
THEY GOT TO BE 12 INCHES LONG! Oh wait, wrong thread
13 years

Male penis size....

Sex seems so important to a lot of people and honestly I'm unsure why. Sure it feels good, but in the end I'd rather be with somebody I love mentally that is devoted to me and I know really deep down loves me no matter what. I understand you can have that and have good sex, but I just don't really see the big deal. Don't get me wrong, sex can be pretty amazing when you are in the bed room for hours together, but honestly I get the same feeling out of runners high so maybe thats why I don't care as much as other people.

But hey, I'm not a chick or gay, so I wouldn't know about the real question haha.. I'm happy with my size. When it comes to sex I try my best to please my partner and really don't care about pleasing myself.

I've never been with a "bigger girl" least not in the 200's or anything. So I guess that might change the penis size requirements? haha
13 years

You know you're a fat admirer when

When you enjoy yourself at a buffet without eating.
13 years

Question for all the gaining girls...

Xutjja wrote
200 lbs is a lot of weight? >.>

Honestly, I'd consider 200 for a female generally to be fat....but my idea of chubby usually is around 140-150 a lot of the time lol.

I go for girls from sizes 90 to like 500 pounds, so it's not like I only like small girls, but to me I'd say 200 is the "breaking point" usually for being overweight.
13 years

The realization that your ugly

In all seriousness, i use to think I was ugly. I never dated anyone until I was in college and my first girlfriend was a older woman with a kid, so yeah. After 4 years of weightlifting, and years of running and finding myself, working on how I wanted to look and what I thought looked good on my clothes wise...I found myself and who i wanted to be. Now a days I come off egotistical, but even now I have my days where I wish I looked like someone else.

Honestly, you just need to look how you want to look to be happy. For me, it was thin, fit, ateltic, long hair with skinny jeans, british hats and v neck shirts and dress shirts haha....I love vests as well....makes me feel fancy.
13 years

Observations on straight guys' dating ads here

FriesWithThatShake wrote
Haha, I used to have a dating ad following those basic guidelines.

I gave up; and went for the more "non serious" approach.


I did that as well, and it got deleted and I got a warning for trolling. The mods on here love me.
13 years

Observations on straight guys' dating ads here

For every "annoying" or "creepy" guy, there is an "annoying" and "bitchy" girl to be their counter part. Honestly I'm sick of hearing about how terrible guys are on these sites. I'm sure there are a lot of creepers, but there are a lot of not so swell women to go along with those men as well.
13 years

The realization that your ugly

Yeah man, it's tough being ridiculously good looking...
oh wait, wrong thread
13 years


Lost boys were some badass mofo's
13 years