Buffet troubles

"You been here 4 hour! You go now!" Lol was that Kevin Meany?
3 years

What's your fantasy?

My ultimate fantasy is to be in a bisexuality relationship with a female that worships my belly. I want her to constantly be grabbing my rolls, especially when she's pleasuring me.

With that big gut it would be a full time job....one I'd do for free!
3 years

Many looks....

I have noticed a few peeks, but my favorite is the co-worker who looks at my belly, then starts adjusting her Spanx. I find it a wonderful compliment! 😂😂😂
3 years

Where should i post new content?

There hasn't been much I haven't enjoyed on FFs story pages. I think it's a great place to start, you'll get a lot of feedback and maybe some pointers. It can be annoying if you don't save your work frequently as the boot is always lurking lol
3 years

Looking for someone taking requests

Hey, I hope I don't come off as rude in this. I'm looking for someone who can help me bring my character to life in a drawing as I suck at everything I've tried.

I was going to make a 3D model for my game but that didn't work so I'm not even sure about making the game anymore. (Maybe I'll make something else instead)

I'm not that good at drawing fat so I decided I'd ask, problem is I'm flat broke. Sorry to be like this, I understand if you'd rather I delete this post.

My character is a female dragon who is hugely fat. A literal behemoth who is still mobile, I'll describe further to the person so I can describe what they need to know, (like her multiple chins and humongous belly rolls). (I can show you images by other artists of other characters that illustrates my points if need be)

I'll only really need line art (maybe even just a sketch) at the very least, I can colour it myself at least. Furthermore, I only need one angle and not multiple as I'm not making a model sheet for the 3D model (I gave up on that dream).

Thanks in advance any help is welcome, maybe I can pay you back some day if anyone takes me up on the offer. Sorry again for this.

Sadly, I have no drawing skills either, but have an idea that might help you. Have you considered bartering your gamebuilding or other skills? Or, if this is something you are planning on selling, offering a royalty or commission contract? Being broke sucks, but don't let it make you give up on your dreams. Where there's a will there's a way...good luck!
3 years

Teasing a fat pig

I LOVE teasing fat girls.

But squeezing fat rolls, telling them what pretty little pigs they are, pinching and fondling chub, ugh.

Sounds lovely! Shame you're so far away. 😥
3 years

I miss buffets

I'm dying for them to open. I bought a discount card for one in January and only used it twice. At least there's only one I have to drive past and be sad about it. Vegas must be hell, they're everywhere lol
3 years

What ideas turn you on?

A voluptuous vixen who would sit in my lap and feed me messy cream and fruit filled pastries and ice cream until she's fighting with my belly for room on my lap
3 years

Profile verification concern

This is why we need profile verification :

Because feederism is the next internet scam fad? It's being brought into the light via interviews, exposes, YouTube channels, etc. What did you think was going to happen? What would the generation of money for nothing possibly do with this information?

She seems akin to a homosexual stripper to me. Fantasy material provided, you're still jerking off alone at the end of the night. Is this not expected? If their content that they're selling is bad, won't people stop buying it? Not making any money would give them reason to quit pretty quickly. If the problem is that there is no content, well...how often do you pay for any other product or service you haven't received? A paid membership is enough to get you photos, videos, stories, etc that are readily available and accessable.
Are your verified legit pros really into their customers? Is it love? Or are they (like any other sex worker) just making money selling whatever fantasy the customer wants to hear? It's a fantasy site. Everything is a lie, to some extent. How do people not understand this?
3 years

Profile verification concern

I'm objecting to the possibility that a few months/ years down the line it may be that ALL profiles must be verified in order to access basic features. This would in my opinion be a disaster and render this this site unusable to me.

Agreed. As someone who is not on this site to buy or sell content I see no reason I need to put my personal information at risk.
3 years