What do your friends, family, and girlfriend (boyfriend) think about your winning?

My family has definitely noticed.

My mom has been more concerned. (In her defense, I gained pretty quickly, so I can see why she would be.) At first, she didn't say anything. She just encouraged me to keep working out and eating healthy, even though I was stuck inside because of the pandemic. But after a while, when the weight didn't stop, she got more worried. She actually asked me if I was pregnant and just too embarrassed to tell her. Which I then had to awkwardly explain that there was no way I would be pregnant and that I was just "that fat". Since then, she hasn't said much, but I can tell she's not super thrilled with "the new me".

My sister, on the other hand, won't shut up about it. She's not mean. We have a long history of teasing each other about different things. She's four years younger than me, so she's still in college and still very active, so she's in great shape. I used to rub it in when I was faster or better than her at something, so she's loving that she can now do the same with me. She loves to call me "her BIG sister". (Long sigh.)

My dad hasn't said anything. Living in a house with three girls has taught him well. Haha.

I know someone very well, close to your age, and she has gained recently much like you. Her gain is epic and ongoing. Part of it is from emotions, and then the Covid situation worked its magic.

I have known this girl since she was a kid, and let me say she has gained 80+ pounds in her early 20s and looks cute AF.

All the women in her family are BBW so she catches zero shit from them. She's tough on herself because she doesn't care to be 230+ pounds, but she can't seem to reverse it.

Your mom will have to accept you as you are, whether she likes it or not. Make talking about weight loss a non-starter if she brings it up.

As for your sister exacting revenge, playfully teasing you about your gain, OMG this is so hot, not many girls can or will take it w/o getting emotional or angry. You're a good sport!
3 years

What do your friends, family, and girlfriend (boyfriend) think about your winning?

My boyfriend loves the gain. He was pretty chubby so I just ate what he ate and next thing you know my lovehandles are back and I’m eating more than he does. We joke about how chubby I’ve got and my ever expanding muffin top. I went to my aunts house the other day for a family dinner and she asked “what I was going to do about the weight gain” while handing me a plate of food. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to say but I knew she’d mention it because I was a lot skinnier the last time I saw her.

Your aunt asking what you were going to do about the weight gain while handing you a plate of food, she already knew the answer!
3 years

Oh, that delicious apron gut🥰

When I first started gaining I was always letting my belly/ muffin top show.
As I got bigger I let my belly peek out when wearing shirts/blouses or hoodies.
When I was over 400lbs my pants would always ride down and then my belly would stick out.
Constantly pulling my pants up over my belly.

Ladies like you give us fat appreciators reason to live! I do love seeing belly fat, side rolls, back fat, and/or jiggling thighs bulging out of a woman's clothes. (This makes me want to go to Walmart, a prime habitat for such sightings.)

It's actually gotten better since Covid. More women in Walmart who don't give AF and let it all show! Maybe with the masks fewer people seem to care about appearance and figure nobody will recognize them.
3 years

Hucow and pig play

I'm still breastfeeding and lactating over two years after giving birth. I really love it and i think the hormones from it keep me docile and hungry.

I really hope to find a partner who wants to keep milking this cow forever. Glad to see it as s topic here.

There's something incredibly hot about feeding a partner, especially after the baby is finished nursing and on to solid food. I have heard that lactation continues as long as suckling occurs regularly. Wondering how true that is?
3 years

Oh, that delicious apron gut🥰

If I was ever "caught" looking nothing ever came of it, and that's for the best. I like to admire other BBW but I'm married and not looking for drama.
3 years

Oh, that delicious apron gut🥰

I can’t wait until I have a sexy apron gut of my own to tote around it’s making me wet thinking of it

I'm forever checking out women who let their sexy fat show, whether the clothes are just "too" tight, or riding up. They have no idea how hot I find them!!!

Home Depot, Dollar Tree, Walmart, grocery stores, all prime locations!
3 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

Either two people are compatible or they're not.

Some people thrive on pain, others on comfort, others on being left alone.

If a partner's behavior is abhorrent, and they refuse to accommodate your preferences, leave.

If you can't leave due to fear, involve the authorities. A situation this bad will only get worse.

There are billions of people in this world. It's insane to waste one's life in a bad relationship.
3 years

Gaining in specific areas

It's mostly genetics. No amount of targeted exercise or dietary changes will turn an apple into a pear, or vice versa.

To put noticeable weight on the hips and thighs, the OP will need to accept a bigger belly to get there.

Which unless health, comfort, or relationship issues arise as a result, should not be a bad thing.
3 years

Am i the only person shamed by family for abrupt weight gain

yeah the me still living with my parents is the biggest reason for me not letting myself even try gaining weight to experiment, let alone just blow up

It is a personal decision of yours to make. If your family situation precludes your goals, then the solution is to seek self-sufficiency (work, save, build credit, apartment...).

Nothing good comes from complacency. I made a similar decision around your age, except it was that my BBW girlfriend at the time was not welcome by my family.

It was a decision that changed my life, hers, and my parents' ideology for the best, successful still, nearly 20 years later.
3 years

Am i the only person shamed by family for abrupt weight gain

I’ve been overweight my whole life and about 4 years ago I lost 40 pounds and actually started looking skinny. I received praise from family. Then I stopped working out and started eating more. And I kept filling out and gaining more. The heaviest person in my family is my fat uncle who weighs 250lbs but now I outweigh him by 50lbs. Can’t wait to see everyone’s reaction at Christmas when I stuff my face and let my belly hang out a bit. They will not be expecting me at over 300 pounds.

Keep us posted... You're looking great in your pics and videos. As long as it feels good to carry the weight, why not? After all, it's YOUR body, not theirs!
3 years