Why does nothing happen to grey faced trolls here?

I can't be entirely certain who the OP is referring to, but a lot of the difficulty involved is because a lot of the abuse reports received is a lot of "he said, she said" with little to no information otherwise provided.

We really do try, but sometimes it's a challenge. That said, the more details, the better. If more than one person complains, odds are they aren't all wrong, so there's that too.

And sometimes, they do get banned. One user who shall remain unnamed, earned a week long ban and it looks like I'm going to have to spend a good chunk of the afternoon removing the posted comments. I'll probably finish watching a feature length film and there will probably still be a lot of comments left. Anyway, time to keep chipping away at them.
1 year

Bug report section?

Blimp Bizkit:
I vaguely remember there was a bug report section at the very bottom, but it seems to be gone?

I wonder if it works in "feedback and suggestions" section as well 😊

I got a annoying bug telling me I got unread messages, but there is nothing new in there 😮

"Feedback and Suggestions" is probably the best place to mention things like this. I agree that would be annoying, though it's not a bug I would have encountered personally.
1 year

Deep fryers? worth it?

Okay so, I've seen some electric deep fryers for sale for pretty cheap, and I'm wondering if it's worth it. Surely there's others here who use deep fryers.

Thing is, I really do love fried boneless chicken strips. I also like fries, but only when fresh. But, going to Cane's gets expensive fast, so I don't get to do that as much as I might like. And it's not like any of the other fast food chains that specialize in fried chicken are any cheaper or better. For reference, the 25 pack of strips at Cane's is something like $38-40, and that's gone in a day or two at most, though damn if that sauce isn't delicious.. but I digress.

The cheaper ones have what look like a pretty small capacity of around 2-3 L or so. But, I don't hold huge cookouts and I live alone, nor am I going to run a restaurant, so hopefully that's enough?

It's easy enough to determine the financial impact for the most part. I know how much the frozen strips at the grocery store are, how much vegetable oil is, and that you use can use the oil 5-10 times or so.

But here's what's harder for me to figure out.. how high maintenance or time consuming is it? How much of a mess would it make? How difficult is it to clean? How long does it take to warm up the oil? For that matter, how long can I expect an electric deep fryer to last?

I have this silly dream of being able to eat more fried food. Probably not every day, but more often. But what's the reality? As I live alone, I do have to place some premium on ease of use, but of course there's always a trade off. I'm trying to figure out what that trade off ultimately is.
1 year

My personal assistant wants me to gain…

So, not just me who thinks this reads a lot more like a fiction story than something that actually happened? Good.

Much as I want to believe this, I just can't.

I will say this though.. it does seem like very good writing and it's engaging. Even if it's all fiction I still want to read the next part.
1 year

Too old?

No it's not just you. There really is something seemingly juvenile about roleplay and make believe. Adults are expected to understand the cold, hard reality and if they'd like to do something, to actually make it happen. There's daydreaming and being lost in thought, but that's different.

Hell, it really reminds me of when folks used to refer to "cybering" online. Mostly amongst those who are officially too young for this site (and I'm duty bound to ban if I discover any). I think the kids call it "sexting" now.

That said, I suppose you might find some folks of all ages who might do this if you search long and hard enough. While not too common, there's some adults who still have a sense of being a child at heart. I never had the desire to engage in online roleplay, and I completely outgrew any notions of make believe after I turned 12 or so. Even roleplay questions at some job interviews irritate me and make me think less of the company. But, some folks never really do outgrow this stuff at all.
1 year

Just my opinion but that would seem really far-fetched, unlikely, very unrealistic, and maybe even a little sad.

In the modern era, maybe even in poor taste? I might be overthinking this though.

It'd be quite a downgrade in lifestyle. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, many of the former states of the Soviet Bloc have continued to be characterized by horrendous poverty and costly food.

About 15 years ago, I met a university instructor who actually did marry a woman who came from the Ukraine. He said that a pound of beef was something like $12/lb. there, and that's at nominal exchange rates, not even purchasing power parity. And the average salaries aren't even close to comparable. Also keep in mind, that was back in '07. I didn't ask him when he married her, but presumably it was some years back. Even before the Russian-Ukraine debacle, I wouldn't be surprised if that still remained high. This instructor would still visit the Ukraine about 3 weeks out of the year, maybe to do some volunteer work and a chance for his wife to see family, so I considered him knowledgeable about the subject. Wonder what he'd say about the current situation over there now.

He also told me that a short time after she moved here, she gained 20 lbs. Pretty sure she isn't a feedee, a gainer, or anything like that either.

I wouldn't thus expect a "peasant" to be particularly heavy, due to what may be a lack of cheaper, highly processed foods over there. Although, if it's possible for someone there to be both poor and heavy, I'd like to hear about it. After all, there are very heavy people in France, even though it was my understanding the local cuisine makes this kind of a challenge.

The opposite scenario seems more realistic. Someone from such a background gets the opportunity to visit America and meets someone, where a relationship somehow allows her to stay. Or maybe there's an American tourist (business or pleasure) that she meets. Maybe the tourist is fat. Maybe a "mail-order bride" dating service is used, or maybe not.

Or since this mail-order concept can often take many months and even years (the USCIS has been cracking down, doing what they can to ensure it's "real" and not just some sort of immigration fraud).. maybe after each visit to the fat man in America, she comes back fatter each time.

