How fast heavy cream will effct?

I use heavy cream years ago. It were 3 weeks and week break during 2 months.
1/3 liter per day - about 1000 additional kcal.

It was crazy time because then I drank heavy cream, GOMAD and eat bigger meals.

Drinking a gallon of milk every day sounds like far more trouble than it's worth.

Your profile says you are Polish. Milk costs on average 4.35 zlotzy per liter. 4.35 zlotzy comes out to about $1.09. This doesn't seem too bad until you remember that a liter is about a fourth of a gallon. So that brings it to about 17.40 zlotzy or $4.36. That comes out to 121.80 zlotzy or $30.52 for a week's supply of milk.

And that's assuming you can fit all the milk inside your fridge. Maybe you don't mind multiple trips to the store, but a lot of people try to go at least once a week.

All that aside, the GOMAD diet is actually dangerous.

Mathing gonna math - lol

I'm giving my MVP trophy to Munchies for not only doing the money conversion, but then the metric one, too!
9 months


My weight isn't even if half yours. But in my country (family etc.) I heard comment about my weight: most of about health and fit.

I have in my family cousine who's now about 450 lbs (most of life +/- 170) and rest of family called him black sheep.

Now I'm closing 200 and trying to resist new comments. But I'm ONLY 198 😣

For some people, comments are a turn-on, but everyone is different. If anyone, family included, makes comments that make you feel uncomfortable or disrespected, you always have the right to set your boundaries.

"I know you care about my health, but I'm not comfortable with comments about my body."

"I'm going to ask you to please refrain from commenting about my weight. Thanks in advance for understanding."

"I truly am thankful for your concern, but it hurts my feelings when you criticize my weight."

"I'm happy with myself as I am."

Your weight DOES NOT make you a "black sheep", and it never will, regardless of whether you decide to gain or lose. Ignore the critics and enjoy your journey!

Love this post - thanks for a great reminder and examples!!!
9 months

Thanksgiving hits a little different

So glad to hear you had such a great Thanksgiving!

I have complicated feelings for all of the major holidays that I grew up with, which sadly makes it difficult for me to enjoy their feedist potential. Ironically, yesterday was one of the best Thanksgivings I ever had because I got to blissfully ignore it, surrounded by people who barely know it exists. That didn't exclude good food though!

I'm so glad it was a good day - especially given your experiences with holidays. Holidays tend to be big emotion days - for some this is happy emotions, positive association. For others, it's not happy, or even terrible - negative association. I try to be sensitive to anyone who typically doesn't enjoy the holidays for whatever personal reason, as often the widespread commercial version of the holidays make them seem all positive and cheery.

I'm happy that you were able to make it a positive day - in whatever way you wanted to celebrate or not celebrate! (And glad you got some good food at least!)
9 months

Thanksgiving hits a little different

**Sorry - slightly long post warning!**

Happy post-Thanksgiving to my United States, China, Brazil, Japan, and other friends here! And to those of you who didn't celebrate the holiday yesterday - know how thankful I am to be a part of this community, and thankful for how each of you help to support, celebrate, and encourage the visitors of this site.

On to topic: This was the first year that I was feeding myself for Thanksgiving dinner.

I've had a few of these holidays in which I was piling food onto a plate for a feedee, but this year the feedee was ME.

It is an AMAZING holiday to be stuffed - dear Lord. I am STILL full.

Loaded mashed potatoes, buttered squash, turkey covered in gravy, buttered dinner rolls, STUFFING. Oh, man - it was an incredible experience to be secretly aroused at the dinner table while I just kept encouraging myself to take another bite, and another, and another.

And then, when you can't eat another bite of the main courses and sides...

The desserts. I pushed my way through three different slices of pie and a cheesecake.

(I managed to get my first family friendly comment - "You look like you have a little room in there for another slice." I was super turned on accepted the challenge.)

I have ALWAYS loved this holiday - feederism aside - because it gives us time to be grateful for things in our lives, and for time (hopefully) spent with good company. As a feeder, I've loved this holiday for the immense amount of food choices that I could tempt a broad audience with throughout the day.

But to be completely stuffed - just packed up so tight that it's a little hard to breathe - and for it to be celebrated?

