Baked beans love em or hate em

I love them, eat at least a tin a week. So convenient as they go with so many things and they don't take long to cook.
12 years

Where you stand in "reality"

I originally came on here to fantasise and admire the girls on here. Lurking in many other weight gain sites before this one and then including this one. Gradually wanting to get more involved as I realised I could meet people with simular mindsets reguarding weight gain and generally admiring BBW's.

Friends and family have always known that I find bigger girls much sexier from years ago when I came out and said what my preference was, but I never told anyone about this site until I started going to the pub meets and party's. Rather than giving them a load of bullshit, I decided that telling them the truth was better. So friends and family now know I am on here, that includes one daughter, my son, one brother and also my wife (although my relationship with her is over now, we are still friends).

People that know me well, know I'm no shrinking violet and pretty much an open book about my personal life, within reason. I really don't mind who knows I am on here these days as I see nothing perverted, or wrong about my desires and the people I've met just seem friendly and normal (what ever that really means).
12 years

Survey results

I don't think the number can be that high as the results came out very quick. Was very surprised that masturbate only scored 10%, particularly with 68% being male!
12 years

Weight gain progression photos

Love the change and how your bikini is failing to keep your boobs from escaping.
12 years

Currently listening to?

Loads of Interpol at present.
12 years

What i love about bbw faces.

Softly wrote:
I must also agree....most people think I'm a good 6 or 7 years younger because of my smooth plump face...I think my eyes stand out more and we do look comforting and warm....however, a chubby face can be damn sexy when feeling 'hot' too......come to bed eyes....finger in corner of mouth...very enticing!!! Lol! smiley
Indeed, not only does a fuller face make you look younger and friendlier. There are also those sexy looks, that are so much more alluring on a fatter girl. It surprises me that many women don't notice this when they keep themselves slimmer/lose weight.
12 years

Vanila relationships?

Vanila sex has it's place and for many is all that is needed. However, acting out ones fantasy's what ever they may be, certainly will turn you on to a much higher degree and as a result lead to much better sex. It's a matter of balance and understanding from both sides and if one of those sides is not even going to try out the other persons fantasy I feel that is a little unfair to say the least.

As long as the fantasy doesn't harm the other person then it surely would bring the two people closer together. Feederism and the fantasy's surrounding it are a fetish much like many others, in that you can go into it, full on hardcore, or just dabble with it on a limited level. To not even try is very limiting, particularly when it's something you, or your partner could enjoy and lead to unbelievable sex.
12 years

Compromise or be alone?

Some very wise words from all who have posted on this topic, particularly from Wannabe princess. Even at my age I'm perplexed as to what I really want at times, but I think that is because we are constantly changing as we get older. What seemed important when we were younger doesn't always seem so important now.

I have seen relationships that looked very solid break up as the people involved found they had very little left in common, so compromise can only go so far. If you start a relationship based on too much compromise it will fail eventually unless the two people grow towards each other.

Relationships are very complicated and even when we find someone we think is perfect, it never really is. So I would say stick to your standards as you will find there is still compromise to be made in those relationships too and starting with too many compromises is just too much hard work.
12 years

Obesity "disease"

Congratulations to the Australians on becoming the fattest nation. I do love the irony that this is also the most sports obsessed nation and arguably the most successful.

It does occur to me that the USA and we Brits do very well at sport too, yet both are considered very obese nations. As far as I can see this so called disease would be welcomed by other nations if it means you end up constantly winning at sporting events.
12 years