Are there any non-creepy guys?

okapi wrote:
I like talking about sex! To a large extent that's why I'm here. If I wanted to seriously discuss computer programming, martial arts, board games or exotic rodents I'd find a more appropriate forum. It is possible to talk about sex and feederism without getting all creepy though, you just have to know how and when. I doubt "im gonna feed you 53 cupcakes an do u from behind" from a faceless stranger is going to win anyone over.

Erm, that would SO do it for me (without the txt spelling, anyway)!!

Even aside from the fact it would be awesome *cough* a remark like that would make me laugh AND is so much more interesting than "hi, how are you doing today?" I hate questions like that - basically it makes you feel like you've got to come up with some interesting and witty content when they've given you absolutely nothing about themselves to work with.

But also totally agreed regarding talking about sex. This is a fetish/sexual preference site, so there's no point trying to beat around the bush (unless that turns you on) that most of us who are here for the feederism aspect will probably want to talk about that with people who share our interests.

There are however lots of people on the site who aren't into feederism. Nothing wrong with that, but if you treat the site as a place to make general friends or as a dating agency when you're not into feederism, you may find that people appear creepy when they're not.

I was wondering what makes a guy "creepy" if he talks about the subject matter of the site? Launching into invasive/personal/dumb questions of a sexual nature before you've established that they'd be welcome is probably creepy. I'd say it's only creepy if the person just seeks fap material without thought to the real person who they hope will provide it.

Other times I imagine unwelcome or inappropriate questions/messages/approaches are down to sheer gaucheness or poor social skills rather than creepiness.

This is a very unfocused post. It's too hot to think straight.
10 years

Uk plus size clothing shops

[b]bbwildrose wrote:
T.M. Lewin have wool suits in a size 20 if that's any good?

OMG thank you so much, I'll check it out!! Never knew they did ladies suits, let alone up to a 20!! Here's hoping it's not a small 20 haha. Thank you x
10 years

Uk plus size clothing shops

I've just had a major epiphany with Debz's recommendation for

I had despaired of finding a plus-size retailer that does designer/good quality clothing - I think Navabi might be fat-girl garment nirvana. Their stuff isn't cheap but they've got a half-price sale on at the moment with thousands of pieces in it, check it out!!

Ordered a ton of stuff, will report back re quality, sizing and how accurate the descriptions are. Fingers crossed.

Can anyone help with this:
The only thing I still can't find is a black suit for work (I have to wear one every day, so need several in my wardrobe) that's made of wool. I used to be able to buy natural fabric (usually very fine wool) suits from Austin Reed but they only go up to a (very small) 18. Traditional wool suits are great because they're breathable, cool in summer and warm in winter.

I now usually buy suits from Next (excellent range and not bad on fit and smartness) but they are always polyester and this makes me come out in an eczema-like rash especially in hot weather, probably because it's not breathable, and they get very sweaty and hot. I minimise this by wearing a cotton t-shirt under the jacket but it's still like wearing a plastic pac-a-mac!

If anyone knows of a plus-size retailer doing traditional fine wool suits, pleeeeeeeease let me know! NB. linen etc is no good, it gets too crumpled.
10 years

Curvy lady used in music vid!

I love it (silver catsuit! hair! dancing!) but hate the comments. Jeez, why do people have such difficulty accepting a fat woman on their screens? It's not even illegal, immoral, revealing, poor taste... chuh
10 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

Great photos, thanks Softgirl!

The ones of you, MissL and me are making my eyes go wibbly... It's like a Bridget Riley abstract, haha!
11 years

Male domination

JulesTeak wrote:
foxglove wrote:
I agree with Ruby and Essex.

From experience of the London meet-ups, they are usually female-dominated. There are perhaps a handful of extremely nice guys who turn up regularly, who by showing up (that is KEY!) and being normal and charming, have essentially the pick of the women (or could, if they chose to, in my humble opinion, and some of them do!). They are not models or geniuses (sorry guys, love you loads) but they make the effort to get to know people, they are pleasant and have some banter and personality, and are simply easy to get on with, courteous but fun lads who I am delighted to know.

I'm just saying it's not impossible and nor is it luck or difficult to achieve. It just takes a modicum of common sense, people skills, and the willingness to get out there and get to know people.

wait... I could do what now? smiley

Yes, YOU, Jules!!!! Doooo itttttt
11 years

Male domination

I agree with Ruby and Essex.

From experience of the London meet-ups, they are usually female-dominated. There are perhaps a handful of extremely nice guys who turn up regularly, who by showing up (that is KEY!) and being normal and charming, have essentially the pick of the women (or could, if they chose to, in my humble opinion, and some of them do!). They are not models or geniuses (sorry guys, love you loads) but they make the effort to get to know people, they are pleasant and have some banter and personality, and are simply easy to get on with, courteous but fun lads who I am delighted to know.

I'm just saying it's not impossible and nor is it luck or difficult to achieve. It just takes a modicum of common sense, people skills, and the willingness to get out there and get to know people.
11 years

Grappling with morality

Yep count me in.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Looks fabulous wedged into a tiny bathroom! smiley
11 years