Feedism in movies

Okay everyone, let's chat, shall we?

If there's going to be a movie where the main character gets fat (either by accident, or on purpose), what is it we're looking for?

Do we want a movie ABOUT feederism, where the characters have the fetish in question, and the plot ensues from there, or do we just want a movie with weight gain IN it, with no acknowledgement of the fetish whatsoever (save for, perhaps, behind the camera, with the director, writers, maybe even the actors)?

Personally I could go either way, beggers can't be choosers, after all. But what do you think?

There is porn! If it was to be a feederism movie it whould basically be porn. Plus a few extras.

If you want to make an actual movie revolved around feederism ,then you trully need to look around you and see how people are suffering. Because if you trully want to make an actual movie, you should also make one of its goals, the betterment of society. Because it takes human effort and it's for other people to see.

If you want to make people dumber (in the sense that they can't think on an intellectual level) then present them with loud, empty media! And making a feederism movie whould be kinda like this! (just like the FEED - 2005 was a terrible movie!)

So yeah! Bad idea to make a movie revolved around feederism, there is little point to have it even on some corner of the film, let's say. It might be useful, but.. Who knows!

Just do a porn movie xD


A creative you are not.

Good media does not have to have to better society or preach a message to be good. There are plenty of examples of media that try to do that and suck. You also do not need to make porn to make a feedist story. That's a very narrow way to explore sexuality.

For example, you can make a story about a long-term feedist couple and their love story.

The two meet in early adulthood. The one is a business school graduate working as a server in a restaurant. The other is a line cook who wants to be a famous chef with a line of cookbooks. The two get together and try to make the line cook's dream a reality. The business graduate is the manager and taste tester, while the line cook crafts the recipes and makes the dishes.

They fall into a feedist relationship over time. The chef cooks and the manager eats. Food and a metaphor for love would work well here. Bonus points if the manager gets fatter the more successful the chef gets.

That's wonderful, but it is revolved about love then!
10 months

Feedism in movies

Okay everyone, let's chat, shall we?

If there's going to be a movie where the main character gets fat (either by accident, or on purpose), what is it we're looking for?

Do we want a movie ABOUT feederism, where the characters have the fetish in question, and the plot ensues from there, or do we just want a movie with weight gain IN it, with no acknowledgement of the fetish whatsoever (save for, perhaps, behind the camera, with the director, writers, maybe even the actors)?

Personally I could go either way, beggers can't be choosers, after all. But what do you think?

There is porn! If it was to be a feederism movie it whould basically be porn. Plus a few extras.

If you want to make an actual movie revolved around feederism ,then you trully need to look around you and see how people are suffering. Because if you trully want to make an actual movie, you should also make one of its goals, the betterment of society. Because it takes human effort and it's for other people to see.

If you want to make people dumber (in the sense that they can't think on an intellectual level) then present them with loud, empty media! And making a feederism movie whould be kinda like this! (just like the FEED - 2005 was a terrible movie!)

So yeah! Bad idea to make a movie revolved around feederism, there is little point to have it even on some corner of the film, let's say. It might be useful, but.. Who knows!

Just do a porn movie xD
10 months

New on feederism

Thank you, I will take a look.

I started talking about it and he got interested. I want to start calmly so as not to scare him hahaha.

I actually realized that I don't even know exactly what I'd like because I never opened up to that side of me

Im really curious about this, could you update us on how this goes? (what are the good moments, what are the moments where you feel you need to be more careful, ect!)

Sure, I would appreciate it. He's more open to it than I thought, so I can see good times ahead. we already have a great relationship i just wanted to explore that other side that brings me so much pleasure.

Im glad to hear that!
10 months

Food getting more expensive

I have found fatting foods are getting a lot more expensive. Even my favorite takeaway mcdonalds. Anyone else struggling wirh this? What are some good cheap healthish alternatives?

I read an article a few months ago about the steadily increasing prices on everything. Basically, companies are increasing prices as much as they can get away with. Prices hiked during COVID thanks to supply chain issues. People took it on the chin and shelled out the money.

I expect this to level out over time, but the pain will be real.

That said, it's better to cook than it is to order out. Stock on staples. Buy in bulk if you can. That way you can make a lot of high calorie food for cheap.

