How much does weight gain affect breast size?

Here's an example of a recent girl that put on a ton of weight through college and her boobs didn't change size at all. I've seen this happen with many girls:

Yes my ex was much the same. In fact because she was on the pill when we started dating and went off it soon after she actually went down in breast size. She went down two cup sizes and up three band sizes 👍🏻

Most of her weight settled in the tummy, thighs and arse.
4 years

How much does weight gain affect breast size?

I’d say they’re indeed related. My wife has grown 48 DDD, which we expected as we’re four months pregnant :-) She’s gained 10 inches in her band size in the years since she had her first child mire than 20 years ago.

Just making sure I am reading this right. Your wife had a child 20 years ago and is currently preggo?

You read it right smiley My other half is 39. Had her first kid at 18.

Gratz my friend


I mean I have to ask. How many kids do you guys have?
4 years

Partner on diet. help?

I mean if she’s totally not in to gaining then probably best to end it tbh not to be harsh

But if she is into it but simply thinks she’s gotten ‘too big’ or having a moment of doubt I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

She will almost certainly gain back all the weight she looses plus. Just be supportive of it for now.
Don’t be sneaky about it be clear about encouraging her to eat, in my experience she will eventually turn back to gluttony.

In fact some of my favourite relationships have been with women who keep dieting back down, it allows me to enjoy watching them put it all back on again.

But again you want to make sure she’s on the same page. If you want a real gainer then you need a real gainer
4 years

Subtle hints that someone is into this lifestyle?

hi. new here
for me personally, i want to meet someone who is into being a feeder. but instead of asking straight up "hey, howd you feel if i ballooned to 200lb?"
what are subtle signs someone is into making a girl fat?

Most people who are even subconsciously into feeding will be encouragers. They’ll what you to eat. Always a good idea to look for someone who likes cooking.

If your already dating if they like to grab or touch your middle during sex. My ex realised I liked her gaining because I would always grab her love and less during sex.

On top of all that if your start gaining and they like it you can usually tell. They will want you more and be more physical.
4 years

Slob play

Lately, a kinky friend of mine has taken an interest in cementing my transition into a pig and forcing a slobby lifestyle on me. So far, she's made me wear sweatpants more often, shower less, use less deodorant and drink more beer. Is anyone else into being a total slob? What types of things do you do to feel more like a pig?

I haven’t been a slob myself but I have had feedees/subs who I have introduced into being pigs and slobs. What you’ve stated above works quite well, I also didn’t allow them to shave or maintain any body hair grooming, so their body hair grows out.
If they are specifically living as my pig I’ll have their actual hair (on their head) cut short or shaved. This helps to transition them out of a classic feminine role and into that of sow, and really helps them mentally let go of any residual vanity.
And the girls usually love it once they settle in as less maintenance and less time thinking about their appearance.
Not allowing them to use knives and forks are obviously good as well.
4 years

Slob play

I think the ideal feedee is at least a little bit of a slob.
I have always encouraged my girls to ‘let themselves go’ not just weight was but in general in their appearance. Most of them find it liberating once they get used to it.
Nothing better than a growing girl on the couch in food stained trackies, once they’ve given up on buttons and zips.
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

When I met my husband 20 years ago I was a curvy 150ish at 5'4". Always on and off the diet train like most women.
He always told me he loved my bod the way it was and that any size I was would be sexy.
I never wanted to gain back then.
2 kids and several years later I was up around 220. I knew HE thought I was sexy but I just couldn't see myself that way. 😥
Then one day I saw his porn collection. 🔥👀🔥
Women ranging from 200 to 500. All gorgeous women. (Some of them are on this site 😘)
I started to see the beauty and sexuality in all that extra fat they were carrying.
Sowly but surely I started seeing my bigger self as sexy the way I was.
That's when my inner feedee and feeder came out!
Now I'm at 300 and looking forward to see what this bod looks like at 350.💋

Beautiful story, glad you found someone who could help bring out that side of you.
4 years

Getting fat and staying healthy?

I would argue avoid junk food. Good solid whole foods just lots of it.
I use good hearty pasta’s, home made sweats that aren’t as high on sugar but have lots of good fats and creams.
Cooking for a feedee is a good way to be sure the food has lots of nutrients and isn’t just garbage
4 years

What is your favorite "fat shape"?

I love a good pear. As far as I’m concerned this is the most feminine shape a woman can have.
Big hips, large thighs, huge but, cute waddle. 👌🏻
There’s something about the smaller bust with a bigger belly that is very appealing as well.
And you have to love a double chin and round face.
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

I can’t speak for men but of the women I’ve dated in my life I wouldn’t say any of them were actual feedees when we started dating.

Most of them were thin or at least not particularly thick. I’ve always made It clear with women I see that I love cooking, I love a woman that eats, and I am a bad influence.

I have found that most of the women I have dated will be very negative about the idea of gaining weight at first. I would argue this is a socially learnt trait that is pushed on women pretty heavily.

Yet when I bake up a batch of brownies or cakes, they eat with wild abandon while declaring something like ‘your gonna make me fat’.
To which I will declare I can stop making sweats if you are worried about your figure, but I don’t mind you gaining weight.

99% of the time once they realise I don’t care if they put on weight they stop caring too.
The important point to make is it is about what they want. I make it clear what I like, but also always make it clear I support them being happy in their body. The level of toxic and control behaviour that can go with feederism is a real issue that should be avoided at all costs.

My first serious girl friend made it clear after putting on a bit of weight that she loved the weight she put in but did not want to gain more.
So we did what we could to keep her in that realm. (Side note she got married years after we broke up and has about 5-6 kids now)

So I suppose my long winded point is most women I have been in relationships with quickly gave up on being thin when they realised weight gain wasn’t a huge issue.

Having said that if you want someone to get very big this would be a different keetle of fish. Most women I date sit at around 160-180lbs after we’ve been together for a year or two. I am not looking to see someone go into the 300+ this is a much bigger commitment.
4 years