Skinny girls for fat guys

"We are here! But Taken"

haha Story of life right?!

I don't shy from either side of the size spectrum but a skinny gal compared to me is always intriguing
11 years

Who are you crushing on?

This is still going?!


I shall not reveal any names but I must say that nothing screams 'crushing on you' like totally insulting their sense of fashion after finally managing to leave a comment....O.o lol
11 years

I secretly have the hots for..

Kristen Connolly from 'Cabin in the Woods'

Maybe it was just cause of that role.... but she looked great bloodied after kicking some zombie ass and soaking wet after climbing out of the pond. The wet hair did it.. lol
11 years

Any guy like giving belly rubs

Cake and Belly Rubs huh? I will be there in an hour with Cake and strong hands! haha

Enjoy it all dear! smiley
11 years

Ill rather be skinny then.....

So, you'd rather be skinny and not have a feeder BEFORE you put your life in danger?

Oh... wait... You'd rather be skinny THAN put your life in danger.

It all makes sense now!!!!
11 years

Currently listening to?

It's an unholy mix of Atomic Tom and the Panthers/Steelers game... Yeah, I have them both playing right now!

12 years

Rants & raves...

What grinds my gears today?

Women who are looking for a feeder, online only and continually complain they have no money to buy food with.

There is a sucker born every minute. I'm not one.

I do not believe no one is sending you money already. Let alone probably 5 or 6 people. But, don't ***ing entice them to give their money to you in hope that you may want them to be your feeder in person.

At least the Bombshells and Stuffer31 people take your money without making you hope you are falling for them.

"So, can I peek at your cam?"

"Sorry only for people who pay"

Well then, I have no faith that you are who you say you are. All signs point to you looking for an easy money making ride through life...

*Rant done* Sorry....
12 years

Greatest chat up lines that youve heard in ff so far

CurvyEm wrote:
From quite an ugly guy.

I bet you've never had a boyfriend before, some guys like fat girls I'll be your boyfriend. (paraphrased from someone in the chat here)

WOWWWW... You should have played along so you could meet up and then kick him where it counts..

Some people.... wowwwww
12 years

Nerding for nerds sake

Yeah, I think it is like Settlers. never played but the guy at the mall tried to sell me on it but, I saw the Dominion 'Alchemy' expansion and HAD to get it! hahaha

I cannot praise this game enough!!!
12 years

Nerding for nerds sake

Oh it's not like Magic really.... and not sure it's anything other than a 'board' game.

It only takes 40-60 minutes to play. It's great. I love using the Mine to get more gold, and the Village to get more actions haha
12 years