Supply chain issues is the result of profit maximization. If you care to learn about it, here, watch this:

This is? Basic information? Not even close to groundbreaking.

Indeed, it's basic information i intended to say to everyone to check it out because very few people are in a position to actually realize what's going on!

It's like how the system crashes on 4 to 7 years on average, and media always pictures it like it was some externality which caused it! That the system is sensitive, not that it's unstable!

People have to learn about this!
10 months

Food getting more expensive

I have found fatting foods are getting a lot more expensive. Even my favorite takeaway mcdonalds. Anyone else struggling wirh this? What are some good cheap healthish alternatives?

I read an article a few months ago about the steadily increasing prices on everything. Basically, companies are increasing prices as much as they can get away with. Prices hiked during COVID thanks to supply chain issues. People took it on the chin and shelled out the money.

I expect this to level out over time, but the pain will be real.

That said, it's better to cook than it is to order out. Stock on staples. Buy in bulk if you can. That way you can make a lot of high calorie food for cheap.

Supply chain issues is the result of profit maximization. If you care to learn about it, here, watch this:
10 months

New on feederism

Thank you, I will take a look.

I started talking about it and he got interested. I want to start calmly so as not to scare him hahaha.

I actually realized that I don't even know exactly what I'd like because I never opened up to that side of me

Im really curious about this, could you update us on how this goes? (what are the good moments, what are the moments where you feel you need to be more careful, ect!)
10 months

Food getting more expensive

The fact that everything else other than wages has gone up is a product of the way capitalism functions! Employers, as a social role (which more or less controls wages) are always, with zero exceptions, subject to the reality that cutting wages down, leaves more money as profits! The solution lies in the abolition of employer - employee division of society, which requires a new socioeconomic system that will not create social classes (like, employer - employee, or lord - surf, or master - slave)
One example, in the microscale of things, is worker-owned cooperatives. They're basically businesses that run democratically, without a board of directors, or owner, who has dictatorial authority over decision making on the production of goods and services!

Is that easy to pull off? No. Not at all.

Is it something we have to work towards? Apsolutely!

I don't know if i explain it well enough, but i hope you understand, comrade! c:
10 months

What do you look for when making a friend on here?

Okay! Well, one of the things I'd like on a person, is the ability to discus in a calm sense about politics! (yes, im that kind of person)

Is that even possible? I've had political conversations with people where we agree with each other about everything. I can promise you that neither party was calm.

Of course, so long as that particular version of "calm" is relative to the topic! 😂

But i did have an experience where i was talking from an anarcho-communist stance, with someone who labeled themselves a fascist, and it was surprisingly calm! (Im sure i put them into some thoughts)
10 months

What do you look for when making a friend on here?

Okay! Well, one of the things I'd like on a person, is the ability to discus in a calm sense about politics! (yes, im that kind of person)
10 months

Consensual... abuse?

How do i even call it?
(also trigger warning)
I have this fantasy of being in the hands of a really strong feeder lady, and in it i love the aspect of her, playing around with my weaknesses in order to make / keep me gaining without asking. So that she can make me so fat that i end up being trapped with her.
For example, she can force me to have sex constantly, in ways that will make me incredibly addicted to her f*king me. Then she starts abusing that addiction by making me drink weight gain shakes everytime she's about to ride me, so much that i end up passing out right after sex. I even like the aspect of her low key threatening to beat me if i dont keep eating enough.

I know this is crazy, and i somehow ended up in a place where it turns me on a lot, i just wanted to know how realistic whould this be to play out in real life. (and what whould the safest way be)

This is feedism-based BDSM. Looks like you got a mix of sado-masochism, bondage, and consensual non-consent.

All of this is fine so long as you have clear boundaries between play and reality. If you don't, you are going to end up in a place you don't want to be.

How could consensual non-consent work on this? Im really curious

It's a little different for everyone, but there are some general guidelines.

Clearly discuss boundaries beforehand.

Have safe words and/or gestures for when things get too much for you or your partner.

Understand that both parties can revoke consent at any time. Make sure this is respected.

Do not skip the aftercare.

This seems to be oriented per-session. Do you think it whould be the same if it were to be contunious? (24/7, until one of the two wants to break out of it) so that it could have the possibility of going on, indefinetely?
11 months