The feeling of that gain.

I used to be REAL thin, like 55 kg at 187.5 cm, so REAL thin.. and I was always unhappy with that.
Now I'm over 110 kg so I'm a hell of a lot larger (quite obviously so) and I've noticed a few fun things.

The other day I was driving up the road and there are some small bumps all the way.. I noticed that my entire upper body was jiggling a little bit more than previously, it was a turn on! I then purposely drove over bumps instead of trying to avoid them just to keep that feeling going. The bigger I get the more it feels wonderful.
On top of the above because most of my extra weight is in my belly I've noticed that it bounces a lot more than before and that feels great as it pulls forwards and downwards as it bounces, but to add to that the jiggling feeling the other day it was a hell of a drive!

While I don't think there are more nerve endings I do think that they get more sensitive as the skin is stretched out further, which adds to the fun.

I've also found that the sheer weight of my big gut sitting on my legs when sitting upright is a hell of a feeling and the bigger it gets the heavier it is and the more enjoyable!

Good luck, and I hope you get to experience all of the joy of getting big - I just wish I could find a feeder to help me really pile on a bit of size/weight in a short time - that way it'd all be fresh and new for a few days/weeks again, which would be cool.

I've also noticed that in the last few days when I walk I notice that the fat on/in my gut is starting to become more mobile - bouncing and swaying a bit, heheh.. it's great.
11 years

Fantasy fattener

To be honest - considering that I can't seem to find ANY feeder, or even ANYONE slightly interested in feeding me in person I'd be happy to have ANY feeder, male or female... and to have them either host me for 1 - 2 weeks to see how much they can fatten me up, or have them living nearby so that they can have me over for dinner 3 or 4 times a week for a long period of time so that I just continue to get bigger and bigger say for a year.

But hey, like I said, finding anyone even slightly interested is a mission!
11 years

You know you're a gainer when:

stufferdude wrote:
When you order more than one drink in the drive-though to make it seem like all the food you just ordered is for more than one person.

I did exactly this the other day, I ordered about 3 different things and made sure to get 3 chocolate shakes as well (it was McDonalds) and no one batted an eyelid.. smiley

So many of the things in this list ring true. I definitely always order a large pizza just for me.

Often start off the day with 2,000 kcals being the minimum for the day..

Damn, this list is just so good smiley
11 years

Fatness or basketball?

I would say gain a little first, say 5 to 10 kgs at the most.. see how you feel with it and whether or not you like the extra weight and size that you attain..
Also, you can see whether or not this extra size and weight causes any problems with your basketball.

Then the choice becomes more like which do you prefer, your increased/increasing size or your playing basketball, but you cannot possibly make any sort of informed decision until you gain some weight first and then see how it feels - after all, you might not like it!
(Or you might like it and end up like me, I keep on gaining - all be it slowly, but I'm up over 50kg since I started!)
11 years

Coming to central australia?

Want to come out and spend some time helping me achieve my goals then???

Come out, do your tourism things on a tour and then come spend a week or two with me and help me to gain as much as possible (in the time available) properly..

In return I'll show you all sorts of places the average tourist never gets to see, the stuff off the beaten track that takes a 4wd to get to.. after all, you've got to get to see my big gut bounce after you've helped make it bigger! :-)
11 years


Right, it seems I can't buy Engorge OR Black Hole and have them ship to Australia (Amazon), is there anyone on here who can order Engorge for me and post to me in Oz and I'll PayPal them the money?
12 years

Weight-gain restaurant

I'd love to work in a place where I got paid to get fatter, that'd be cool for a while until I got up to a size I was happy with...

I'd also love to go to that Pomeranian restaurant, sounds lovely.. smiley
12 years

"letting go"

AskDrFeeder wrote:
From subsequent conversations on this it seems to me that people "let go" when they realize they like eating and gaining more than they care about what others think or any other possible downsides.

Typically they will gain unintentionally and discover they like it more than they ever thought they would and/or realize that whatever they were afraid of isn't as bad as they feared.

At this point they



Ahhh... I've not 'quite' let go yet but I'm working on it.. but hey I've pretty much doubled my weight in 10 years so I guess I'm definitely closer than I used to be to letting go..

Anyone want to help to convince me to let go? Any encouragement by private message is greatly welcomed smiley
12 years