It just hits different. smiley

How was everyone else's experience?
9 months

Dmv meet up group

Hahaha! I thought this was about the Department of Motor Vehicles, and was realllllllly curious as to what the heck weight gain and license plates had in common.
9 months

Bringing up feedism to a therapist?

I saw my therapist for something else entirely but eventually brought it up. Best decision of my life, and is the only reason I got the courage to be here now and to tell my partner. If they're kink friendly, I can't imagine a problem.

This is heart-warming! I'm so glad that you found someone who can listen to you and can be supportive of your effort to live your best life!

I agree that it can be awkward at first to bring it up with a therapist - when I first started discussing it, I asked if it was okay to discuss body image, fat positivity, and sexual kink because weight and fat and sexuality topics often contain potential triggers for people - even with therapists. (A good therapist should be able to separate their therapist-self from their own personal beliefs and phobias, but they're still human beings. A fat-phobic therapist might find it very difficult to help you with fat-positive intentions and goals.)

It has been so helpful for me, though, to discuss my feelings, frustrations, and physical/mental outlook with them, though. I was fortunate to have someone who is very understanding and has been able to work with me on how to cope with the potential mental drawbacks of getting and being fat.

For example, my therapist will often ask me if my kink is:

A. Helping me with - or getting in the way of - my overall happiness and positive mental outlook on life.

B. Causing me any personal harm physically, mentally, and/or emotionally - including any physical effects due to added weight. If my blood pressure skyrockets, for example, then is that effect something that will negatively hold me back from other things I want to do?

C. Interfering with or supporting my relationship and life goals?

Highly recommend! I can't stress enough how much having someone who is not a stranger on the internet who can listen objectively and then help clarify my own thoughts.
9 months

This fetish never truly goes away, does it?

Not to sound bleak, but feedism reminds me of that show Dexter.. not the whole murdering part, lol, but in it he refers to his urges as his 'dark passenger', & I tend to agree to a point. Without going too far into details, I committed myself to a weight loss journey this year.. had back issues, wanted that sorted, so I sucked it up when I moved and full sent a lifestyle change.

Even then, however, the voice in the back of my mind has never once disappeared or quieted. In fact, as I lost weight, the louder it got about how I disliked these changes. I enjoy being big, the heft, the jiggles. To the point where I daily question just giving in & 'full sending' the other direction, barring keeping my back in check with exercise.

Lol.. at this point, I suppose I'm just trying to find a happy middle ground. Where can I maintain a grasp on what I *want* and what I *need* & I guess that's as much as any of us can do. The unfortunate fact of life is rarely do those two points ever cleanly cross.

I love your connection to Dexter here, though I don't see it as a "dark" passenger - it's more of a truth about myself that is constantly ringing. Sometimes the bells are soft - other times really loud- but it's always a calling to my authentic self that becomes like an "alternate me".
9 months

Dream size for your love

For me, it's less about the size and more about the mentality. Whether a person is class 3 morbidly obese or underweight, if they feel sexy and get turned on by fat, weight gain, and/or getting someone else fat - then they are the perfect size in my book.

I've dated all different sized people - including someone who was severely underweight, but was completely sexually confident with their size and were WAY into weight gain. I truly felt like that person was perfectly-sized. Another I dated was beautifully fat with a gorgeous fat belly, love handles, squeezable fat arms and even a cute double-chin just beginning to make an appearance. But they HATED it, and detested themselves, and no amount of positive reinforcement from me would change their mind, so.... NOT perfectly-sized. smiley
9 months

Soft feeding ideas

I think it'd be adorable to arrive home a d be surprised by a "mini-bake sale". There would be a whole bunch of different baked goods arranged on the table with little price tags.

The feeder plays it off like they are running a practice bake sale, and they need their feedee to provide input about each of the products and if the prices are set accordingly. "Here - try these gooey brownies. Would you pay $5 each for them?"

The feedee has to provide input about each dish and of course sample them all... multiple times.
9 months

Bellies touching

Both my spouse and I are fat, I love it when we hug each other since our bellies touch. With me getting fatter it feels better with every pound we both gain

this makes my heart happy
9 months