Anyway, just kind of spitballing here. Take it for what you will.
1 year

Great food in dallas?

Kind of curious what kind of answers folks might say. I've lived here for years and I've yet to get any good answers to this question.

I was briefly chatting to an FFA but then she stopped replying and never got an answer to that question. Maybe it's due to my lack of pictures and not being heavy enough yet. I also live alone so I'm not really motivated to eat out at sit-down restaurants. If I'm in the mood for takeout it's typically one of the chains that's not exclusive to DFW. If I go out it's typically bars, but then I'm there to drink and hang out with the other regular patrons, not eat.

Whataburger is probably the least bad fast food place for burgers but, pretty sure you have that in Pearland so meh. Though as regional chains go, it's the least bad one I've experienced.
1 year

Big chapter dump or space it out?

Just my opinion, but... post the entire thing in one go, or don't post it at all. Don't add chapters over time. You might be thinking.. why? Don't TV shows release new episodes once a week?

TV shows do release once a week, but often times the story and plot line of every episode may very well be determined before the season premier. Then it's a question of the actors and set staying on script.

Alternatively, you could write the entire story in one go and post new chapters over time like a TV show, but not everyone is able to release new chapters reliably, like clockwork. Life happens, there's schedule problems, some folks are just too busy, technical problems, or you just forget about it. I don't know if you'd be able to post new chapters on a schedule reliably, or not.

TV shows are different, since that's the entire point of the company. They will release the next episode, so you know it's coming for a fact.

There's also the risk of writer's block, which is why I'd recommend against writing the story as you go. There's a very creative aspect, and I don't believe this can be rushed under pressure.

Why do I say this? I don't read the stories very often, but if there's anything I really, really dislike and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, it's an unfinished story that the author forgot about, and it's been weeks or months. It's about 100 times worse if there's a serious cliffhanger at the end that never gets resolved. A cliffhanger at the end of a TV episode, particularly a multi-part extra long TV episode, I don't mind because I know the conclusion will come.

I don't know if you've ever played the game Half-Life 2, but if you have, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about, and the very bad feeling that was caused. Eventually, it got so bad one of the story writers basically posted the plot of what would have been the third episode (with changed names to dodge copyright laws) just to give fans some sort of closure, since it was obvious Valve had no intention of releasing another game to complete the story line. It's probably a good thing Valve Software basically doesn't make games anymore, and only really administers the Steam platform, since I'm pretty sure they burned any good will they might have had. It's really too bad. Whenever they did release something, it was a very high quality product by the standards of the time.

I'd recommend using each experience, and any feedback you might get, as advice on what the next story might be like. I know one thing I like, is when an author writes multiple stories in the same universe, particularly when any one of those stories can stand on their own. You don't necessarily have to read the others to understand it. I think this would provide a lot of engagement.

I'm asking you to consider an approach similar to what most large YouTube channels use. Each uploaded video includes the entire video, and the author builds upon the feedback he gets and takes it into consideration for the next video, and so on.
1 year

Bmi. what's yours?

I actually have no clue how to measure it but I'm most likely pretty small though.

BMI is inexact for it's intended purpose for perhaps obvious reasons, and it should hopefully be obvious when I tell you what the formula is.

BMI = (lbs * 703) / ( (inches of height) ^ 2 )

Supposedly, BMI was originally metric so the formula is even simpler, though I don't recall that formula. So, assuming your profile information is correct..

(210 * 703) / (71 * 71) = 147,630 / 5,041 = BMI of ~29.29.

It can also be used in reverse, too.

(Target BMI * (inches of height) ^ 2) / 703 = target weight. So for example..

(30 * 71 * 71) / 703 = ~215.1 lbs

That suggests if you gain about 6 lbs, you'd have a BMI of 30, the minimum number the CDC considers within the range of obesity.

It's fun in the context of feederism, but that's about it since it's so inexact. It's useless when you consider there's muscley bodybuilder types, and it's beyond useless for women during pregnancy.
1 year

New weight loss drug

Recently I've been seeing a bunch of news articles about a new weight loss drug called Wegovy.

From what I understand this is an appetite suppressant that makes people lose a lot of weight, and they call it a "miracle drug".

I'm worried that this thing will seriously reduce our dating pool, given that most people want to lose weight.

I really hope that these articles are overblowing this. A future without fat people is very depressing to me.

Looking at your profile, it says you're 22 years old. That's not quite long enough to start noticing trends firsthand, and often times folks aren't always aware of history.

I don't know if I'd worry about that too much yet. Many of these things came and went over the years. Whether there's "miracle" pills, or atrocious fad diets.

If you want to read about something gruesome, you can read up on another weight loss drug called Fen Phen. While it did increase weight loss by suppressing appetite, it caused high rates of heart problems and death so it was taken off the market in '97 and resulted in billions in legal judgements. I remember how very spirited a lot of posts on Dimensions (the only real feederism game in town in the late 90s) were in the late 90s regarding Fen Phen, and the anger it inspired.

Other fads that failed - sugar free foods, fat free foods.. remember when folks thought fat in food was supposed to be bad? Now it's carbs.

I just hope this won't end in the same tragic outcome that Fen Phen did, because that was ugly.

For the last 70 years, at least, obesity and waistlines have continued to expand almost everywhere, except North Korea. This is in spite of all the various anti-fat trends and whatever else. I don't see that ending any time soon.
1 year