anytime I hear that song, I involuntarily air guitar. Nightwish - Over the Hills and Far Away is another favorite of mine.
13 years

Favorite bands :)

There are plenty of bands that I really like, but Nightwish, GWAR, and Stephen Lynch are my top 3. Dethklok is an honorable mention.
13 years

What book(s) are you reading right now?

Right now I'm reading "The Internet Now in Handy Book Form!" by David McCandless. It's a brilliant parody of the internet in general, and looks very authentic. If anyone remembers that one-page site that was being sent around a couple of years ago, Porn for Girls By Girls, that's basically a scan right out of this book. Unfortunately the page no longer exists or I'd post a link.
13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

The goriest film of all time has got to be Dead-Alive. It was made nearly 20 years ago, but no film has yet to come close. It has more blood and guts than Saw and Hostel combined. In fact, it's so over the top with the gore effects that it's impossible to take seriously, and it ends up becoming a comedy. Maybe that's why nobody has mentioned it yet, because it's so ludicrous that it's no longer gross.

As far as a film that had an effect on me, it takes a lot for something to actually gross me out these days (thanks, internet). I would say that one of the only films I've seen in my adult life that has made me feel ill is Deadgirl. Here's the basic plot. (WARNING to the sensitive, it's pretty sick) Two guys in high school go hang out in an abandoned mental hospital. They end up getting lost in the basement and find a storage room where there is a lone female zombie chained to a bed and left in the corner. Instead of getting the hell out of there, they decide to use her as their personal sex slave for the next few weeks. When one of them gets obsessed with it and invites all of his friends down there, you know that the only way that this can end is very badly. Like the human centipede, it's not too graphic, but it's the concept that's gross. Does it count as rape or necrophilia? That's a question I never thought I'd have to ponder before.
13 years

Glee's new plus sized story line

God damn it. This bothers me. I really dislike Glee, but on the other hand, I love Ashley Fink. The idea of the most popular show on television prominently showing a subplot where one of the most popular male characters on the show develops a love for fat girls and isn't afraid to shout it from the rooftops, it's just too cool to describe. You know what this means don't you? It means I have to start watching Glee now. I don't have a choice in the matter anymore.
13 years

Personal theme songs

Way back in high school, my friends told me that my personal theme song had to be "This Is The New Shit" by Marilyn Manson. I'm not sure I agree with them, I don't think the lyrics reflect my lifestyle, but they seemed convinced of it at the time.
14 years

My girlfriend is losing weight

I don’t think I have been rude in the way I have acted with her. Keep in mind that after the first week or so of her weight loss, everything I have been thinking or feeling about this has been completely internalized. Since that time, everything I have been saying to her about it has been supportive. The only thing that gives away my real feelings about it has been my body language, which I have tried to suppress, but without much success.

Originally when I tried talking her out of it, I had done so only by suggesting that there were other ways to stay healthy besides going on a rigorous weight loss regimen, such as eating healthy home cooked meals with vegetables and getting some mild exersize, and that missing those pieces was probably more to blame for her health than her weight. Was this an incorrect statement? When I asked her not to talk to me about it, I tried to be as polite as possible, telling her that I am supportive of her health and love her, but would feel much better if she didn’t tell me about her progress or weight loss methods. Is that such an unacceptable request? Apparently so, because she refused to grant it.

For the vast majority of our relationship, I have been sensitive to her, and have carefully chosen every word so that it wouldn’t hurt her feelings. If she does or says anything that upsets me, my favorite method of dealing with it has been to rationalize it or ignore it completely, unless it's a very important issue. The problem here is that I’ve been doing that for months, and I still don’t feel any better about this. I posted this here because this site is literally the only place I can go for some advice where there was a chance that people could see my viewpoint. I’m not asking for advice to leave her or make her stop, because neither of those things is going to happen. I just thought that I may have been missing something that could improve the dynamic here, or even just give me some peace of mind.

Damn, at least make an effort to read my second post in this thread before passing judgment on my character.
14 years

My girlfriend is losing weight

The thing is, I’m actually really glad that she’s feeling better. Her health has really turned around, and I’m happy for her. It’s still difficult to get over the weight loss aspect of that though, especially when she calls me up all excited that she’s just had a really strenuous workout, or when she tells me how much she’s just lost. Not to mention the fact when she’s made such a drastic and permanent change in lifestyle, it can’t help but affect the whole dynamic of our relationship, even beyond purely physical ways. Aside from all of that, I have the feeling that if her weight were the only thing to change lately, I’d be feeling a lot better about it, and would never have needed to post this thread. Still, if all I can do to feel better is to change my own attitude, I’ll try to do that (although I have no idea how). I still love her, and there’s no way I’m going to leave her over something this shallow.
14 years