Ssbbw adult sites?

Yes. Let us make a petition to repeal the law of gravity. Sounds like a golden idea.

We could start it by colonizing Mars. Someone who weighs 600 lb on Earth, would only weigh 228 lb on Mars. And only 100 lb on the Moon! You could get much bigger there without losing your agility.
5 years

What are you doing when you are not eating? (and what tier did you ever reach)

It would be fun to measure your gluttony by what you are doing when you are not eating.

Tier 1: Jogging, working out
Tier 2: Taking a walk, meeting people
Tier 3: Reading, watching television, playing computer games
Tier 4: Same as 3, but often thinking about your next meal.
Tier 5: Sleeping. (You constantly snack on something while awake)
Tier 6: Moaning in pain. (The only time you don't stuff yourself is when you cannot physically fit any more food inside you)

What is the most common, and what is the highest you ever reached for at least a whole day?
5 years

Pregnancy and gaining

It seems pregnancy can have very unpredictable results on a woman's body.

I know someone who was just slightly chubby, and after 3 children she is so thin she is basically skin and bones.

And I also know someone who has been very thin her entire life, and after pregnancy, she got so fat in only a few years that she can barely walk.
5 years

Travel by air?

Has anyone experienced hurdles when traveling by air, especially with cheap and crowded airliners?

What were they?

- for those with big bellies, requiring seatbelt extender?
- for those with wide hips, having to book two seats, or having to squeeze through the door or having your hips brushing against the seats while going down the aisle?

Which were the most limiting and/or embarrassing?
5 years

How to tell what type of fat body i'll have

Still, it seems weight distribution variations in men are much fewer and less distinctive, than in women.
5 years

Extreme but independent obesity?

Is anyone interested in becoming (or being with someone) as big as possible while remaining self-sufficient?

Many people on this site seem to either want to stop at a very fat but not extremely fat stage, or aim for immobility.

But what about the largest possible size where one still has some independence? Even if support is very helpful and day-to-day tasks without help are extremely difficult, but they are still possible. Barely, but possible.
5 years

Anyone want to answer a weight gain question?

There are plenty of examples of normal people in the 500-600 range who are still mobile just among models. Your demon could probably be looking at 700-800 easily if you didn't want to make it extreme like a full half ton.

Not just still mobile, but very agile too.
For example, look up Boberry, she is almost 600 pounds, but can give a thin girl a piggyback ride and run with her on her back, and she can kick higher than her head, something even many thin people cannot do.
5 years

Best things about gaining weight

5) noticeable decrease in my aerobic ability

I can understand the rest, but why do you find this a positive thing?
5 years

Please check your story section

There still seems to be a problem with the site.

First off, it's impossible to see the gender category of my stories, it's only visible if I go to edit the cover.
So I opened it for one of my stories, there was male, I selected female, saved it.
The thumbnail got deleted.
So I opened it again, it was on male again, I changed it back to female again, added the thumbnail again, and saved.
Now the thumbnail is there, but it's still male.
5 years