Tease me

Wow you really are turning into a piggy. As your belly gets fatter I know you won't be able to stop stuffing yourself. And a trim, athletic female feeder would love to stuff you until you are so full you can't move. I bet you would love just getting fatter and fatter you little piggy.
6 years

That one moment!

For me it was a slow evolving process. I was a fat high school kid at 205 lbs, which by today's standards would be considered barely chubby. I always liked chubby girls and have been turned on by girls gaining weight ever since I can remember. I got down to 170 lbs. and stayed there for about ten years. In my mid 30's I hit 205 again and at that point decided I was going to stop worrying about my weight and just enjoy all the food the world has to offer. I slowly gained 130 lbs. over a 12 year period hitting a high of 305 lbs. With each milestone reached during that period I found myself wanting to get even fatter and also being turned on by my own fattening. I have settled in at around 275 to 280 lbs., +100 lbs. more than when I started. I know I will remain a BHM for the rest of my life because I love to eat and am more turned on by weight gain and fat then ever before.
6 years

Some fantasizes that i must get out of my mind

Number one and three for me. Would love to be stuffed like that and stuff my female partner that way. Also, would love to have a relationship with a woman who cherished being fed, fattened and f***ked.
6 years

Mcdonald's tables are too small

Omg I feel you- I'm only 205 but after stuffing myself my belly is hard pressed against a McDonald's table... You would think that McDonald's would want their customers to feel skinnier and eat more food...?

It is ironic that many restaurants, including fast food places like McDonald's have booths, and often chairs with arms, that fat people like myself can't fit into. And I am only 280 lbs. My BBW cousin and I recently had lunch and we both asked for a table because we can no longer fit in most booths. She is particularly annoyed because she can't fit into booths at her local Subway. We are the best customers for restaurants and they should be catering to our desire to be comfortable and encourage us to linger and order more food.
6 years

Mcdonald's tables are too small

"huskier customers"

Can someone one tell me how the word "Husky", came to be used? Why not use Plus size, same as womens? I hear husky and I start looking around for a large K9.

When I was a kid I always had to shop where there were pants in Husky sizes. Its a term from the 50's and 60's. You were regular size or were a Husky.
6 years

Would you rather...(for gainers and feedees)

I would love #3 and #5. #3 would be great in a mutual gaining relationship and I would love for a female feeder to tease me and play with my fat as in #5 knowing she gets off on it.
6 years

Was a feeder now a feedee?

I am into it on the fantasy side. I used to really like female weight gain stories. I still do, but now I am more into stories where the girlfriend or wife fattens her man.

I have to agree. I am finding myself more and more turned on by stories of guys being fattened and imagining myself in that role. So hot and pleasurable.
6 years

Was a feeder now a feedee?

Finally Fat:
Yup, two fatties eating with each other, blending their fatness and kneading their own fat as they kiss and whisper together about their fat secret.

The fat secret doesn't stay secret though! It's clear to anyone that we are a fat couple of gluttons, gorged but never sated.

My wife has been quite fat for a long time. I've grown soft and plump these last few years- 50 lbs so far. It's so sexy to be the fattened one. She knows how much I like fattening- I made her so fat now we're making me fat too.

Nothing fits and I feel as fat as a pig. Time to eat.

Wonderful description. I got turned on just reading it. Congratulations on your growing relationship. So hot!
6 years

Dream meal to feed a feedee

A dream meal to me would be lots of pizza loaded with all my favorite toppings and looooads of vegan cheese cooked just right so it's gooey, accompanied by infinite Arnold Palmers, creamy mac n cheeze, and a few pints of my favorite kinds of Ben and Jerry's. :&apossmiley I'm already drooling!

Now, to feed my partner... I'd love to stuff him to bursting with his favorite carrot cake, muffins and cheezcake. I'd make him so round and bloated from sweets alone, accompanied with lots of soda so he'd get burpy too!

Oh please stuff me Sweet Little Treat. I love carrot cake, muffins and cheesecake. And add mash potatoes, pizza, sourdough bread to the mix. It would be so nice.
6 years

Preferred areas of fat in a male

I like when a dick is hidden by a fat belly and I have to lift it up to go suck it[/quote]

Oh God Cutlet, could you turn us fat guys on any more!
6 years